Islay High School

Parent Council

Minutes of meeting held on 18th January 2017


  1. Present: Stephen Harrison (SH), Ailsa Hayes(AH), Sheila Scott(SS), Janice Carmichael (minutes) Mairi McArthur(MMcA) Katherine Urquhart (KU) Iain Hutchison (IH)
  2. Minutes of previous meeting – all read and agreed. Proposed by AH, seconded by SS. Matters Arising - none
  1. School Report

Film G – very positive, thanks to Lynn McLean. Christmas advert done through Facebook – J. Broad. S1 & S2 mob dance in square, also on facebook and Ileach. Christmas Concert went well, School Dance was well organised by S6 – fire alarm during the dance which was handled well.

Complaints received in school re. Littering and offence to members of the public. Lunchtime supervision by members of management staff for 2 weeks and reported back positive behaviour. This was relayed to students. Shops have put signs up to encourage youngsters to be responsible. Parents have a responsibility too. The school educate pupils on littering but parents must support this.

Leading up to prelims and timetable has been put on facebook. A text will be sent out to parents. Thanks to RP for facebook info.

Loch Eil Trip in February – 35 students going, 9 not going.

Free school meals – The Government have announced £1200 available per pupil who receives free school meals. There are only a small number claiming this in high school so we will advertise this and make parents/carers aware of it.

Staffing Update - Art and Languages – Temp. posts, hopefully advertise in March.SH has spoken to authority and they may and try to place probationers in this post but he does not want this to happen. Maths – internal staff are covering this post at present. English – interviews for permanent post tomorrow, 2 internal candidates.

Student Support Assistants – the need in 2nd year is large and school are struggling with this demand. KU asked if parent volunteers were an option? SH advised there is a bidding process for special needs budget and it is prioritised on the schools need. SS asked if students are able to claim for costs due to special needs, she knows that claims can be made through University for students with dyslexia.

Mental Health – Authority and Barnados work (draft strategy in place) in service day training with staff. All staff to have a better understanding of Mental Health. Low level issues can be dealt with in school. Student Support Staff will be trained at a higher level and a minority of cases will need external support. Cairdean training for students and the school will try and get parents involved, give them advice and support too.

School Values – consulted with staff, pupils will be consulted on Friday and parents in due course.

Partnership with Bruichladdich Distillery – employee skills/careers fayre, training involved.

May time – students with no exams can do work experience.

SS - Interviews, CV’s, personal statements should be started in 4th year as many students do not know how to do this. SH – this should be part of the Tutor programme. The Careers service have a good book with info. On CV’s and it is very good. My world of work, online is also very informative. Students are made aware of these services during tutor class.

Focus West is tailored for profiling.

  1. Building Refurb.

£175,000 been allocated for school. Staff have been consulted and would like to see better social areas and better use of library. Library and design room – possibly open up and make a social area. Pupils and parents will be consulted on this. Bill Frances has been into the school and has asked for other options too. SH wants to get a team of staff, parents & pupils to look at this and plan it. Areas needed that are useful for socialising, teaching resource and meetings.

  1. National Improvement Framework and plan - Document handed out showing summary of evidence for key priorities. Scotland has less money with cuts to education which makes it difficult to get improvement. Less training and change too often. Literacy and numeracy data – IHS above average from data. Health & Wellbeing to be improved.

Introduction – Improvement framework and plan – copy handed out. Authority document handed out – Our Children, their future, Education Vision and Strategy showing six priorities.

These documents will be available on the school website.

  1. SCIO application – Youth Development Trust. AH and SH met in December to discuss taking this forward. They need Trustees (possibly Parent Council members) A constitution has been prepared (template recommended by OSCAR) and handed out to all members and discussed to get interest. The trustees are only liable for up to £1. The trust can own property. In the long term they would be looking to employ a Project Manager.

All members have taken a copy of application and constitution and will read through it and get back to SH a.s.a.p.

  1. Prelims and study support – John Redpath put out info. To parents re. prelims and study etc.. Information is important for parents and students, all new to the 3rd years. Programme should be available on the website showing advice for studying, revision and homework clubs available. It would be good to have general advice for parents on study and preparation for prelims.
  1. Minibus – new bus arriving next week. IHS will pay for maintenance costs of £3000 per year. There will be a fortnightly H&S check on the bus.
  1. Bank Account – We have finally had the signatories on the bank account changed. We now have a bank statement, cheque book and pay in book. All correspondence should now come to the school. £500 has to come from the bank account for a trailer (fourteen fund) The balance in the account is £3067.92 as at 10/11/16. KU will speak to Scott re. trailers and see if his supplier has anything available.
  1. Any other business – Smokers on school grounds, under 16, in full view of the public. SH will look into this. AH - Can we get support to try and help them to stop smoking?

SS - Maths post to be filled so will there be 2 Higher classes next year? SH - 2nd year going into S3 may need to do National 3 course for maths next year (more than in previous years) Additional support may be needed for S2 going into S3.

Parent in attendance at meeting has agreed to be a member. This was nominated by SS and seconded by AH. We all welcomed Katherine Urquhart as a new member to the Parent Council.

  1. Date of next meeting – originally 22nd March but will be changed to 15th March at 5.30pm