14 November 2017 at 7pm
Cllr Mr Richard Peace / (Chairman) / Mrs Carol Hatcliff / (Clerk)Cllr Mr Steven Pask / (Vice Chair) / Cllr Mrs Alison Kennedy
Cllr Mr Lee Ballaam
Cllr Mr Martin Hill (LCC from 7:20pm)
/ Cllr Mrs Pippa Kennedy
1. Declarations of Interest - None
2. Apologies for absence – Cllr Mr Nick Turner
3. Approval of minutes - The minutes of 12 September, 19 October 2017- were agreed and signed off by the Chairman as a true record of the meetings.
4. Any other business for notification – none
5. Matters outstanding not covered on this Agenda
Playground gate still to check – Clerk to chase
Map of parish and village boundaries – Cllr Peace has obtained from SKDC – to circulate and paper copy to retain.
6. Invite Public Discussion on Agenda items – Mr & Mrs Dixon in attendance – items 10, 11, 12 were discussed as follows:
Item 10 – Although there is no physical evidence, it has been suggested that fox snares have been laid around 6’ from a local bridleway. The start of the bridleway (the lead in from the Kelby Road and part of the path running alongside hedging) is a permissive bridleway (Heyd/P014/1) only later becoming a public bridleway (Culv 1/1), which leads all the way crossing Heath Road, to Ancaster. There is known pheasant activity (they are raised and have cover here) to the right of the path. As a permissive bridlewaythe landowner can revoke this privilege (at least up to the point it becomes the public bridleway) therefore unless there is evidence of illegal activity (use of incorrect snares or failure to check them daily) the PC do not believe they can take any action here.
Item 11 – lowering of speed limit
Concern was raised about the speed of vehicles at the point the road narrows towards the Houblon Inn on Ancaster Lane – there is currently a 30mph limit.
Cllr Hill in attendance confirmed that there would be no adjustment to the speed limit at present, and likely not within next 4 years. The Clerk agreed to request a “road narrows” sign or “SLOW’ to be painted on the road.
Item 12 – maintenance to property frontage
Concern was expressed regarding overgrown branches at Cottage Farm. The PC are trialling parish wide verge cutting and this will be undertaken early Spring 18.
7. Planning - Updates:
S17/0604 – Mrs C Evans – conversion of existing barn to separate dwelling, erection of garage and demolition of outbuilding – Clowder House, Oasby – this has been approved
S17/1517 – Mr Guinness – Bramble Cottage- detailed objection submitted to SKDC who have confirmed they have had several representations in this regard This is still pending
S16/1767 – Mrs Bridget Skanski-Such -, Village Street, Oasby decision on the application to install a detached timber garden room is pending
The Clerk spoke to SKDC in relation to the pending applications on 9 November -. SKDC are in discussion with agents as there are matters of concern; they were unable to give any indication at all of when a decision will be made. It was noted that a Councillor had been verbally informed Mrs Skanski Such’s application had been declined – this is not at yet noted on SKDC’s planning portal.
8. Highways matters – update if available
Highways have confirmed road closure for 5 days at the end of November to undertake remedial work to Green Lane in Aisby
The clerk will report the onging drainage problems outside of “Pinnomar”, Oasby
and obscured speed limit signs on Mill Lane
9. Parish Maintenance – and decision on £400 quote for playground hedge works
The first cut of parish green areas was voted a success and the second budgeted cut will be undertaken in early Spring 18 (rather than October 17 as planned, given LCC had undertaken a maintenance cut).
The Clerk has reported the beck under the “weeds” section of “the big clean” – an automated response notes they will get to the issue – again a watching brief.
A quote for £400 has been received to take several feet off the playground hedge and it was unanimously voted to accept this
10. Discuss parishioners request to consider landowners responsibility to notify the public of fox snares set near footpaths and bridleways – as above
11. Discuss parishioners request to consider lowering the speed limit in Oasby – as above
12. Discuss issue raised by parishioner regarding maintenance to road frontage of properties (hedges etc) – as above
13. To consider application from St Michaels and All Angels for a £200 donation – this has been discussed previously and provisionally agreed. It is within our donation budget and unanimously agreed.
14. To decide on precept submission t SKDC for 2018/19 – (forecast figures previously circulated to councillors)
Provision for sundry repairs, parish improvements and tree surgery costs (for a possible removal of the diseased sycamore) meant the forecast expenditure increased by around £1600 to this year’s budget. As the PC do have some reserves, it was agreed the precept should be contained to that of the last 4 years i.e. £5019.
15. Clerks Report and consideration of job description and contract for replacement Clerk.
Bank statement no.73 dated 29 September 2017, showed a balance of £9319.76 and bank reconciliation was prepared to this date and balanced with the payments book. This was circulated.
The Clerk has requested a quote from Simpsons, Ancaster in respect of removal of dead branches to sycamores. Mr Simpson clarified instructions this morning and will email a quote to the Clerk for consideration.
The Clerk has requested that Mr Bowlby attends to the dead branch resting on the tree at the back of the hall. She has heard nothing further and will call again.
A few minor adjustments were suggested to the job description for replacement Clerk.
The contract of employment was reviewed and the Clerk will report back in January regarding the provision of pension arrangements if required.
The clerk will pull together a draft interview proforma for comment and will be involved in the recruitment process
16. AOB- none
17. Date of next meeting – Jan 9th at 7pm - nb – presentation and Q&A – need projector /
Clerk to submit request to Highways
Clerk to speak to landowner re cutting back overgrown branches
Clerk to report
Clerk to instruct contractor for hedge cutting
Cheque raised.
Clerk to submit request
Clerk to contact Mr Bowlby
The Clerk will amend and post on the website
Clerk to review and report in Jan
Clerk to circulate for comment
Signed …………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman
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