Minutes of Meeting Held on Friday 5Th May 2006 at RCN Headquarters, London

Minutes of Meeting Held on Friday 5Th May 2006 at RCN Headquarters, London


Minutes of meeting held on Friday 5th May 2006 at RCN Headquarters, London

Present: Mike Walsh (Chair), Chris Inman, Renate Thomé, Carol Cox, Douglas Allan, Benny Hartson, Heather Griffiths, Jenny Kell, Melanie Rogers & Linda Dunn

Apologies: Dave Barton, Helen Ward, Caroline Carlisle, Leslie Bridges & Donna McConnell

  1. Mr James Wimbury from Haymarket Publishing presented an account of his company’s business and their publications (presentation available electronically on request). Following his departure the committee discussed possible options with regard to utilising this company and how this would fit with a longer term strategy of engaging in academic literature. It was agreed that collaboration with Haymarket may be useful in the short term and it was decided to explore the next step.

Action: Mike Walsh to email James Wimbury to offer an article for the publication Independent Nurse. If an article is needed a small group would produce one with each member contributing an aspect of Advanced Practice as follows:

In the longer term it was agreed that a tie in with an academic publisher would be a positive move.

History of advanced practice – Douglas Allan

Competencies – Heather Griffiths

NONPF and prescribing – Mike Walsh

Where next – Dave Barton

Final proof reading – Carol Cox

  1. It was agreed that an additional committee meeting be during the Nurse Practitioner Conference and this was scheduled for Wednesday 6th September 2006 at 8:30pm in the bar of the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate. The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the content and format of the next Study Day on the 9th February 2007 (subject to availability of rooms at the RCN Headquarters).
  1. The proposed link with the National association of Primary Care Educators was welcomed and it was agreed that this should be taken forward.

Action: Dave Barton to liaise with Dr Abayomi McEwen and negotiate the next step forward.

  1. Discussion took place with regard to the core executive committee roles as it was suggested that this needed to be more formalised in the light of pending registration in August 2006. It was agreed that we would retain the current arrangements viz. Dave Barton as Chair, Helen Ward as Vice Chair, Douglas Allan as Treasurer and the responsibility for taking minutes of meetings would be rotated on a voluntary basis. It was also agreed in principle that a small team would be used to organise any events and the detail of this would be decided at the next meeting in September 2006.
  1. Mike Walsh reported on the recent US NONPF Conference in Orlando, Florida. The two main themes that emerged was the utilisation of distance learning and the introduction of clinical doctorates (expected to be the norm in the USA by 2015). It was also reported that the Federal government were seeking the implementation of national standards. Members were encouraged to consider attending the next conference to be held in April 2007.
  1. The Treasurer reported that there was £636 in the main account along with pending payment of approximately £350 producing a total of £986. The Treasurer will liaise with Dave Barton with regard to the accuracy of the list of members on the WEB site. Since this meeting, confirmed totals have been obtained and these are adjusted as follows: Total in bank account as of 3 May = £786.25 and with outstanding pledgesthis gives us a total of £1086.25.
  1. It was ascertained that in the UK there are a range of initiatives supporting the development of clinical doctorates.

Action: To be considered further. Mike Walsh will circulate the standards from NONPF to committee members.

  1. The next study day was set for Friday 9th February 2007 subject to availability of room at RCN Headquarters.
  1. I t was agreed that Dave Barton as incoming Chair should write to Caroline Carlisle sending the wishes of the committee to Caroline for a speedy recovery. Douglas Allan intimated that a job in the Advanced Practice teaching team at Glasgow Caledonian University would be advertised soon.
  1. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th September 2006 at 8:30pm in the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate.