From Pre-Emancipation to the 21st Century /
Developed by: / Karen Smidt
Contextual Paragraph for Resource Set:
This ARS contains a sampling of primary source evidence of African American presence in Colorado. It provides a jumping off point for 11th grade literature students to explore an aspect of Black History as it relates to any literature covered throughout the semester.
The Backwards Design of this Inquiry is asking the basic question, “What does African American history look like when compared to literature?” Students will then explore primary sources to discover connections to literature.
Annotated Resource Set (ARS)
Resource Set
Ex Slaves who settled in Colorado / Sheet Music / Voodoo Man Sheet Music / “Negro Superstitions” / Correspondence btwn Samuel E. Brown to John G. Nicolay, Tuesday, September 20, 1864 (Political affairs in Colorado) / "Negro slave belonging to Hamilton family, cook at Fort Francisco during Civil War" / / / / /
Negro Soldier's Contribution in the Wars of the U.S. / Man and Woman at Glen Cove Inn / Group at Pike's Peak / Asa D.C. Barnes, Jr. / Emancipation Day / Cyrus Chapin / / / / /
Resource Set
I have a dream speech (pending copyright) / Drinking Fountain / The Weary Picket / Jones, Lucy (Lucile) Berkeley Buchanan (1884-1989) / (Resource Title Here) / Present Day Lincoln Idea,eaa,aaeo,aaodyssey,gottscho,hh,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,berl,lbcoll,cdn,cic,cwnyhs,cwar,consrvbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,fsaall,aep,fine,fmuever,dcm,cmns,cowellbib,toddbib,afcnyebib,lomaxbib,ngp,gottlieb,alad,mff,mcc,mymhiwebib,aipn,afcwip,fawbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,qlt,ncr,afc911bib,mesnbib,denn,runyon,wtc,detr,upboverbib,varstg,horyd,hawp,suffrg,mnwp,rbcmillerbib,awh,awhbib,sgproto,wright / / / / /
Grade Level / Curriculum Connections / Standards / Learning Objectives / Suggested Learning Strategies / Suggested Assessment Strategies / Links to Other Resources
AASL Standards / Colorado Standards / Content Objectives / Thinking Objectives
11 / Language Arts Literature / 1.1.3 Develop and refi ne a range of questions to frame the search for new understanding.
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. / Reading & Writing
4. Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing,
speaking, listening, and viewing.
4.1 make predictions, analyze, draw conclusions, and discriminate between fact
and opinion in writing, reading, speaking, listening, and viewing;
4.2 use reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to define and solve
4.4 identify the purpose, perspective, and historical and cultural influences of a
speaker, author, or director; / Language Arts Objectives:
1. Understands the connection between primary sources and black history
2. Identify primary source collections in the area of black history in Colorado
Information Literacy Objectives:
1. Understands the difference between primary and secondary sources
2. Understands the process of inquiry as it is related to searching for topics of interest / Objective 1.
Recognize the connection between black history and literature.
Objective 2.
Develop questions that query possible connections to black history and literature.
Objective 3.
Decide which primary sources lead to the era or literature to which they would like to make connections. / Introduce Lesson by brainstorming all the possible connections of black history to the literature read throughout the semester, beginning with the Lincoln Douglass and ending with Barack Obama’s inaugural speech.
Explain the inquiry process and model the beginning stages of the inquiry process using the Black History in Colorado Primary Source Set.
Provide exploration time for primary source searching. / Apply the Thinking about Primary Sources... pdf from the Library of Congress Analysis sheets to actual inquiry and learning but adding an element for literature reflection/connection. / 11th grade McMillan Literature Textbook and other texts that supports the curriculum.
Annotations Continued
Grade Level / Curriculum Connections / Standards / Learning Objectives / Suggested Learning Strategies / Suggested Assessment Strategies / Links to Other ResourcesAASL Standards / Colorado Standards / Content Objectives / Thinking Objectives
2.4.1 Determine how to act on information (accept, reject, modify).
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess4.1.3 Respond to literature and creative expressions of ideas in various formats and genres. / STANDARD 5:
Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant
information from a variety of media, reference, and
technological sources.
5.2 understand the structure, organization, and use of various media, reference,
and technological sources as they select information for their reading and
Teaching with Primary Sources - Annotated Resource Set