Clerk to the Council

Julie Cronin

Tel: 01227 710443


To: the members of Sturry Parish Council

Present: Parish Councillors Louise Qurke (Chairman), Ashley Mills, Rosemary Harradine, Peter Wenham, Kieran Jessup, Ann Davies, County Cllr Alan Marsh, District Cllr Georgina Glover, Julie Cronin (Parish Clerk), Anne Stevenson (Deputy parish Clerk/minutes taker), Jo Hitchcock (Cemetery Superintendent), Alan Webster (Parish Caretaker) and seven members of the public.

4273. Aplogies for absence – Parish Cllrs Ashley Bubb, Anne Dekker, Carmel Hummerstone, Hem Limbu, Andrea Brabham and District Cllr Heather Taylor.

4274. To receive declarationns of Disposable Pecuniary Interests on any agenda items and notify Clerk of any changes to the DPI Register held at CCC, such as change of job or home-Cllr Ann Davies declared an interest in agenda item 4289, a planning application for a propertry at 118 Island Road, Sturry.

4275. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 17th October 2016 – proposed as a true record by Cllr Quirke, seconded by Cllr Harradine, all in favour.

Resolved – Minutes approved and signed off by Chairman.

Due to there being a high number of members of the public in attendance who wished to speak to a planning application, it was decided to hear that application at this stage in the meeting. It was also agreed to hear the application for 118 island Road as the applicant was also in attendance.

4289 –Planning application CA/16/02330/FUL – erection of polytunnels land at Goose Farm, Broad Oak- two members of the public spoke to this application, reporting the polytunnels would be situated very close to existing residential properties, in one instance only 10 metres from a back fence, that they would be unsightly, noisy in rough weather and reflective in bright moonlight.

They went on to say they thought the Planning Application had been “carefully crafted” using land that had been a working orchard from 1938 until the trees were grubbed up by the owner who stated at the time that new trees were to be planted in their place. The members of the public in attendance thought that this in itself would require a change of use application rather than planning, but Cllr Davies advised that this was not the case.

The members of the public also reported that the application was inaccurate with regard to size, with Design and Access being incorrect. They were of the opinion that the land concerned was good, arable land and should not be used to house polytunnels as these would be more suitable to lower graded agricutural land.

There was also concern raised with regard to their representations reaching CCC within the time scales as CCC’s Planning portal had been unavailable since Thursday October 27th and Cllr Glover confirmed it was still down that evening. Cllr Mills suggested Clerk should contact Planning to request an extension for the consultation period due to the problems caused by CCC’s website. All agreed.

Resolved – Clerk to contact CCC and ask for an extension to the consultation period.

Resolved – Sturry Parish Council to object to the application on behalf of Broad Oak residents for the reasons reported to them at the meeting.

Planning Application CA/16/02439/FUL, proposed two-storey rear extension and loft conversion with associated alteration, 118 Island Road, Sturry. At this point, Cllr Davies left the meeting as she had declared an intrerest in this application.

The applicant gave a brief outline as to the work he was applying for, including an extension, loft conversion and a change of layout inside the property. There were no objections.

Cllr Davies re-joined the meeting which continued at agenda item 4276

4276. Chairman and Councillors’ reports – Cllr Quirke reported she and Cllr Dekker had attended a meeting at Littlebourne and Stodmarsh Community Association where they discussed highways and the problems with increased traffic.

Cllr Mills and Clerk reported on a highways meeting they had attended at Canterbury Cricket Ground.

Cllr Mills also reported that a member of the public had spoken to him with regard to speaking at Parish Council meetings as they felt intimidated by the process. He went on to say that another parishioner had been attacked in Dane John Gardens and it was felt there was not enough police/PCSO cover in the Canterbruy area and asked for the details of our local PCSO. Both Clerk and Deputy Clerk responded that although they had received several emails from our PCSO, Nathan Mullins, they had never met him and that he had refused to give details of his mobile number for contact. Cllrs Marsh and Glover confirmed that neither of them had met him either and that this was all unacceptable. Cllr Quirke reported that she ahd personally asked him to attend the Christmas event being held in Sturry village, but that he had refused and could not guarantee that anyother PCSO would attend. Clerk also added that our Community Warden also had problems getting in touch with him.

4277. County and District Councillors’ Reports –Cllr Marsh stated he was unaware the Parish Council had applied for a road closure for the Christmas event and offered any help with this should CCC not grant it.

Council tax for properties in Band D will be increased by 80p, half of the revenue generated being ring fenced for adult social care. There is a £16.7 million overspend for this so far this financial year.

Sturry relief road will be built at a cost of £33 million which needs to be in place/guaranteed before any building commences. Cllr marsh confirmed this money must come from developers and not central govt., paid in full or by bond which means the road will be built even if the developer goes out of business, but in this scenario, the houses would not be built.

Cllr March informed the meeting that he chairs a select committee on bus services and their report is due to be published in January 2017. He asked for feedback on local services to ensure bus services are suitable for all areas of Kent.

Cllrs Marsh and Glover informed the meeting that Hersden Majorettes had held their first rehearsal earlier that day, ready for their first public performance during Hersden’s Christmas celebrations.

Cllr Glover reported that the street light in Deansway Avenue is still not working. Clerk and Cllr Mills reported that they had spoken to the person responsible for street lighting at the meeting they had recently attended at Canterbury Cricket Ground and had been told KCC were still waiting for a purchase order from CCC to cover this. There were also problems with resighting the street lamp in Bournes Close which had to be moved following the extension to a drive at one of the properties, Cllr Glover said she would take these matters up with CCC.

Cllr Glover also reported on problems in Hersden when a fight had broken out, witnessed by herself and Cllr Brabham. There was also public drinking and people hanging off cars , the situation being very frightening to them both. Again, it was thought the presence of a PCSO would help prevent any repeat of this behaviour.

Cllr Glover also spoke on the public consultation with regard to the increased numbers of Grammar School places.

4278. Community warden and Police Officer’s reports. None available.

4279. Cemetery Superintendent’s report. Jo Hitchcock reported that there had been no funerals since the last Parish Council meeting.

The new garage door had been installed and had improved the look of the cemetery.

Jo also reported that a silver Mondeo parks repeatedly by the cemetery gates, half on the pavement. Clerk will write a letter to the owner which will be placed on the car when it is next seen parked in this location.

Jo and Clerk have been round the cemetery to check that all headstones are secure, informing families of those that are loose, asking them to be repaired. Glass items have also been removed from some graves and a family who have fencing round their family grave have been asked to remove it.

Resolved – clerk to write a letter with regard to the silver Mondeo parked outside the cemetery gates.

4280. Village Caretaker’s Report – Alan Webster reported minor incidents with children in then play parks, but nothing serious.

A resident who lives next door to the cemetery has asked for some overgrowing trees to be cut back and this has been done where possible.

The new bench press has been fitted at Park View.

Alan Webster is to help Cllr Jessup remove the wooden frame from the beacon stored at the cemetery so this can be destroyed off site.

4281. Clerk’s Report – Clerk reported that the SLCC conference was very informative and she has registered for the CILCA qualification.

Level crossing closures have been added to the Parish Council’s facebook page for information.

Clerk has received a letter from Jackie Moran raising objections to then polytunnels application at Goose far, this letter also being sent to CCC.

Clerk reminded those in attendance about the meeting being held with regard to the Richborough project. Cllr Harradine will attend and Clerk recommended SPC speaks at the meeting.

St Aubins, 60 Sturry Hill is to go to Planning Committee Tuesday 8th November. The applicants have now met with Natural England who have stated the drive to the property carries a significant risk of underground collapse due to the “cave” from Centenary Woods. Repairs/reinforcement of this would be done at SPC’s expence. Cllr Glover recommended a bat survey be carried out in this location as bats are commonly seen in the area.

4282. Minibus Report- Thursday’s trip to asda is now full, so another trip has been introduced to both Asda and sainsbury’s on a Tueasday, so far there are 3 people who use the Tuesdays on a regular basis. Cllr Quirke suggested organising a Christmas shopping trip, possibly to Westwood Cross.

4283. To discuss and agree conferences and training for councillors – Clerk gave a list of possible training dtaes to the meeting as follows-

Emergency Planning and Resilience Wednesday 14th December, Canterbruy Cricket Ground.

Media and Communications Conference 19th January 2017.

Clerk in Action, Harrietsham Village Hall 26th January 2017- Anne Stevenson to attend

Rural Conference, The Orchard Conference Centre, East Malling, 9th March 2017

Planning Conference, West Faversham Community Centre, 23rd March 2017.

Dynamic Councillor Module 18th and 23rd May 2018

Resolved – Anne Stevenson to attend Clerk in Action 26th January 2017.

4284. To agree SLCC membership for Deputy Clerk- Clerk recommended membership of SLCC for deputy Clerk for training opportunities. All agreed. Cllr Quirke asked if there would be a discount for the second member of staff. Clerk to enquire.

Resolved – Deputy Clerk to have membership to SLCC.

4285. To agree the ILCA training for Deputy Clerk through SLCC – Clerk recommended Deputy Clerk complete the beginner’s course online at a cost of £99 plus VAT. All agreed.

Resolved – Deputy Clerk to undergo the ILCA training.

4286. To discuss and agree a donation to Hersden Neighbourhood Centre for Christmas lights- Cllr Quirke reported that Hersden were holding there own Light Up Hersden event in early December as they felt disjointed from Sturry and not included. Cllr Quirke suggested SPC make a donation towards the cost of this event. Clerk reported SPC had made no donation towards the Sturrt Christmas event and that Community Put Back had donated money because of this. Deputy Clerk reported that she had made three attempts to include Hersden Primary School in the event in Sturry, but that there had been no communication back from them. Sturry Primary had sent in pictures for the competition and had agreed to sing three carols during the course of the evening.

A discussion followed on some historical concerns Hersden had voiced over the years and Clerk reported she had been in conversation with Cllr Brabham with regard to SPC donating spare Christmas lights to Hersden with a view to purchasing some specifically for Hersden in the January sales, with Louise waite writing in to say what is needed exactly. All agreed.

Resolved – SPC to donate extra Christmas lights to Hersden and to purchase new lights in the New Year.

4287. To discuss and agree any action regarding the capping of precept – Marcus Jones MPis suggesting Parish and Town Councils have a 2% capping of any precept increase and NALC are fighting this proposal. Clerk recommended having the whole subject of precept as a topic for the annual parish meeting in 2017, explaining to parishioners exactly what it is, what it is used for and asking people what they want from it. Cllrs present felt that with some services devolving from CCC to SPC, there was aneed to be able to find the funds to carry these out.

It was agreed that Clerk should write to NALC in support of their stand against this proposal.

Resolved – SPC to write in support of NALC against the proposed capping aof precept. Precept to be a topic for discussion at the annual parish meeting 2017.

4288. Finance

a) To approve payment of accountspresented at this meeting – No bank statements have been received so accounts included cheques received and money banked. Proposed by Cllr Quirke, seconded by Cllr Mills – all agreed.

Resolved – payments of accounts approved

b) To report on monies received – proposed by Cllr Quirke, seconded by Cllr Wenham, all agreeed.

Resolved – agreement of monies received

c) To sign the online banking mandates for Lloys bank – these were signed by Cllr Quirke and Wenham.

4289. Planning applications not discussed earlier in the meeting

Planning Application CA/16/02368/TPO/3 Old School Close, Sturry. Tree 1 Sycamore tree crown raise by max 2m, crown reduction of 1m and re-shape, crownthin by 14%, remove deadwood. Tree 2 Ash tree – crown thin by 15%, reduce tree 1/3 and re-shape.- No objections.

Planning application CA/16/02363/VAR Removal of condition 05 (code for sustainable homes) of planning permission CA/11/02145/OUT for the erection of detached dwelling, 6 The Avenue, Hersden. – Cllr Mills stated the applicant should voluntarily meet Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes.

Resolved – SPC to raise no objection to thisn application but to comment they felt the applicant should voluntarily meet Level 4.

Clerk informed the meeting that the development at Goose Farm and the application for St Aubin’s, 60 Sturry Hill would be heard at a Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday November 8th and asked if any Cllrs were able to attend to speak on both applications. Cllr Harradine agreed to attend to represent SPC.

Cllr Davies suggested part of SPC’s objection could be based on CCC rejecting the land at Goose Farm for development under the Local Plan, indicating they considered the development uneccessary as the land is agricultural. Cllr Harradine added that local residents comments and concerns should be included, Cllr Quirke agreed that both points of view were important and needed to be part of any objection.

Resolved – Cllr Harradine to attend the palnning Committee meeting Tuesday November 8th 2016 to represent SPC.

4290. Any other matters of an urgent or special nature – The possibility of a defibrillator being housed in the disused BT telephone box in Broad Oak is to be an agenda item for December’s Council meeting, but Clerk asked if she could contact Heartbeat to prevent BT removing the box before a decision is made.

Resolved – Clerk to contact Heartbeat to request nothing be done with the telephone box in Broad oak until a decision is made in December.

Exclusion of the press and public pursuant of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960.

4291. To discuss and resolve staff contracts and pay – deferred until December meeting to allow Staffing Committee to meet and make recommendations.

Decision deferred until December meeting.

Meeting closed 21.45 hours.