Minutes of Leathermarket CBS Board meeting

9th January 2018

John Paul Maytum (JPM) – Chair
Christine Parsons (CP)
Joanna Vignola (JV)
Fola Ogunkola (FO)
Sean Jeanette (SJ)
Sarah Hatchard (SH)
Frank O’Neill (FON)
John Paul Lynch (JPL)
Paul Davies (PD)
Andy Bates (AB)
Robert Knight (RK) – igloo
Neil Hartley (NH) – igloo
Alex Sommerville (AS) – Bell Phillips Architects
John Lineen (JL) – Bell Phillips Architects
Beverley Nomafo (BN) – CBS Programme Director
Rachel Brain (RB) – CBS Community/Communications Officer / Apologies:
Paul Munday
Fola Ogunkola
Kym Shaen-Carter
Agenda Item / Lead / Deadline
1. / Welcome and Introductions
1.1.JPM emphasised the importance of receiving papers well in advance of meetings.
1.2.This was the CBS Board’s first “paperless” meeting; directors should let the CBS know in advance of the meeting if they would prefer to have papers printed.
2. / Apologies
2.1. Apologies as listed.
3. / Declarations of Interest
3.1.None other than the directors with an on-going relationship with the JMB.
4. / Estate Improvement Plan
4.1.BN introduced JL and AS, architects from Bell Phillips Architects (BPA), and reminded the Board of the next steps in the consultation process for the Estate Improvement Plan. BPA have prepared poster boards that summarise resident concerns and proposals that have been discussed in consultation workshops to date. These boards will be displayed in community spaces where residents can view them for several weeks, followed by a community event in February to gather any final feedback.
4.2.JL summarised the format of the consultation boards; for each estate, there is one board which summarises the key issues raised by residents and one board which summarises corresponding suggestions/proposals, including opportunity sites for new homes. JL requested feedback on the format of the boards as well as the framing and phrasing of suggestions.
4.3.Discussion on the general format of boards:
4.3.1.SJ emphasised the importance of framing this as a consultation document, and not a short-term proposal.
4.3.2.JPM suggested that the pictures at the bottom of the boards should have captions.
4.3.3.BN suggested colour-coding the key consultation points, and several board members agreed; BPA to explore possibilities.
4.3.4.JPM suggested clarifying the timescales for the proposed changes – perhaps by preparing multiple boards, with proposals for different timeframes (ex. 5 years and 20 years).
4.4.Elim Estate boards:
4.4.1.AB suggested that the Elim boards should prioritise the radical changes being proposed for this estate.
4.4.2.JV raised concerns about the scale of the proposed changes on Elim, and AB noted that they were a reflection of discussions at the consultation meetings; CP and JPM noted that there is trust in and enthusiasm for the new build plans.
4.4.3.JPM noted that “existing conditions” is not equivalent to “problems,” and boards should be amended accordingly.
4.4.4.Action: CBS/JMB to provide photos of the interiors of Elim flats for inclusion on the boards.
4.5.Kipling Estate boards:
4.5.1.JV raised the possibilities of building on the Kipling Estate car park or along Long Lane.
4.6.Peveril House boards:
4.6.1.AB raised the possibility of demolition and rebuilding on this site, and JPM noted the potential for other major developments around the Peveril site. PD acknowledged that there is a push for higher density in this area, and that discussions about a tube station at Bricklayers’ Arms are ongoing between TFL and Southwark. BPA to add a board outlining the 20-year vision for Peveril.
4.7.Action: Board members to provide any additional feedback/detailed comments by 12th January.
4.8.Action: BPA to update the consultation boards to reflect feedback from the board.
4.9.JPM suggested that all of the boards should be displayed together in the JMB reception, so as to effectively illustrate the scale of the proposed changes. JPM also noted the importance of sufficiently engaging TRA members in the process, and suggested hosting a preview event for them before the consultation boards are unveiled to the public. The Board AGREED to this approach.
4.10.CP suggested that the consultation boards should be displayed for two to three weeks in total, with an opening event for TRA members and a closing event for residents. JPM and AB also proposed an afternoon event for residents in the middle of this period. 24th January was suggested as a provisional date for the opening event. The Board AGREED to this approach.
4.11.Action: CBS to organise TRA preview and resident consultation events. / BPA
5. / Marklake Court Updates
5.1.RK summarised MarklakeCourt updates and acknowledged that Buxton’s work has been of good quality thus far.
5.2.Construction is ten weeks behind, but Buxton is holding to their recovery programme and focusing on the original contract completion date; progresswill be reviewed in the next week. The national brick shortage remains a programme risk, but this risk lies with Buxton. The contractor has not issued any formal notifications that their completion date will not be achieved.
5.3.RK outlined the provisional sums that remain to be instructed:
  1. Sanitary works for disabled bathrooms:Buxton is preparing a provisional sum.
  2. Section 278 roadworks and footways: LBS would like to do this work with a contribution from the CBS, at a price to be negotiated; this would likely be more than budgeted for (to be funded by available contingency). PD notes that there is still a poor understanding within the council of the relationship between LBS and the CBS on this site.
  3. igloorequested approval to instruct these sums when they are comfortable that they have reached the best possible price, in line with the worst-case costs outlined by RK.The board AGREED to progression on these terms.
  4. AB asked about the status of local employment initiatives at Marklake Court. Action: igloo will continue to engage with Buxton’s on this.
  5. AB asked about the status of the audit of Kipling parking spaces, which was previously agreed with KSC. Action: igloo to liaise with AB on the parking audit.
  6. RK noted that the timelapse camera for the site had been decommissioned. Action: RK to liaise with BN and RB about the specifications for the timelapse footage.
6. / Joseph Lancaster Updates
6.1.The planning application for Joseph Lancaster is now available through Southwark’s online planning register and comments can be submitted. Action: JM and RB to encourage positive comments on the planning application.
6.2.NH indicated that the target validation date for the application is 7th March, and that itmay be decided under delegated powers. PD noted that this would depend on the level of comment.
6.3.NH raised the question of whether the project should be rebranded as “social rent,” rather than “affordable” housing. This wording could limit later usage of the properties, but several directors noted that this limitation is consistent with the CBS’s mission. The Board AGREED to describe the properties as “homes for social rent.” Action: NH to return to Southwark with this modified descriptor.
6.4.NH reported that the quote for the archaeological survey was £20,500, excluding VAT and a UXO attendant (approximately £450/day). NH requested approval for an expenditure of up to £30,000 to carry out this survey. The Board AGREED to an expenditure of up to £30,000 for archaeological survey fees.(See 7.6 below).
6.5.NH requested approval for Measur’s fee of £6,264 (including VAT) to complete the contractor selection process. The Board AGREED to this expenditure. / RB / JM
7. / Cash Flow
7.1.JPM noted that the paper on construction finance for Joseph Lancaster did not go to Cabinet in December as hoped; consequently, the programme may be several months delayed, resulting in the red numbers on the current cash flow report. JPM noted that the JMB had initially agreed to a loan that was larger than required, but the CBS has already paid back £50,000 of this loan (leaving £150,000 available). The CBS is now requesting a further £50,000 from the JMB, bringing the total loan to £200,000.The Board AGREED to an additional loan of £50,000 from the JMB.
7.2.BN summarised the rest of the CBS cash flow, noting that it assumes the CBS is moving forward with the Joseph Lancaster scheme and using the JMB loan for the Stage 1 tender process. BN noted that this is a risk. CP emphasised that Stephen Douglass has approved the JMB loan in writing.
7.3.BN indicated that the project team would feel comfortable moving forward with the Stage 1 tender process if they receive positive feedback from the Housing Investment Board.
7.4.The Board AGREED to the cash flow as outlined.
7.5.The Board AGREED to instruct the project team to prepare the Stage 1 tender process in February if the CBS receives positive feedback from the Housing Investment Board.
7.6.The Board AGREED to move forwards with the archaeological survey on the Joseph Lancaster site in the interim.
8. / CBS Board Training
8.1.All Board members received a copy of the CBS Business Plan, and JPM emphasised the importance of everyone familiarising themselves with its contents.
8.2.PM intended to bring a skills audit to the meeting, but was unable to attend due to illness.Action: BN to discuss the skills audit with PM, and BN to bring a spec to the next board meeting. / BN/ PM
9. / Quarterly Newsletter
9.1.RB presented a Winter 2018 newsletter, which is to be the first issue of a quarterly publication delivered to all JMB residents.
9.2.CP suggested that the front page should highlight the MarklakeCourt project, and JPM suggested a picture with people in it. JPM also noted the importance of naming councillors in photo captions.
9.3.Action: Board members to provide any additional feedback to RB before the end of the week.
9.4.The Board AGREED to issue the newsletter following the requested amendments. / RB
10. / Website Proposals
10.1.RB suggested reformatting and updating the CBS website. Action:JPM, JPL, and any others interested to schedule a smaller meeting to discuss website updates. / RB/ JPM/ JPL
11. / Minutes from Last Meeting/Actions Log
11.1.The minutes from the last meeting were AGREED.
11.2.Action: CBS to delete completed actions from the actions log.
11.3.JPM indicated that he has had no response from Mark Williams.
11.4.Action: RK/KSC to consider/progress the social impact assessment for Marklake Court.
11.5.AB emphasised the importance of the membership drive, and clarified that allresidents over the age of 18 and non-resident leaseholders are eligible. AB proposed eliminating the £1 membership fee – this was AGREED by the Board. / RB
12. / Any Other Business
12.1.The board acknowledged the Cabinet reshuffle and the appointment of a new Housing Minister, and discussed the possibility of inviting the new Minister to visit. Action: BN to draft a letter/invitation on JPM’s behalf.
12.2.RK noted that a Marklake Court flat will be prepared for promotional purposes before the end of April.Action:Igloo to liaise with RB and JM about marketing, including inviting councillors to view the show flat. / BN
Igloo/RB/ JM / April