9th International Colloquium on the Philosophy of Technology: “Algorithmic dystopias: Technologies, the human and power”
20-23 of November 2018
Venue: Open Interamerican University, San Juan 951. Buenos Aires Argentina.
Technology has earned a central role in debates about the future of modern societies. As a subdiscipline of philosophy, the philosophy of technology is committed to clarifying the complex questions that arise from the conceptual study of technology. The philosophy of technology covers a great variety of problems that cut through metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, politics, and philosophical anthropology. Current debates on new technologies orbit around the ubiquitous power of tracking technologies, social networks, data mining, and new biometric surveillance techniques. These new technological powers have been developed on the basis of digital technologies and, in particular, woven from powerful algorithms. Considering these and related problems, the 9th International Colloquium on the Philosophy of Technology calls for papers on these subjects, as well as other topics related to the philosophy of technology.
The International Colloquia on the Philosophy of Technology, now in their ninth year, have positioned themselves as a meeting place between philosophical traditions and interdisciplinary discussion about the nature and effects of technologies, both ancient and modern. Under the motto of this meeting, “Algorithmic Dystopia: Technologies, the Human and Power", the aim is to bring together works that analyze key concepts within contemporary debates concerning technology, open new ways of inquiry within the discipline, and strengthen growth and collaboration between researchers dedicated to analyzing the phenomenon of technology, as well as its role in policies on science and technology.
The presentations should stick to 30 minutes. Papers on the following topics will be accepted, although any proposal within the field of philosophy of technology will be considered:
Ontology and epistemology of technology.
Philosophical problems related to technical entities: digital objects, cyborgs, hybrids, autonomous systems, etc.
Technology and politics
Anthropology of material culture.
Art and technology
Ethical aspects of technical objects and systems.
Posthumanism and transhumanism.
Technology and normativity
Phenomenology of the technical world.
Examinations of classical authors: Heidegger, Simondon, etc.
Proposals for papers should be sent to the with two attached documents (.doc, .pdf, or .rtf format) containing, respectively:
(1) An extended summary of approximately 1000 words, containing the title of the presentation, and clearly indicating the argumentative scheme of the work: specification of the problem addressed, the main thesis and bibliography).
(2) The author’s details: name and surname, institutional membership, and email address.
The name and institutional affiliation of the author should be recorded only in the second document. The abstracts received will be submitted to blind review by specialists appointed by the organizing committee. The latter reserves the right to request the complete work if necessary.
As usual, the papers submitted will be published in the corresponding Proceedings, for which it is essential that a final version of around 3000 words is finalized by the date of the Colloquium.
On the dynamics of operation of the International Colloquia of Philosophy of technology:
The Colloquium does not have parallel sessions, with the purpose of encouraging a sustained discussion between all the assistants. The organizers expect the speakers to participate in as many sessions as possible, and be available for any extra activities.
It is also the tradition of the Colloquium to continue discussions in a more relaxed manner in shared lunches near the venue of the event. For these purposes, and for those who wish to participate, the organizing committee will arrange lunch each day of the Colloquium. You will be informed in a timely manner about how to register and the costs involved.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: July 31, 2018.
Date of communication of acceptance / rejection: August 20, 2017.
In order to organize the trip and paperwork with time, international presenters (not residing in Argentina) will receive an immediate response, within two weeks of the submission of the proposal.
Academic and Organizing Committee:
Diego Lawler. The National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Argentine Society for Philosophical Analysis (SADAF).
Jesus Vega Encabo. Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain.
Diego Parente. CONICET-University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP).
Andrés Vaccari. CONICET-National University of Río Negro, Macquarie University.
Andrés Crelier. CONICET-UNMdP.
Javier Blanco. National University of Córdoba (UNC).
Agustín Berti. CONICET-UNC.
Dario Sandrone. CONICET-UNC.
Pablo Rodríguez. CONICET-University of Buenos Aires.
For more information contact us at
Programs and Proceedings of previous Colloquia can be consulted in
Philosophy of Technology Group of the Argentine Society of Philosophical Analysis.
Project "The statute of artifacts: ontological, political and aesthetic problems of the artificial" (PICT 2015-0334 FONCyT).
Program “Technology, Politics and Culture: The informational turn” (SECyT, National University of Córdoba).
Master's Degree in Technology, Policies and Cultures (FA / FCS / FFyH, National University of Córdoba).
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, National University of Mar del Plata.
Center for Studies in Science, Technology, Culture and Development (CITECDE), National University of Río Negro.