ClaypoleParish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 4th September 2017 at the village hall library at 7.00pm.

1 / Present
G Bignell (GB), John Briggs (JB),A Clark (AC), T Faulconbridge (TF), C Simmonds (CS) and the clerk. There were 3 members of the public in attendance, District Cllr Paul Wood and County Cllr Alexander Maughan attended until 7.45pm.
2 / Apologies and Reasons for absence
Cllr Broadbent had sent belated apologies for his non attendance at the meeting in July. Apologies for this month’s meeting had been received and accepted from Cllr Freeman (holiday) and Cllr Furey (work commitments). Cllr Broadbent was absent.
Resignation of Cllr Allsopp- a letter of resignation had been received on 7th August. This was accepted with regret and a letter of thanks had been sent. The vacancy had not yet been advertised. Once the notice of vacancy has been published (copy to SKDC) for 14 working days 10 electors of the parish can request that an election take place. If no such request is made co-option can take place. The vacancy will be advertised at the end of September.
3 / Declarations of Interest
None were declared.
4 / Notes of last Parish Council Meetings-3rd July2017
The notes of the Council meeting held in July required one amendment regarding two plots in the cemetery. This amendment will be made and the minutes signed as a true and accurate record at the next meeting. This was proposed by GB and seconded by JB.
5/iv / Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports
Litter bin on School Lane- needs to be re-located on to fencing at the school.
Road closure at the level crossing- once these have been completed occasionally the signs are not being taken down and this has caused confusion to motorists. A letter will be sent to LCC requesting that signs be removed.
Defibrillator in phone box- a query was raised as to when the defibrillator will be moved to the phone box. This item will be raised at the next meeting in October.
Mower- the Council was advised that a mower belonging to the football club had been sold to a local resident. Clerk will check as a donation of £400.00 had been made to this piece of equipment in February 2011. / PF
6 / Claypole Community Park
Cllr Freeman had circulated a progress report for the meeting which was read out by the chairperson. Two queries were raised- firstly the location of the water tap at the park and secondly the provision of showers by the school. These will be checked with JF on his return. Clerk will defer submitting the water connection form to Anglian Water.
A progress leaflet had also been prepared for distribution to each household with the October edition of the newsletter. A few changes were made. Cllr Simmonds will arrange printing and distribution.
7 / Village Hall
Bookings at the hall are still low and the after school club is not going ahead.
Funding- after last month’s meeting Cllr Freeman had circulated a proposal by email to councillors to help fund the village hall and address immediate maintenance requirements. The proposal is to meet £16500.00 worth of expenditure (excluding VAT). This is one year’s worth of community benefit from Copley Solar. Proposals in Cllr Freeman’s documents allow the village hall committee to make funding applications without jeopardising the PCs own funding applications. The proposal was agreed in principle, the clerk will check with LALC about the best way to proceed with this. In the meantime the village hall will be asked to supply some financial information and information on current usage, funding sources etc. / Clerk
8/iv / Cemetery
The spoil at cemetery- is to be removed after harvest and when weather permits.Once removed G W King, Alex Maniurka and Kristian Lennon will be contacted for ideasand quotations to landscape.
Footpath from the church to the cemetery- clerk had obtained two further quotations for the installation of the footpath, one using new stone slabs and one re-using slabs taken from the playing fields. The faculty had not been completed as Rev’d Sonia had been on holiday. The quotation using new slabs will be used to support the application and Rev’d Sonia will be contacted again to complete.
Bags for spoil- two bags had been obtained for future use. Quotations will be obtained to have the bags screened off with two fencing panels.
Stone wall between church and cemetery- a small area had collapsed adjacent to a bench. Clerk will check with Rev’d Sonia whether she had spoken with a resident who was prepared to repair it. / Clerk
9/ii / Financial Matters
a)The following invoices were APPROVED for payment:
Glendale Countryside
playing field -June £93.00, July £46.50
b) G W King & Sons
village hall play area-June and July £40.00
village hall playing field- June and July £172.00
village hall gardens- June and July £205.00
River bridge- June and July £30.00
c)£8.00- LALC- refreshments- clerk’s networking day
d) £153.16- J Freeman- expenses re funding appeals.
e) £504.25- C Clarke- salary and expenses July-Sept
b) On line banking- the clerk is still checking this both by telephone and with the local branch of TSB.
10 / Planning Applications
S17/1348- 2 Barnby Lane- external alterations to a listed building- there were no objections.
11/ii / Highway Matters
Reactive Speed Signs- clerk will check with PF.
Banner on school fencing- a meeting is to be arranged with school to consider traffic and other issues of concern. / PF
12 / Correspondence
Community Lincs- Housing Survey has been sent to households in Claypole, Stubton, Fenton, Westborough and Dry Doddington
13 / Chairperson’s Closing Statements
Cllrs were thanked for their attendance at the meeting and were reminded that the next meeting is in September.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Signed...... Date......

Notes from the public and/or District and County Councillors held before the meeting.

District Cllr Wood- the ‘Big Clean’ is taking place and areas in Claypole have been identified. A new chief executive Aiden rave has been appointed. Local Plan- will come into effect in 12 months time- 900 responses had been received.

County Cllr Maughan- a campaign for Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire is taking place. The next roadside verge cuttings are due to take place in September. The campaign for Grantham hospital’s A&E department to remain open is ongoing and a meeting is to be held at Carlton Scroop- details to be advised.

Page 4th September 2017