Councillors Present: Cllr. Gerry Ginty, Cathaoirleach
Cllr. Neil Cruise
Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly
Cllr. Michael Loftus
Cllr. John O’Hara
Cllr. Annie May Reape
Cllr. Michael Smyth
Cllr. Seamus Weir
Officials Present: Mr Joe Loftus, Director of Services
Mr Paul Benson, Senior Executive Officer
Ms Carmel Murphy, Administrative Officer
Mr Eddie Munnelly, Senior Executive Engineer
Ms. Theresa Durkin, Executive Engineer
Mr John Mc Myler, Senior Executive Planner
Mr Peter McLoughlin, Senior Executive Engineer
Ms. Mary Gordon, Senior Staff Officer
Mr Aidan Mulvihill, Assistant Staff Officer
Proposed by: Cllr Gerry Ginty
Seconded by: Cllr Seamus Weir
“That “Standing Orders” are suspended in order to allow the Members adjourn the Meeting for fifteen minutes as a mark of respect for:-
1. The late Garda Anthony Golden, Louth and Ballina;
2. The Carrickmines fire disaster where ten people tragically lost
their lives;
3. The late Luke Lackey, Moy Heights, Ballina”.
The Members extended their sympathy to the family of Garda Anthony Golden who fatally lost his life carrying out his Gardai duties in County Louth; the families of the Carrickmines fire disaster where ten people lost their lives and the late Luke Lackey, Moy Heights, Ballina, who lost his life in a fatal road accident.
Mr. Joe Loftus, Director of Services, expressed his condolences on behalf of the Management and Staff of Ballina Municipal District.
Proposed by: Cllr John O’Hara
Seconded by: Cllr Neil Cruise
“That “Standing Orders” are suspended in order to allow the Members to first consider Items 7 and 8 on the Agenda”.
To note Winter Service Plan Mr Peter McLoughlin, S.E.E., updated the Members on the Districts
for 2015 / 2016. Service Plan 2015 / 2016.
The Members acknowledged the excellent work carried out by Mayo County Council and communities in dealing with treatment of roads during harsh weather conditions.
Mr. Joe Loftus, Director of Services, thanked and acknowledged the Members, Communities, Council Staff and Emergency Services for their co-operation and assistance.
To note funding for Ballina Mr Eddie Munnelly, S.E.E., outlined works undertaken to date and .
Harbour and Killala Harbour proposed works to be undertaken with Grant funding at both Killala
from the Department of and Ballina Harbours.
Agriculture, Food and the Marine
under the Fishery Harbours The Members welcomed the funding and acknowledged Mr.
and Coastal Infrastructure Munnelly’s role in enhancing the five Harbours in the Ballina
Development Programme Municipal District.
(a)To adopt Minutes of Proposed by: Cllr Seamus Weir
Ballina Municipal District Seconded by: Cllr Michael Loftus
Meeting held on the AND RESOLVED:-
16th September, 2015. “That the Minutes of Ballina Municipal District Meeting held on the
16th September, 2015, be adopted as circulated”.
To adopt Traditional Facades Mr Paul Benson S.E.O., recommended that the Grant Scheme
Grant Scheme 2016. proceed as outlined at September Meeting and answered any queries the Members raised. The Scheme is to be advertised in November and administered and managed by Mr. Kevin Keegan E.A.
The Members welcomed the Scheme and complimented Mr. Benson and Mr. Keegan for their initiative in preparing it.
Mr. Joe Loftus, Director of Services, also recommended that the Members adopt and promote the Scheme. He also acknowledged the input of Mr. Kevin Keegan and Paul Benson.
Proposed by: Cllr Annie May Reape
Seconded by: Cllr John O’Hara
“That the Traditional Facades Grant Scheme 2016 be adopted”.
To consider request for Ms. Carmel Murphy, A.O., circulated a recommendation for
Funding in the sum of €1,000 funding for Ballina Food Fleadh 2015 and answered any queries the
for Ballina Food Fleadh 2015. Members raised.
Proposed by: Cllr John O’Hara
Seconded by: Cllr Annie May Reape
“That Funding in the sum of €1,000 be granted to Ballina Food Fleadh 2015”.
To consider Invitation from Proposed by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
Mayor of Pittsfield to attend Seconded by: Cllr Annie May Reape
St Patrick’s Day Parade in USA AND RESOLVED:-
in March 2016. “That a Member of Ballina Municipal District attends the St.
Patrick’s Day Parade in U.S.A. in March 2016”.
To note update on Housing Mr. Paul Benson, S.E.O., updated the Members on the Housing
Assistance Payment Scheme Assistant Payment Scheme (HAP) and answered any queries
(HAP). the Members raised. He advised the Members that the Scheme would be administered by the Central Housing Office in
Swinford and complimented the Staff in Swinford for their input to date.
To note Tidy Towns Reports Ms. Carmel Murphy, A.O., updated the Members on results of
for Towns participating in Towns in the Ballina Municipal District participating in the Tidy
The Tidy Towns Competition Towns Competition 2015.
2015 in the Ballina Municipal
To note update on funding Mr. Paul Benson, S.E.O. replied to queries raised by the Members.
for Multi-Use Games Area
(MUGA) in Foxford. The Members welcomed the funding.
ITEM 10:
Update on Ballina Municipal Mr Benson, S.E.O. and Ms. Theresa Durkin, E.E., updated the
District Works Programme Members on the Districts current Works Programme and answered
2015. any queries raised by the Members.
ITEM 11:
Planning Report. The Planning Report was noted as circulated.
ITEM 12:
Notices of Motion.
[A] “I call on Ballina Municipal District to maintain street lighting on housing estates that are not yet taken over by the Council”. Cllr Seamus Weir
A Report on the Notice of Motion was circulated to the Members and it was agreed that a Workshop on Taking in Charge of Estates would take place to deal with this matter.
[B] “I call on Ballina Municipal District in the interests of Health and Safety to construct a footpath to the Paddocks Estate on the Church Road, Ballina”. Cllr John O’Hara
A Report on the Notice of Motion was circulated to the Members.
Proposed by: Cllr Neil Cruise
Seconded by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
“That a footpath be constructed to the Paddocks Estate on the Church Road, Ballina, subject to the necessary funding being secured from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport under the 2016 Low Cost Accident Scheme”.
[C] “I call on Ballina Municipal District to remove three sharp slopes at Carrowcushlawn, Ballina. The sharp slopes on this road prevent local residents and all road users easy access onto the main road”. Cllr John O’Hara
Mr. Joe Loftus, Director of Services, advised Cllr O’Hara that a Report had not been prepared on this Notion of Motion as the precise location could not be identified. Cllr. O’Hara agreed to re-submit the Notice of Motion for a future Meeting.
[D] “I call on Ballina Municipal District to take-in-charge the road at Kilcummin Backstrand in Kilcummin, Carrowmore-Lacken, which is in the process of being brought up to standard by Mayo County Council (LIS Scheme No B3009)”.
Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
A Report on the Notice of Motion was circulated to the Members.
Proposed by: Cllr Jarlath Munnelly
Seconded by: Cllr Neil Cruise
“That Mayo County Council proceeds with the taking in charge procedure for this section of road at Kilcummin Backstrand in Kilcummin, Carrowmore-Lacken”.
ITEM 13:
Correspondence. Corrrespondence from Ballina Salmon Festival was circulated and noted.
The Meeting concluded at 1.40 pm
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