Minutes of Loretto RC Parent Council meeting – 23rd October 2013
Parents: Anne Shaw (Vice-chair), Bill Gleeson (Secretary), John Lally (Treasurer) , Jacqueline Campbell, Sharon Hurley, Yvonne Ross, Moyra Hall, Helen Nettleship, Karyn Porteous, Kai Clark, Carol Baird, Patricia Scott,Audrey Peter. Staff: Anne Burke, Karen Hill, Siobhan Kinsella. Guests: Cllr. John Caldwell, Cllr. Stuart Currie.
Apologies received:
Su Boyle, Karen Macrae, Lisa Helbig, Kate Courtney, Karen Hart, Canon McMullan, Cllr. Andy Forrest.
Welcome and Introductions:
In Su’s absence, Anne Shaw took the chair, welcomedall present and noted apologies.
Matters Arising:
- Arrange hire of Hall – postponed until New Year
- Book Fair – Su is arranging
- Parent Helpers – AB to speak to Su
The Minutes were proposed byPatricia and seconded by Yvonne.
School Update:
The second Follow Through visit from Education Scotland took place on 24/25th September. While the draft report is not ready at this point, Anne Burke reported that the feeling was that the inspection had been favourable, with plenty of positive feedback during the process. There is a high level of team spirit amongst the staff, and the introduction of new learning resources is on-going.
The draft report is expected within the next week or so, and the full report thereafter. It is expected that the report will be tabled at the ELC Education Committee meeting of November 26th.
P7 fundraising
A concern was raised from the floor that the P7 fundraising effort is making a donation to charity of a percentage of the funds raised throughout – some parents are concerned that the potentially reduced overall funds may mean that some P7 pupils may miss out on camp.
It was noted that the children in this class in particular had been impacted by cancer, and had taken the initiative themselves to support a cancer charity. CfE promotes children becoming more involved in the community and their proposal certainly supports that aim. AB suggested that the children be applauded for their generosity.
It was mooted that certain funds may be available to children whose families require support to meet the costs associated with camp. The school will deal with these cases individually.
Treasurer’s Report
John reported a balance at bank of £3577. £100 was taken on the recent dress down day, as well as an impressive haul of donations for the Winter Fair. Helen confirmed that the P7 fundraising effort did not now require the proposed advance to cover the hoodies.
- Winter Fair:planned for Friday 29th November, directly after school. Next dress down day we will ask for donations for the fair, rather than the traditional £1. Karen Hill to confirm number of stalls required from classes. Proposed to bring forward our next meeting to November 19th in order to plan the Fair.
- Fitness/Games afternoon: postponed
- Dress Down Friday: hotdogs and smoothies – chocolate donations requested this month
- Travelling Book Fair: Su to contact to sort out dates
- Calendars/Cards: a card supplier has been arranged, deadline to return completed cards and forms is 8th November.
- Grants –Bill and John to begin the grant process s for playground and learning equipment. Anne noted a requirement for storage huts. Pupil Council to write to local hardware suppliers to seek a donation. Staff asked that basic equipment such as skipping ropes and balls be replaced, as well as the possibility of more ground markings.
Eco Committee
Nothing to report
Bill had circulated Minutes of the last ELAPCM meeting. ELAPCM had asked for an example of Parental Involvement. After much discussion it was decided to submit the example of the parent helpers in the Library and the Accelerated reading programme as this year’s entry.
- Move next meeting date to November 19th
- Suggestion to add Midlothian school dates to the calendars adopted.
- Book Fair – Su
- Write to hardware stores seeking donation of storage sheds – Pupil Council
- Advise on number of staff stalls – Karen Hill
- Submit example of Parental Involvement to ELAPCM - Bill
- Grants – Bill/John
Next Meeting
November 19th at 1830