May Term 2014

May 14 – June 4

Application Deadline: October 15, 2013

Program Description:This joint Earlham College-Miami Universitycourse that will provide students with an experiential education opportunity, focused on visiting four European cities (and several smaller towns) that are leaders in finding urban-oriented solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Students will visit Copenhagen (a leader in clean transportation and energy efficiency), Samsoe (an eco-island), Freiburg (a leader in sustainable urban growth), Freimarkt (an eco-village), Paris (a leader in horizontal density), and London (a leader in vertical density). Once on the continent, the class will travel exclusively by train – using this as a chance to talk extensively about the differences between American and European transportation infrastructures. Before departing students will participate in a local field experience, visiting Cincinnati to explore similar urban issues. There is no prerequisite for this course. The expected size of this class will be 20-24 students, drawn in roughly equal proportion from each institution. The course would be particularly appealing to students studying environmental studies/science, politics, history, international affairs, and geosciences).

Course: Politics 399/Environmental Studies 399, 3 credit hours.

Location:Copenhagen, Freiburg, Paris, and London.

Faculty:Thor Hogan is an Associate Professor of Politics and Environmental Studies at Earlham College, where his research focus is American political history and environmental policy. Thor led this class last in May 2010. Kevin Armitage is an Associate Professor of History at Miami University, where his research focus is American environmental and cultural history, and modern social theory. While this will be Kevin’s first time co-leading this class, he has led several environmental courses in Costa Rica.

Living Arrangements:Students will be staying in youth hostels in each of the cities we visit. The program will cover all expenses for food, lodging,ground transportation, and excursions.

Orientation: There will be three to four orientation meetings during the spring semester, including a full-day field trip to Cincinnati. There will also be two modest-length books to read before the course begins.

Costs: The course fee for this May Termis $3,200. Students are responsible for roundtrip transportation costs to Copenhagen and back home from London. Tickets average between $1,000-$1,200, depending on point of origin. Occasionally there are cheaper tickets, so it pays to shop around. Students are also responsible for additional expenses such as passport (required), personal items, additional travel, books, gifts, etc. Students will be charged a non-refundable enrollment fee of $330.00. Additional tuition fees will be charged if applicable. Students may apply for a May Term scholarship which is found at . These applications are due October 1, 2013.

Application: Applications are due October 15 and are available in IPO in LBC #131 or online at Students must apply through IPO to participate on this May Term. IPO will enroll students into this course.

See May Term policies at and

Contact Thor Hogan for additional information ().

May Term Plans Subject to Change