Witherley Parish Council

Serving the communities of Witherley, Fenny Drayton, Ratcliffe Culey and Atterton

Minutes of Meeting held 10thDecember2009

PRESENT: Councillor D Hickie (Chairman), Councillors A Brittain, M Bowles, MJ Bowles, M Cook ,T Cowpe-Pendleton, A Hampshire, C Harding and DWalker.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors C Foxhall and A Wright, Borough Councillor K Morrell and CountyCouncillor I Ould.

DECLARATONS OF INTEREST – PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL: Councillor Walker declared an interest in a proposed development at Chapel Fields, Witherley, Councillor Cowpe-Pendleton on a planning matter in Fenny Drayton and Councillor Hickie on the plans for the Blue Lion Inn, which he is a consultant on.

A101. APPROVAL AND SIGNING OF THE MINUTES: Minutes wereapproved and were signed by Councillor Hickie.

A102.PARISH CLERK UPDATE: The clerk submitted a progress report on actions from previous meetings and matters arising during the month. The lamppost which was damaged on Old Forge Roadhas still not been connected to the electrical supply and LCC are now chasing this with the electricity company. A solicitor has been asked to prepare a letter to Jacksons Coach Hire demanding re-imbursement of the outlay to repair damage to the island in Ratcliffe Culey last year. Councillors Bowles advise that they undertook a vote in RC regarding the desire to maintain the phone box, albeit without a telephone in and the vast majority of those who responded wanted to maintain it within the village. The clerk is chasing BT to see when action will be taken to remove the telephony. Two quotations have been received to cut back the hedges in the playing fields and a third is being sought. One quotation has been received to make the stepped path from the ‘Jitty’ in Fenny Drayton to Drayton Lane: since this was under £100 no further quotations are required and the councillors voted to proceed with work . The trees in Fenny Drayton Playing field have been inspected and were deemed to be safe: a further inspection will be scheduled for the Spring. Cllrs. Bowles have asked that the trees in their playing field be inspected and this was arranged. Witherley Football club have agreed that the Parish Council can site a noticeboard on their building: Cllr. Hampshire will liaise regarding design and location.


Traffic Safety in Parish: The Parish Clerk advised that she is still awaiting the report from Robert Kane which should address the issues of heavy vehicles and the dangerous junctionat Sketchley Lanein Ratcliffe Culey and the speed limit signs and dropped curbs in Witherley. She is also arranging to meet him to discuss residents’ concerns regarding the proposed one-way system on Church Lane in Fenny Drayton. Cllr. Cowpe-Pendleton reported that the public meeting in Fenny Drayton was reasonably well supported, despite the poor weather conditions on the night.The consensus was that there was both a speed and volume issue but these varied throughout the village. The consensus view was to erect traffic lights at the Old Forge Road / Drayton Lane junction. A follow up meeting of Parish Councillors looked at the detailed traffic/speed information provided by Highways and Cllr Cowpe- Pendleton is going to analyse the data and present back to the FD councillors in the new year with proposals on which issues to address first with LCC Highways department.

Witherley Affordable Housing: agreement of next steps: The Chairman made the following proposal:

The Parish Council accepts Richard Windley’s recommendation that:

a) there is a proven need for affordable housing; and

b) only parcel of land realistically available for affordable housing in Witherley is the field at the rear of the Parish Room, in Chapel Lane.

Richard Windley is to be asked to further investigate possible development packages on this site to provide 6 new affordable homes in Witherley, whilst still securing the boundary of the village settlement. It is important that any such development is designed to high quality building and layout standards and aesthetics in keeping with our village. The village does have a need for additional community open space to achieve the recommended minimum provision. Richard Windley is to be asked to investigate whether the development package could help provide an integrated sustainable solution which also provides additional open space. This could include: open green space; community woodland and/or orchard; and allotments.

Cllr Walker advised that he had not received a copy of this proposal: the Parish Clerk thought that a copy had been provided and apologised for any omission.

The proposal was supported by a majority vote. ACTION:Cllr. Hickie to advise Richard Windlay to progress on this basis.

A104. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME:There were no members of the public present

A105.NEIGHBOURHOOD WARDEN REPORT:Lisa Kirkby attended the meeting to provide an update on her role, which now forms part ofGreen Services (formally being ‘Streetscene’). Her role includes acting as a highly visible point of contact for all council services and dealing with issues such as fly tipping, dog fouling , litter, graffiti, abandoned vehicles. Neighbourhood Wardens can issue Fixed Penalties or instigate prosecutions and have issued 14 fixed penalties this year (Borough wide) and had 3 successful court cases. Wardens are also involved in education, community campaigns, open days etc. and can undertake investigations (with CCTV, if necessary). Lisa is happy to be contacted by members of the public directly, should they have any issues: lisa.kirby @hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk or 01455 255997 ACTION: Cllr Hampshire to liaise with Lisa regarding a campaign with Witherley Otters.


Approval and Signing of Cheques:

a)0950 – RatcliffeCuleyDistrictChurch (Room Hire)£ 12.00

b)0951 – M Bowles (Planting in Ratcliffe Culey) £ 24.50

c)0952 – Michelle Nelson (Clerk’s wages Nov – Dec) £ 267.01

d)0953 – St. Michaels PCC (Room Hire)£ 24.00

e)0954 – Michelle Nelson (Expenses)£ 34.32

f)0955 – EMAPsite£ 113.83

g)0956 – ESPO (table for St Michael’s Church)£ 167.90

All agreed and signed

Cllr. Harding advised that the Atterton Noticeboard has been badly damaged in the recent bad weather and has lost a door. He has sourced someone to undertake repairs, including re-felting and re-staining for £50. Councillors felt this represented excellent value the proposal to undertake these repairs was agreed.

Year to Date / Sept / Oct / Nov / Comments
£ / £ / £ / £
24,455.50 / 30,115.70 / 27,867.11
Precept / 12,000.00 / 6,000.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Donation / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 50.00 / HBBC Donation for Xmas event
Interest / 0.32 / 0.00 / 0.16 / 0.00
Lane Setting / 339.84 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Section 106 / 12,890.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
IT funding / 750.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
VAT / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Other / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 125.00 / Elections - use of playing firld
25,980.16 / 30,455.50 / 30,115.86 / 28,042.11
Wages / -2,338.49 / 0.00 / -594.79 / -617.63 / chqs 941 &946 / Parish Clerk Wages Sept - Nov
Insurance / -971.05 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Professional Fees (inc. Audit) / -230.25 / -75.00 / -155.25 / 0.00
Ground Maintenance / -2,017.39 / -22.00 / -834.90 / 0.00
ROSPA Inspection / -151.80 / -151.80 / 0.00 / 0.00
Dog Bins / -96.25 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Lane Setting / -235.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Room Hire / -132.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
General Admin / -202.45 / 0.00 / -4.68 / 0.00
IT Purchases / -749.07 / 0.00 / -317.82 / 0.00
Training / -20.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Other / -245.01 / 0.00 / -4.76 / 0.00
Capital Schemes:
Witherley / -150.59 / 0.00 / -150.59 / 0.00
Fenny Drayton / -185.96 / 0.00 / -185.96 / 0.00
Ratcliffe Culey / -91.00 / -91.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Atterton / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
-7,816.31 / -339.80 / -2,248.75 / -617.63
Less Uncleared Cheques / -5.73 / 903 / Postage - Sue Overton
-417.45 / 945 / Brian Mee
-760.17 / 947 / ESPO
-412.50 / 948 / Witherley PCC
-82.00 / 949 / SLCC
Funds Available / 30,115.70 / 27,867.11 / 25,746.63

ACTION: The Clerk was asked to provide a breakdown of Capital expenditure for the next meeting so councillors could see what funds were still available for each proposed scheme.

A107. SETTING OF THE 2010 – 2011 PARISH COUNCIL PRECEPT:The Chairman proposed a

precept of £12,300. This was made up of £12,000 in operating costs and £300 towards future election fees. It was felt that no additional capital projects should be taken on in the current economic climate. The proposal was seconded and approved by vote.ACTION: PC to advise HBBC.

A108. RISING CRIME PROBLEMS IN THE PARISH: The Parish Clerk reported the following incidents in the Parish between 5 October and 9 December 2009:

Witherley: 2 Theft from Motor Vehicles (Hall Lane and Atterton Lane) and 2 Criminal Damage (1 detected)

Fenny Drayton: 1 Theft from vehicle (Old Forge Road); 1 attempted burglary from outdoors (Rookery Close) and 1 Theft from Quaker Close

A discussion established that there have been further incidents but these have gone unreported since residents felt no action would be taken. Councillors advised that they were trying to encourage people to report any incidents so that the police would have a more accurate picture and be able to target resources accordingly.

The PC has spoken to PC Shaw who has advised he will attend the next meeting

ACTION: PC to issue minutes and Agenda to PC Jon Shaw


7 Old Forge Road, Fenny Drayton:

Blue Lion Inn, 8 Church Road:

Councillors advised that there was a very bright Light on Whitegate farm and that a property for rent in Witherley has been converted without planning permission.ACTION: PC to report the Light pollution issue to the neighbourhood warden and the Witherley property to HBBC.


  • Quote for Playing Fields: await third quotation
  • Green Christmas – display posters on village noticeboards
  • Request to submit Precept – PC to advise figure
  • Contribution to rural festivities – £25 each to RC Ladies group and Witherley Otters
  • Resident letter regarding traffic issues in RC – to be picked up under ‘traffic safety’
  • Let’s get Active Newsletter – Councillors aware of content. no action required.
  • Winter Salting details – distributed for info
  • Mouchel design work for A5/A444 junction improvement : PC to respond making reference

to our longstanding efforts to have a footpath /cycleway down to the Redgate junction.


  • The no 7 bus was, again, full by Witherley: PC to liaise with Cllr Ould with regard to possible actions.
  • RC residents have asked if the No.7 bus route can be extended towards RatcliffeHouse Lane: PC is making enquiries
  • The trees in Church Lane (RC) have still not been trimmed and there is a danger they will knock funeral flowers from the hearse. PC to liaise, again, with Lord O’Neils representative to rectify the problem.
  • Grants – can help get village schemes off the ground: info for councillors
  • Sign in Ratcliffe Culey is causing obstruction to view: PC to request alterations to be made


  • Police Report
  • Witherley Noticeboard
  • Capital Expenditure Project Spend

A113.CONFIRMATION OF DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 14thJanuary Fenny Drayton


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