Action 2016.29 Catalogue of ServicesMinutes of Meeting
D02.03 - Meeting Minutes – CPSV-AP v2.0 revision first webinar
Action 2016.29 Catalogue of Services Specific Contract 414 under Framework Contract DI/07171 – Lot 2
Project: / Action 2016-29 Catalogue of Services / Meeting Date/Time: / 12/05/201710:00-12:00
Meeting Type: / Webinar / Meeting Location: / Online
Meeting Coordinator: / Michiel de Keyzer / Issue Date: / 16/05/2016
Attendee Name / Initials / Organisation/Country
Alexandros Gerontas / AG / University of Macedonia, Greece
Bart Hanssens / BH / Fedict, Belgium
Cristina Ramos / CR / Ministry of Finance, Spain
Eduards Cauna / EC / Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Latvia
Nicola Guarino / NG / CNR, Italy
Szymon Mamrot / SM / Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (PSC), Poland
Thomas D'haenens / TDH / Flemish Agency for Information, Belgium
Marco Aarts (Excused) / MA / ICTU, The Netherlands
Joseph Azzopardi (Excused) / JA / Information Technology Agency, Malta
Marco Latvanen (Excused) / ML /, Finland
Miguel Álvarez Rodríguez / MAR / ISA, European Commission
Peter Burian / PB
Nikolaos Loutas / NL / PwC EU Services
Michiel De Keyzer / MDK
Jens Scheerlinck / JS
Christophe Parrein / CP
Ana Fernández de Soria / AF
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome and overview
- Practical details on the use of the Virtual Meeting Room
- Round-table of the Working Group Members:What is the status in your country?
- Overview of what has happened
- Process & roles
- Collaboration in the Working Group:
- Public mailing list archive
- Issue tracker
- Conference call system
- Contributor licence agreement
- CPSV-AP extension:
- Add new class to cover the description of catalogue
- Add property to cover the specialisation of public service descriptions
- Other:
- Removal of type property from Agent class
- Error in the range and domain of certain classes
- Document the possible public service statuses
- Public service identifier and general description
- Next steps and next webinar:
- Review the multilingual labels
- Review the CPSV-AP v2.1 - First draft
- Q & A
Summary of Meeting
Topic / Summary
Welcome and overview /
- MAintroduced the webinar and thanked the WG members for their participation.
- People from the WG are kindly requested to sign the ISA contributor license agreement (CLA) by posting "I agree" as a comment if they have not done it before.
- The goal of the webinar is to discuss about two mainchange requests for CPSV-AP v2.0 and other minor issues.
Practical details on the use of the Virtual Meeting Room /
- As the MDK explained briefly the way of interacting though WebEx, as it is the first time that this system is used for the CPSV-AP WG webinars.
Round-table of the Working Group Members:
What is the status in your country? /
- MDK invited each participant to give an overview of the status of the work in their countries and Institutions.
Overview of what has happened /
- CPSV-AP v2.0 specifications were released in the end of 2016.
- Tools
- CP gave an overview of the tools developed in the context of the Catalogue of Services.
- Test versions of the tools are online and publicly accessible. People from the WG are welcome to provide feedback or ask for further documentation. The links are provided below:
- Public Service Descriptions Editor:
- CPSV-AP Mapping Tool:
- CPSV-AP Data Validator:
- Public Service Descriptions Harvester:
- CP gave an overview of the 5 pilots developed:
- Estonia and Finland - Cross-border catalogue of public services (
- Belgium - Interfederal catalogue of public services (
- Italy - Validation of PS descriptions against the CPSV-AP_IT (
- Malta - Mapping national PS descriptions to CPSV-AP ( and
- The Netherlands - Creation and management of PS descriptions (
- CP offered support in case that an organisation want to use or do a pilot with the tools. The WG is invited to contact us if they are interested.
Collaboration in the Working Group /
- MDK explained the different channels that the WG can use to collaborate in the CPSV-AP v2.0 revision:
- Public mailing list archive
- Issue tracker
- Conference call system
- Contributor licence agreement
CPSV-AP extension and other issues / The following change requests were discussed during the webinar:
- General
- Add new class to cover the description of catalogue
- AF explained the analysis performed to conclude the need to include the concept of catalogue in CPSV-AP. After checking several data models and MSs implementations, it is concluded and proposed to include a subclass of the class dcat:Catalogue to cover the description of catalogues of public services.
- TDH proposed to use ADMS to describe the provenance of information, i.e. to track the public service publisher and identifier. ADMS is used for records, assets, and DCAT for datasets. A proposal is not to add the information as a class, but as a guideline when exchanging data.
- NG proposed to create a new CPSV-AP class of public service catalogue. He also agreed on reusing DCAT but including the Public Service Catalogue as subclass of the class dataset, instead of dact:Catalogue.
- MDK clarified that the proposal is to include the concept of catalogue to track the origin of data, not to describe the whole catalogue nor the provision of public services. The proposal is at a higher level, just to know where the exchanged data comes from. TDH agreed on this need.
- PROPOSED:Add a class to cover the description of public service catalogue. The link with dcat:Dataset or dcat:Catalogue will be decided later on.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
- Add property to cover the specialisation of public service descriptions
- AF explained the analysis performed to check whether it is possible to describe specialised public services and link it to a generic description, using the current version of CPSV-AP. In case that some properties of the public service class change, it is proposed to include a property of type subclass, called “isSpecialisationOf”, from public service to public service.
- NG asked whether this property would be a subclass linking specialisations of public service types, or instances. NL clarified that the idea is to link a generic public service description with the specialisations, to assure the complete description of the specialisation, containing the information from the generic and specific description. The variability in instances of public services will always be unique.
- MDK asked whether the property could be added as a normal association between public services, instead of a subclass property. The WG agreed on this as a temporal solution.
- NL summarised that the WG agreed on adding a relation to cover the specialisation of public services. However, the semantics are not decided. It could be included as a simple association, or as a subclass.
- PROPOSAL: Add the property as an association. In the meantime, the WG is requested to share their needs and proposals in the issue or through the mailing list.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
- Removal of type property from Agent class
- PROPOSAL: Remove the dct:type property of the class dct:Agent.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
- Error in the range and domain of certain classes
- PROPOSAL: Update the range and domain of the following properties:
- Public service – language. Change the range to dct:LinguisticSystem
- Evidence – related documentation. Change the domain to foaf:Thing
- Evidence – related documentation. Change the range to foaf:Document
- Public service – hasParticipation. Remove the domain restriction.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on the changes proposed.
- Document the possible public service statuses
- PROPOSAL: Add a property to model the different statuses than a public service can go during its execution.
- NG warned not to confuse people with status of a delivery. MDK clarified the proposal, having two properties, one for the current status, i.e. the status regarding the lifecycle of the public service itself, and other for thelist of possible statuses of a public service at the execution level.
- PROPOSAL: Add a new property to describe the different statuses that a public service can go through during its execution. This property will not replace the current status.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.
- Public service identifier and general description
- NG raised this issue. He sent an email to the WG list with the summary of his analysis. He explained that the CPSV-AP uses a different description for public service than the Services Directive, eGovernment Services, etc. He proposed to review and update the definition of public service.
- TDH proposed to have a discussion in more detail offline.
- NL proposed to align the current definition by substituting ‘sets of acts’ by ‘activities’ for the moment, and continue fine-tuning the definition, which will be shared and discussed with the WG during the next webinar.
- PROPOSED: Everyone to review NG analysis. In addition, we will work on an updated definition of public service, aligned with the other descriptions. Finally, the new definition will be shared and discussed during the next webinar.
- RESOLVED: The WG agreed on this.The WG also agreed that the discussion will be parked for the rest of the proposal. We willalso see if we can take it along in any future work on public service portfolio management.
Next steps and next webinar /
- MDK explained the next steps, i.e. they will updated the final version of the specifications with the comments received and issues agreed.
- The new draft CPSV-AP 2.1 with the agreements from the webinar will be published on Joinup before the next webinar, on the 9th of June. The WG is invited to have a look at it.
Q & A /
- MDK thanked everyone for the interesting discussion and feedback provided. WG members are welcome to provide further comments and/or questions using the available tools (mailing list and Joinup).
Action Nr / Action description / Target Date / Action Owner
Send meeting minutes to the WG. / 19/05/2017 / PwC
Sign the ISA contributor license agreement. / 19/05/2017 / WG
Publish the second draft of CPSV-AP v2.1 and communicate it to the WG. / 31/05/2017 / PwC