OnNovember 21st 2016. At Mannering Park Community Hall
Meeting opened: 19.24pm.
Chairman: Andrew Whitbourne Secretary: Norma Hasthorpe-GatesTreasurer: Bruce Edgell
Masters,Trevor Hasthorpe-Gates,NormaMurray,GeorgeStone,John
Edgell,BruceHicks,RonSauerbier,JohnWrightson, Trevor
Fitton, BobMahony,FrankSauerbier, RobynWynn,Neil
Gates, PeterMahony, KerryShorter,Frank(21)
Groves,Lynne Stone,Jan
Apologies: Maggie Mecklem, Peter Mecklem, Judy Whitbourne, Annabelle Fitton
MOVED for acceptance (Robyn Sauerbier) SECONDED (John Sauerbier) CARRIED
Item 2: Shared pathway (ongoing) – Delta under new ownership. Trevor Wrightson advised that Delta staff told the recent Care Forum that they have agreed to support the shared pathway and allow access for construction.
Lake Coal hasalso agreed to support the shared pathway and allow access during construction. They have requested at least two weeks’ notice prior to work beginning so as they can inform their tenants and personnel.
Yasmin Catley sent a letter of support.
Motion, MOVED (Andrew Whitbourne) SECONDED (Trevor Wrightson) that Mannering Park Precinct Committee forward Lake Coal and Delta’s letters to Boyd McMillan of Central Coast Council, informing them that Delta and Lake Coal have given their co-operation with access to the site during construction.CARRIED.
Motion,MOVED (Andrew Whitbourne) SECONDED (John Sauerbier) that Mannering Park Precinct Committee write to Yasmin Catley (State Member) Thanking her for her actions. CARRIED.
- Letter to Yasmin Catley thanking her for her actions.
- Delta and Lake Coals letters of no objection to be forwarded to Boyd McMillian at Central Coast Council so they are aware.
Item 3: Eaton’s Hardware entry/exit on Ruttleys Rd (ongoing) – Still awaiting aresponse from Central Coast Council regarding compliance with all the Development Applications Conditions of Consent.
Item 6: Chain Valley Colliery Trust Fund (ongoing) –Central Coast Council need to appoint a staff member to sit on the Community Advisor Panel. They also need to appoint the three community members to the CAP.Currently there is approximately $197K sitting in limbo in a Central Coast Council account. The money cannot be directed towards other council projects.
Bob Fitton suggested that we write to Central Coast Council Administrator, Ian Reynolds, to enquire just when this council representative will be appointed.
It was also suggested that we write a letter to Yasmin Catley to keep her informed.
Peter Gates suggested that we include written support from our community members.
It was also suggested that we write a letter to Bob Brooks to keep him updated.
Motion, MOVED (Bob Fitton) SECONDED (Jan Stone)that we write to Ian Reynolds, Central Coast Council Administrator, enquiring when the appointments will be made and send a copy to Yasmin Catley and Bob Brooks. CARRIED
- Write to Central Coast Council Administrator, Ian Reynolds, to enquire just when this council representative will be appointed.
- Write a letter to Yasmin Catley to keep her informed.
- Write a letter to Bob Brooks to keep him updated.
Item 9: Oval amenities security and maintenance (ongoing) – The oval amenities gutters have been cleaned as per councils advice. The gutters should be monitored in future to ensure council is continuing their six monthly cleaning maintenance.
- Close item off.
Item 14: Children’s play equipment at the oval and amenities (From Item 4 Recreation area Master Plan) (ongoing)– No funding has been made available this year but community consultations were expected to take place at the end of this calendar year or early next year. Follow up early next year to see if funds will be available in the new financial year.
- Follow up early next year to see if funds will be available in the new financial year.
Item 15: Helipad Trinity Point (ongoing) – Proposal out for public exhibition. Scan men’s shed letter and mail out to committee members. Peter Gates suggested that the letter was a vague generic communication.
Trevor Masters suggested contacting other affected communities. Jan Stone requested a basic drafted guideline of how to word the support request by the members to send to Trinity Point Promoters in support of the request.
- Bruce Edgell will contact Morisset Park group to determine their thoughts on the project.
- Andrew Whitbourne will contact Bob Brooks and Kevin Spenser to enquire as to their plans for a submission.
- Andrew Whitbourne will draft a suggested guideline for members wishing to support the request including a link to the site that everyone will be able to use to enter in their submissions. But everyone will need to make up their own submissions.
Correspondence report tabled.
MOVED for acceptance (George Murray) SECONDED (Trevor Wrightson) CARRIED
17thOctober– 21st November 2016.
Supper Club A/C
Balance 17thOct 2016 $198.90
Supper jar August $17.25
Total Income $198.90
Expenditure $0.00
Balance 21st November 2016. $216.30
Administration A/C
Balance 17thOctober $713.88
16/17 Member Fees $50.00
Total Income $763.88
Department of Fair Trading $44.00
Total Expenditure $44.00
Balance 21st November 2016 $719.88
MOVED for acceptance (Bruce Edgell) SECONDED (Ian Carr) CARRIED.
Item 16: NEW Item–Vales Point Reserve Pool security.–A local resident had been in contact with the previous Wyong Shire Council over the past two years about replacing the existing mesh pool net with removable aluminium racks. They also dicussed widening the pool out to the extent of the long jetty.
To advance the concept council staff recommended he contact the Precinct Committee. Unbeknown to the resident or the Precinct we had proposed a similar system in early 2015 but with hinged stainless steel racks. The meeting discussed the concept and as council had suggested the project needed a community groups support it was suggested that the Precinct try and advance the concept.
Motion, MOVED (Andrew Whitbourne) SECONDED (Grahame Pavitt) that we to write to council requesting a preliminary investigation into providing hinged stainless steel bar grates in lieu of the mesh net and extending the pool to the extent of the long jetty. CARRIED
- Andrew Whitbourne will write to council requesting a preliminary investigation into providing a hinged stainless steel rack system
Item 17: New Item-Graffiti Police visit – Ian Carr discussed an opportunity for our Graffiti Command Sergeant to address ameeting about the problems of graffiti and how to report the graffiti attacks.
Motion, MOVED (Trevor Wrightson) SECONDED (Andrew Whitbourne) that Ian Carr contact the police in the new year and organise a suitable month to visit and update the Precinct on graffiti matters CARRIED
- Ian Carr to contact the Police Sergeant regarding a meeting next year.
Item 18: New Item–Proposed new council hall hire charges–Review charges. Bob Fitton suggested applying to the R.S.L. for a small grant.
Motion, MOVED (Bruce Edgell) SECONDED (Trevor Wrightson) that the Precinct apply to the RSL for a grant to cover our administration costs CARRIED
Chain Valley Colliery Community Consultative Committee –Nil
Tidy Towns– (Ian Carr) Key Points- Planting near oval. Caravan Park will clean up fence. - Full report on file.
Hall Committee – (Trevor Wrightson) Key Points – Projects continuous and new.
Sports Committee – Nil
Men’s Shed – (Peter Gates)Key Points– Internal shed works ongoing. Christmas carols at uniting church. Visits with Lake Coal and Delta. - Full report will be forthcoming.
Delta Forum – Nil
Meeting closed: 21.06 pm NEXT MEETING: Christmas meeting - Monday 12th December 2016