IVE PTA eNews forMonday, May 15th
Please come to our final General PTA Meeting of the Year!!
Thursday May 18th, at 6:45pm in the IVE Library. Childcare will be provided!
6:45 Reception ~ Celebrate our Golden Acorn Award Winners and Outstanding Educators of the Year!!!
7:00 ~ Guest Speaker Issaquah Middle School Principal Seth Adams will discuss and answer questions about how to best prepare our elementary students of all ages for middle school -- we will also have the chance to hear from the IMS PTSA President Kristen Allen-Bentsen.
We will hear from IVE Principal Amber Walsh
IVE PTA Business will include approving the budget for our next school year and finalizing plans for our end of the year activities.
CONGRATULATIONS Outstanding Educator Recipients!!
Every year IVE PTSA honors anOutstanding Educatorwho has made an exceptional effort to enhance the learning environment here at IVE. This person could be a teacher, administrator, assistant, custodian, bus driver or a community member. The recipients are chosen based on nominations from received from students, parents and individuals in our community.
This year we are proud to honor 2 members of our outstanding IVE staff.
Jane Brammer
Suzanne Thoburn
Congratulations to this year’s recipients!
Please join us for a small reception immediately preceding the PTA meeting this Thursday, from 6:45-7pm, to congratulate and celebrate our volunteer and educator award winners! Refreshments will be provided.
Golden Acorn - Rebecca Maljak, Kim Pike, Laura Schmidt & Marisol Visser
Outstanding Advocate - Violet Estrin
Outstanding Educator - Jane Brammer & Suzanne Thoburn
IVECommuni-Tree is Complete!
Stop by the MPR to see the lovelyCommuni-Tree masterpiece that our students, staff, and volunteers created! This project celebrates the diversity and beauty of each individual at our school and illustrates that we are even more beautiful together.
We'd like to extend our gratitude to the IVE PTA for sharing the vision and funding the grant that made Communi-Tree possible. Thank you to the Art Docent Program Community Art Team of Angie Warren, Andrea Hackney, Sara Ellenson, Liz St. Andre and Auryel van Gemert. A special thank you to PTA President Carla Geraci for her support, guidance, participation, and efforts to make this project meaningful for our community. And finally, a thank you to the true inspiration for Communi-Tree; the students, staff, and wonderful volunteers at IVE for their enthusiasm, excitement, diversity, and beauty!
We are each unique and beautiful and together we are a masterpiece."
Please join the IVE community at McDonald's on Gilman Blvd. from 5pm-8pm on Wednesday, May 31. IVE PTA will receive 20% of total sales during this time and 100% of all cookie sales!
If you would like to volunteer that night or have any questions,
Please join the PTA!We need more memberships! Lets get to 100%
It is not too late to join the IVE PTA! Value of PTA: With more than 130,000 members, Washington State PTA is the largest volunteer association dedicated to the education, health, welfare, and safety of all children in Washington state. When you join PTA, you support local, state and national efforts to improve the lives of children and their families.
With more than 130,000 members, Washington State PTA is the largest volunteer association dedicated to the education, health, welfare, and safety of all children in Washington state. When you join PTA, you support local, state and national efforts to improve the lives of children and their families.
A WSPTA membership card is valuable! Benefits include local and statewide discounts that include:Key Arena, Great Wolf Lodge, rental cars, and Silverwood theme parks!
Visit thewastatepta.orgfor more details and join.
For membership questions, contact Chelle Swim .
Community Bulletin Board
Did you know there was a Community Bulletin Board through the Issaquah School District?There's many events listed for IVE kids and other events for the community. Check out their website:
Amazon Fundraising Link
You can support the Issaquah Valley Elementary School PTA every time you shop at Amazon by clicking on this link:
For future purchases, just remember toalways visitSmile.Amazon.comto support IVE PTA. We recommend that you create a bookmark forSmile.Amazon.comor you can also install the Amazon Assistant. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to IVE PTA. It's an easy way to support IVE while you shop! If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to .
2016-2017 PTA Calendar of Events-Mark your calendars!
General Meeting Dates
Thursday, May 18th. 6:45 pm in the IVE Library.
- All Welcome
- Childcare will be provided
- Reception for Golden Acorn and Outstanding Educator Winners
May 20 -Mariners Night
May 31 – IVE Night at McDonalds
June 2-4-Camp Orkila for 5th Graders
June 9 - Ice Cream Social
June 13 -Field Day