Minutes of Meeting held on 23rd June 2015
Tyne & Wear Local Access Forum
Present: Liz Bray (Chair, LB) Victor Cadaxa (Vice-Chair, VC), Kathy Atkinson (KA), Nigel Harrison (NH), Andy Blanchflower (AB), Terry Welsh (TW), Charlie Hall (CH), Councillor Audrey Huntley, South Tyneside Council, Councillor Gary Haley (Gateshead Council)
In Attendance: Heather Evans, CTC (HE), Graeme Clark, North Tyneside Council (GC), Neil Frier, Gateshead Council (NF), John Bourn, Regional Transport Team (JB), Kim Farrage, Regional Transport Team*, Simon Carey, Newcastle City Council (SC), Tim Ducker, Sunderland City Council), Rob Hindhaugh, Gateshead Council, Martin Podevyn, Sustrans
Apologies: Alison Blackburn (ABl)
* Taker of notes
1. / Welcome and ApologiesThe chair welcomed everyone and asked those present to introduce themselves. Apologies for absence were noted. / Action
2. / Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made.
3.2 / Minutes from meeting held on 24th February 2015
On page 3 of the notes it was noted that it should read Daniels not Carr.
The remainder of the minutes were agreed as a correct record. / KF
4. / Shared Routes: conflicts and misunderstanding
A member had raised concerns that on Cycleways many cyclists believe they have priority over other non-motorised users. Some cyclists are assuming they are free to travel at speeds which can be hazardous.
Martin from Sustrans kindly circulated some visuals which they position on some of their shared routes. The visuals assist in raising awareness where changes cannot be made to the physical path and where there are known incidents of issues.
Although there is no firm evidence that the signs have had a positive effect, Sustrans Volunteers have identified that these signs do have positive results in areas where there has been several ‘near misses’.
Copies of the Co Durham Railway paths Visitor Charter pocket-size leaflet were distributed.
NF advised that he often gets similar queries regarding evidence surrounding accidents on shared routes, however there is a real lack of evidence and there is a need to break away from perception.
It was stated that records from the British Horse Society show that there has been a rise in dog attacks on shared pathways.
There needs to be a fine balance between ensuring that there are not too many signs which would make it less rural whilst ensuring that everything is done to prevent incidents.
It was advised that, as part of the LSTF Schools Go Smarter programme, providers go into schools to teach children bicycle training including how to engage with walkers, other cyclists and equestrians.
The issue of reporting incidents to the police was also raised as issues as statistics show that, for every one incident reported, four goes unreported.
Graeme Clark from North Tyneside advised that they have been doing a lot of work with the RNIB regarding shared pathways including the promenade and looking at the engineering between pedestrians and cyclists to ensure proper engineering of the path to enable fair and safe segregation.
Martin was thanked for attending the meeting and showing the signage which Sustrans currently use.
It was queried whether the Group should offer advice to local authorities on shared pathway signage to ensure there is a holistic approach. It was felt that relevant officers and members were present for the discussion or would receive the minutes, so further advice probably not needed at this stage.
It was thought the DfT was bringing out guidance regarding signs and multi-user routes, however, NF stated that the guidance had been delayed.
Victor suggested that for the next meeting, each local authority bring an example of their signage to compare. / Action
All 5 ROW officers
5. / Natural England’s LAF Engagement Plan 2015 (Previously circulated)
Liz Bray introduced the document which sets out in para 4.1 the responsibilities of Natural England, DEFRA and the LAF and how they engage with each other. Para 4.2 was discussed in particular because it lists 5 things that the Appointing Authority as a S94(4) body “should” do. Officers present felt that these responsibilities would only be fulfilled if sufficient resources exist.
In discussion it was stated that although the Tyne and Wear LAF does get consulted as some level as per these guidelines, there is often little or no response to the advice that is given.
Often the LAF gets involved in the planning process but is not a statutory consultee and it is often too late to be able to make a positive contribution; a more proactive approach is needed. It was advised that, at pre-application stage of any planning application, the relevant officers will need to be reminded to consider PROW. There is also an opportunity to look at each local authority’s planning portal website to view and comment upon current planning applications, however this may prove especially time consuming particularly on matters of fine detail and the right balance needs to be struck. Furthermore, each response would have to be approved at the JLAF which could prove problematic due to meeting frequency. NF suggested that the JLAF might need to concentrate on more strategic planning issues and suggested that guidance advice be provided to each planning department on the ethos of the LAF and to raise its profile.
Graeme Clark recommended that a letter is sent to each Local Authority Chief Executive to create more awareness of the LAF. (NB Cllr Huntley would also like a copy). LB to draft the letter.
For the next JLAF meeting, both ROW officers and LAF members to look again at the Natural England document to agree what is both relevant and achievable. / All Officers
JLAF Planning sub-group
JLAF Planning sub-group
6. / North East Regional LAF Chairs and Vice Chairs meeting 19th May 2015
There was a discussion about the proposed NE Access Strategy, however some members believed it was too high level and general and that instead there should be a simpler statement of aims and priorities.
There is also the potential to publish long term objectives. Jim Milner on behalf of Natural England will contact regional LAF officers to decide on a consensus and establish financial resource.
It was also advised that there was also a lot of discussion about the Annual LAF report/review required by Natural England & DEFRA and whether two different reports were needed. Many LAFs including ours, currently do not produce an annual report.
Opportunities are possible for joint training in the region. D Ridgeway (Sustrans) was suggested as a trainer.
Andy Blanchflower queried as to whether there had been any progress on the North East Combined Authority and administrative boundaries. JB advised that he had raised the issue with Jim Milner, however there is no clear guidance as to whether the LAFs of the NECA should be merged. He suggested that this was best discussed at the regional LAF with the other LAFs in the area and with Natural England, to ascertain their views.
There was discussion whether a NECA-wide LAF, covering such a large geographical area, would be feasible. An understanding of the role of NECA with regard to the Durham, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear forums is needed for our next meeting. / Action
7. / Officer Reports including discussions and questions
NF reported that the 5 ROW officers had met before the JLAF and had a discussion regarding reports which they submit to the LAF going forward and how they can perform their duty better.
Therefore going forward they have decided the reports will highlight information regarding legal orders, strategic issues, exemplar information, and policy. Specific information regarding purely local access issues will not be reported on as a matter of course.
If information is requested on specific details, for example Missing Links, then it would be advisable to speak to the relevant local authority.
Liz Bray asked about progress on the Hazlerigg route. SC advised that a Diversion order had been prepared but there has been recent discussion with a developer for an adjoining site which they are agreed will vastly enhance what can be offered. Details are still confidential.
N Tyneside reported on the Cycling user groups. Recommendations were submitted to the cabinet the previous week and there has been consultation with RNIB. Details will be covered in the ROW officer report.
Each ROW officers report for this JLAF will be circulated after the meeting. Members will be able to comment on the changed format at the next meeting. / Members
All 5 ROW Officers
8. / Annual Report for 2014 (Previously circulated)
The report needs to be submitted to Natural England by the 30th June and has been circulated for members’ approval. No objections or amendments were proposed at the meeting so report will be sent.
There have been some difficulties in retrieving correspondence and assessing outcomes from 2014, as required, therefore it is essential going forward, that the administration of the LAF is improved.
The officer comments on the “general misunderstanding amongst some LAF members about the relationship between the Councils and their officers and the LAF“ were discussed and proposals for improving Members’ awareness will be needed at the next meeting. / LB
NF, all 5 ROW officers
9. / Action of JLAF priority to improve access for disabled users.
Unfortunately Alison Blackburn was unable to attend but she has advised that she is willing to act as an advisor. VC and TW both volunteered to be part of the sub group and will liaise with ABl to set this up. TW to convene. / Disabled Access sub-group
10. / Training and Support
TW suggested that a workshop on the processes, legislations and governance surrounding the LAF may be worthwhile for LAF members to gain wider knowledge about how everything fits together.
VC advised that this is something which Durham LAF does so it may be an option to attend this. / VC/TW
11. / Chair’s Report
Liz Bray listed her current activities since the last meeting.
There needs to be a central location for all information. John Bourn advised that he would look through the archive which is held. Newcastle Council holds files of agendas and minutes plus box files of correspondence. A longstanding member has also offered his own files. It is essential that we start to get this right including more comprehensive use of the website.
TW requested that running issues be included, including contact with athletics groups. (Note this has been added to the “To do list”.) / JB
12. / Planning sub-Group Chair’s report- V Cadaxa
TW has surveyed the availability of ROWIP and Tyne and Wear Local Transport Plan in the Tyne and Wear central libraries which has shown an uneven picture. VC will approach John Bourn from the Regional Transport Team to ensure that both documents are available in both electronic and printed formats.
LB has pursued the following issues with Newcastle Council:
· Consultation on Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Document
· Clear development guidance on PROW & ROWIP
· Enquiring why Newcastle’s Community Infrastructure levy document has so little on green issues and routes compared to Gateshead.
· Woolsington Park: asking for information requested in January regarding proposed public recreational routes and ownership of routes. Reply received late June with further advice required on preference for dedicated PROW.
NF from Gateshead Council has clarified that there is no blanket 20mph speed limit on rural roads in Gateshead; the 40mph limit remains.
VC and Planning sub group members attended a meeting Chief inspector John Heckells on safety issues on Lizard Lane, following last summer’s accident. John is to write to STC about this stretch, which has not been included in the Council’s improved safety measures in this area. Reminder needed.
Trevor Male’s presentation to the LAF has been postponed until 22nd September.
The group continues to follow any major developments in Sunderland relating to the IAMP and opportunities for improved access/routes.
VC is still pursuing a report from SCC engineers on the Fatfield Bridge traffic lights.
Springwell Village ‘Save our Greenbelt’ campaigns seems to have no significant access angle.
The next planning sub-group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 21st July. / JB
VC/sub group
13. / JLAF Visits programme for 2015
Potential visits may include the IAMP at Sunderland (to liaise with TD in relation to this).
Other sites could include the Great Park and the area around Newcastle Airport. / VC/TD
14. / AOB/Dates of Future Meetings
Control of Horses Act: there is a conference in September, however it is rather expensive. KA is going to enquire to see who is attending from BHS and whether a note of the event can be circulated in order for KA to feed back to the Group
Next meetings: 22nd September at 4.30 pm.
26 January 2016
26 April 2016