Experiential Education –Tuesday/Wednesday
Week of November 12th
For electives this week students reviewed the Global Day of Learning event held at the Levine JCC and its theme of ‘Beauty and Ugliness’. Students discussed what they believe true beauty to be. In order to create a connection, the Jewish value of the week is Hiddur Mitzvah, beautifying a Mitzvah. TIRS students created a list of different objects used in various mitzvoth in order to ‘Glorify God’. Students participated in an Socratic Art Seminar on “I and my Village’ by Jewish artist Marc Chagall. Students learned about the life of Chagall and shared their thoughts and ideas about this famous work of art. To conclude the seminar, TIRS students shared with their peers what would inspire them to create a work of art. Students learned a lot about themselves and the world around them.
Week of November 5th
TIRS Electives this week was a blast!
After sharing their own favorite superhero with the class, students discussed the difference between ‘hero’ and ‘superhero’ while creating a list of their characteristics. Students were excited to share their own personal ‘hero’ with the class and discussed why people are so fascinated with the idea of a ‘superhero’.
Students enjoyed watching a short video containing a tribute to Jewish comic book heroes. Students were surprised to learn that many of their favorite superheroes were created by Jews.Even more so, that some of their favorite comic book heroes were Jewish and practiced Judaism in their comics. Students learned about real life superheroes in the Torah and the truly amazing things they are remembered for.
Using their knowledge of Middot (Jewish values), students discussed which Jewish values a superhero should strive to possess in addition to their superpowers. Students developed their own superhero character and created their own superhero comic strip to share with their peers.
Week of October 29th
The Jewish value for this week is Chesed/Kindness.Students learned about the meaning of Chesed and how acts of kindness can trigger and inspire larger acts. Students completed an ‘Acts of Kindness’ worksheet and created drawings depicting acts of kindness to share with the class. Students created a mural as to see the ‘bigger picture’. Students read Aesop’s fable, ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ discussing the theme of kindness and how to translate ethical issues into real life. TIRS students watched the LifeVest inspirational video ‘Pay it Forward’ and discussed the meaning behind the video.Students discussed the term ‘Pay it Forward’ and how they can do the same to better our world.