Grade 6/7A HE for Week of 8-28-2017 - TOC

Unit #1 / Left Side - Practice, activity, test show work, and CL TB pages / Page # / Unit #1 / Right Side - Guided Notes, CL TB pages, and test / Page # /
Geometry Sort / 4 / Study Jam Volume / 3
CLTB page M1-126 #4a-b / 6 / Multiply decimal notes / 5
IXL HE / 8 / Add/Subtract Decimals / 7
Study jams Divide decimals practice / 10 / Divide decimals / 9
12 / Divide decimals / 11
Divide fractions /mixed numbers models / 14 / Divide fractions / 13
Divide Mixed Numbers / 15

Grade 6/7A HE for Week of 8-28-2017

If the type is red, it is directional If the print is black, you copy as directed.

Assigned / Due / Read the ENTIRE HE Page and govern yourselves accordingly to maintain a high scholastic record and always update your TOC.
M / T / 1.  Part 1: Go to . Go to Try It! Write the Word Problems and solve. Use 2pp (show work and solution.
2.  Title - Division of Decimals (IMN page 10)
3.  Standard - MGSE6.NS.3 Fluently dividing multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
4.  Record #14 - 16 on IMN page 11. Write divide 6.85by.5
5.  Write divide7.5by.25
6.  Write 9 12 = 9 ÷ 12
8. Part 2: Go to to complete the following quizzes
before or by Friday, September 1, 2017. Your score will be sent to me.
T / W / Part 1: Go to to complete the following quizzes before or by Friday, September 1, 2017. Your score will be sent to me.
Part 2: Complete class assignment
W / Th / Go to the following site to take notes -
Optional, use a variety of color similar to the instructor. IMN page 13.
Title Dividing Fractions. Mrs. Beck is your online instructor
1.  Write the Arithmetic Key Concept
2.  Introduction definition. Write the information about
3.  Complete/Write example A and B with the instructor.
4.  Complete 2/3 divided by 3/4. Also write side notes #1-2.
5.  Try A and B on your own then check.
6.  Draw and label the following and lightly color. It does not have to be green.
7.  IMN page 14 top half of the page.

Th / F / Go to the following site to take notes -
Optional, use a variety of color similar to the instructor. IMN page 15
1.  Title Dividing Mixed Numbers. Mrs. Beck is your online instructor
2.  today.
3.  Copy the notes in blue that reference dividing mixed number.
4.  Solve the mixed number example with the instructor and write the
5.  procedures #1-3 in red.
6.  Draw and label the following and lightly color. IMN page 14 bottom half of the page.