Call Responsibilities



Call Responsibilities

·  Primary responsibility for all ward patients

·  First call to ER for pediatric consults

·  Discusses patient care issues with ward PL-2

·  Carries WRAMC PL-1 pager

·  Responsible for all admissions and H&Ps for all admitted patients

Duty Hours

·  Attend ward check-out at 1700 on weekdays and 0830 on weekends

PL-2/PL-3 Ward Call:

Call Responsibilities

·  Supervision of PL-1 in clinical decision making for ward and ER patients

·  Writes resident admit notes on all pediatric admissions to the ward

·  Evaluation of ER patients with the PL-1

·  Receives outside phone calls from physicians, arranges transport to WRAMC and arranges pediatric admissions to Ward

·  Communication with attending staff and consultant regarding ward/ER patients

·  Performs pediatric consults as requested by surgical services on inpatients, discussed with attending staff

·  Communicates with charge nurse regarding pediatric bed status

·  Carries code pager

·  Carries the parent advice pager (“Bruce” pager) – will answer calls to that pager if patient care duties permit, and will write AHLTA telephone consults accordingly

Duty Hours

·  Attends ward check-out at 1700 on weekdays and 0830 on weekends

PL-2/PL-3 PICU Call:

Call Responsibilities

·  Care of PICU patients

·  Writes progress notes for PICU patients on Saturday and Sunday

·  Discuss ward admissions/clinical management with PL-2 as needed

·  Receives outside phone calls from physicians, arranges transport to WRAMC and arranges pediatric admissions to PICU

·  Communication with attending PICU staff and consultants

·  Provides supervision, advice, and assistance to ward PL-1 and PL-2 as needed

·  Carries code pager

Duty Hours

·  Attends PICU check-out at 1600 on weekdays and 0730 on weekends



Call Responsibilities

·  Medical management of NICU patients

·  Communication with senior resident and neonatal fellow regarding medical management of NICU patients

·  Attends all deliveries requiring pediatric services

·  Carries Blue Bird pager

·  Writes H&P (SF 535) on infants being admitted to NICU or MICC

Duty Hours

·  Attends check-out at 1700 on weekdays

·  Attends check-out and AM rounds at 0745 on weekends

NICU Senior Resident:

Call Responsibilities

·  Supervises NICU PL-1 in the medical management of NICU and MICC patients

·  Supervises the management of any emergent ER patients

·  Attends all deliveries requiring pediatric services

·  Carries Blue Bird pager

·  Communicates with NICU fellow regarding management decisions for NICU and MICC patients

Duty Hours

·  Attends check-out at 1700 on weekdays

·  Attends check-out and AM rounds at 0745 on weekends