Present: Rowena Phillips (Chairman),Shan Rees, Janet Davies, Sandra Lines. Penny Stone and Arfon Davies (Secretary).

Apologies: Melanie Phillips-Rees, Janet Knott, Sarah Walters, Lisa DeKroon, Bridget Owen, Jamie Stiles and Mair Stephens.

1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th June 2017 were confirmed and signed.

2. Matters Arising

1. Hall Flooring – The Secretary was discussing buffering and polishing of the main hall and replacement of the Entrance Hallway flooring with Ralph Stephens.

2. Races Evening – The Races evening would be held on the 10th November. The Secretary to send letters to Committee members to ask them to sell horses.These to be returned by the 27th October.All members to bring finger nibbles on the evening along with raffle prizes. There would be a vice-chairman’s race this year. The Secretary to invite local organisations Vice-chairmen to take part.

3. Hall Fire Exit Door and exit pathway – The Secretary was meeting a contractor on the 29thSeptember to obtain a quote for the works along with securing a number of coping stones and work on the apparent damp patch in the Committee room corner.

4. Hall Play Ground – The Secretary confirmed that the solar panel park contractor was no longer responding to any contacts and it appeared therefore that this possibility was unlikely to bear fruit. In the meantime the Secretary had made grant applications to the National Lottery, Millennium Stadium Trust and Greggs Grant Schemes. The Greggs application had not been successful. The committee will await the other application results.

5. Quiz Evening – The quiz evening was noted as having been an enjoyable event. A profit of £220.47 had been made. Thanks were expressed to Paul Temple and Mark Gower for running the quiz.

6. Electrical Inspection Works – Thanks were expressed to Graham Rees who had carried out the works felt necessary from the annual Electrical Inspection.

7. Hall Water Testing – It was noted that the Secretary and Sandra Lines were running the Hall taps periodically in order to ensure that water was not sitting in the pipes for long periods.

3. Correspondence

1. Swalec – Confirmation of the electrical contract renewal

4. Booking Issues – A booking had been undertaken on the 14th August for a party, however due to a trip switch issue, the kitchen cooker had not been available as had been anticipated. The Committee was therefore looking to return the £20 fee paid.

5. Xmas Lights Evening

The Christmas Lights evening would be held on the 4th December at the Red Lion. Cllr Ronald Thomas will be asked to perform the lighting. The School, Ysgol Sul and Band Croesyceiliog had been asked to perform on the evening.

6. 100 Club

The October draw was held

1st 71 £30 Dilys Rees

2nd 79 £20 Pat Owens, Meinciau

3rd 64 £10 Penny Stone

7. Any other business

1. A replacement button was noted as being needed for the external light delay switch.

2. It was noted that a trap had been placed on the hall path to catch a stray cat within the village.