/ Fareham Local Children’s Partnership
Strategic Board Meeting
Date / Wednesday 21 March 2012
Time / 9.30am
Venue / Fareham College
Present / Bob Gellett / Henry Cort Community College
Catherine Richards / VP Students & Teaching, Fareham College
Charlotte Weavers / Headteacher, Sarisbury Infant School
Christine O’Dea / Locality Clinical Manager, HCHC
Connie Hockley Cllr / Executive Member for Community, FBC
Janie Millerchip / Community Development Manager, FBC
Jeff Ballard / Area Manager, Wessex Youth Offending Team
Acting Chair / Lisa Humphreys / District Manager, Children and Families, HCC
Maria Calway-Kennedy / F&G YSS Manager HCC
Steph Morley / Team Manager, Fareham Locality Team C&F
Steve Cottrell / District Manager, Education & Inclusion HCC
In attendance / Sue Wilson-Smith / Administrator Fareham LCP (minute taker)
Claire Woollett / Fareham Children’s Centres
Apologies / Carol Allington / Churches Together & Chair of LCP
Chief Insp. Jason Kenny / G&F District Commander, Hampshire Police
Chris Toner / Headteacher, Baycroft School
Jane Hoggarth / Headteacher, Oak Meadow Primary School
Lynne Meechan / Participation Officer, Children & Families HCC
Malcolm Cooke / Assistant Director, KIDS South East
Paul O’Beirne / CE, Community Action Fareham
Sam Severe / Children’s Centre Support Officer, HCC


1 / Welcome
After a general welcome and introduction all attendees supported the offer from Lisa Humphreys to Chair the meeting because the nominated Chair and Vice-Chair were unable to attend.
Christine O’Dea was welcomed as the replacement for Kath Clark.
Rena Randall has been appointed to the Board as a replacement for Dorothy Fane.
Bob Gellett is now the Secondary School representative.
2 / Apologies
Noted above.
3 / Minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2012
These were approved as a correct record with the amendment of the date of item 5 from 2012 to 2011.
Action points arising
Emma Watts provided a written update about the Olympics and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Catherine Richards will identify a young person willing to attend the Fareham LCP Board meetings. / Catherine Richards
4 / Urgent Business Items
5 / Call to Action (CTA) a presentation by Christine O’Dea
A presentation was given about the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme and the objective to ‘maximise the life potential for healthy adults’. By 2014 the number of health visitors in Hampshire is planned to increase from 111 to 239.
There was some discussion about the vital link with Health Visitors to Children’s Centres and how this is important for the 0-7yr agenda.
A copy of the powerpoint presentation will be circulated to members by email. / Sue Wilson-Smith
6 / Fareham and Gosport Area Group Manager for the Fire Service, Brian Rudman.
Brian Rudman gave a presentation on, Fareham and Gosport Group Youth Diversion Activities. This included Young Fire Fighters Association, TRAPT – Teenage Road Action Preventative Training, School Educational Team, Public Service Courses and the Youth Diversion Worker.
It was agreed that the 14-19yr group will be interested to understand the referral system for youths between 13 – 19yrs onto the Young Fire Fighters Association. It is due to start in September 2012 and will give support and training to selected youths. The Youth Diversion Worker is Ian Harper on secondment from a watch. He works closely with the Community Safety Partnership and other partners on a wide range of projects. This post will finish in December 2012 unless further funding is sourced. (Total cost of post including on costs £37,740.) / Sue Wilson-Smith
The following agenda items were taken out of order.
7 / A report from Wessex Prevention Services – Prevention Quarterly Report Oct – December 2011 Fareham and Gosport area
This report was noted.
8 / Budget 2011/12
A budget update was handed out. This will be emailed out to all other members. It was clear that funds are available for additional projects. We do not know what funds will be available next year, except that an allocation has been made to pay for the LCP co-ordinator/administrator. / Sue Wilson-Smith
9 / Request for funding – Play Ranger service
Janie Millerchip explained the request for funding. It was suggested that this Play Ranger service should be linked with the 0-7yr group and Children’s Centres used for Play Rangers to offer play sessions.
Some suggestions were made to clarify that the funding would support more of the Fareham LCP objectives and priorities. The request for funding form will be amended slightly.
It was unanimously agreed that the Play Ranger service met important Fareham LCP priorities and therefore the £6k grant was awarded. It was hoped that this would attract match funding from other sources. The Fareham LCP logo will be used on any Play Ranger documents that are produced. / Janie Millerchip
10 / Request for funding – marketing of commissioned youth services
Bob Gellett explained the need for this marketing during a time of huge change in youth services. There was some discussion about the use of ‘apps’ and asking Fareham College students to help with a website. Generally it was felt that this was vital work that needed to be done
Maria Calway-Kennedy was able to state that Connections used to spend more than £5k a year on leaflets and promotional material for each district. There was a suggestion that Fareham Borough Council should also be providing some funding for this.
Following further discussion it was unanimously agreed that £2k should be granted to this publicity project. (Original request was for £1.5k.) / Bob Gellett
11 / Request for funding – Youth Conference support to Fareham youth attending.
The grant application was discussed and the £500 requested was unanimously granted. / Maria Calway-Kennedy
12 / Practitioner Group Feedback
0 – 7 years Practitioner Group
Charlotte Weavers explained that after some delay they are now keen to get started on the project in the Summer. Songs and rhymes activities will take place for up to 30 vulnerable children and families at external venues. There will be some assessment at the end of the project.
Steve Cottrell stated that Simon Francis had been allocated 6 days to help with this project.
Catherine Richards offered the use of the college as a venue and suggested that students on the child care course could help with the children and younger siblings. / Charlotte Weavers
7 – 14 years Practitioner Group
Steph Morley spoke about the project to train professions in non directive play which will start in the week 23 April 2012. Future projects could be based around the Individual Partnership Agreements (IPAs) that had been started for pupils in year 6 and upwards but might not have been reviewed and added to.
There was some discussion on the need to share information between organisations and schools to help get the full picture about a child and their needs. Generally it was felt that some children were let down with issues that had not been addressed throughout their schooling and were still an issue when they arrived at college.
14 – 19 years Practitioner Group
Bob Gellett explained that his project was all about supporting NEETs and he was pleased that almost all pupils were on course to get some qualification and had a place at college. He was concerned that Connexions used to monitor the movements of NEETs and this would now not happen.
Maria Calway-Kennedy was able to give details of a £330k project that Hampshire County Council have agreed to fund to provide this missing service with 11 new posts being created providing 8 practitioners and 3 administrators of core data. She expected Fareham to get one person for the borough.
It was understood that a study is taking place at Portchester School to monitor students throughout their school life. This would give information about transition problems and those that are excluded. Steph Morley was also aware of a Breakfast Club taking place at Brune Park School for year 7s and above. It is important to learn from these projects and pass on best practise.
13 / Integrated Youth Service Update
Maria Calway-Kennedy gave an update on the lots that have been allocated.
Lot 9a Fareham Hub Provision
A1 - Portchester - The Legacy Project
A2 - Fareham Town Centre - The Legacy Project
A3 - Locks Heath - The Legacy Project
A4 - Highlands - no applicants - HCC procurement team will shortly be approaching possible providers to deliver this lot A5 - Bellfield Estate - Titchfield Community Association
A6 - Broadlaw Estate - South East Hampshire Community Outlook
9b - Fareham drop in provision - Motiv8
9c - Fareham Detached Service - The Legacy Project
9d - Youth Counselling Service - The Moving On Project
9e - Health and wellbeing Service - no applicants - HCC procurement team will shortly be approaching possible providers to deliver this lot. 9f - LGBT Support Service - No Limits
The Legacy Project who have been awarded a number of lots across the district are a partnership between The Legacy Project, Y Services and Music Fusion for your information.
14 / Request from The Lennex Centre to be included in the 7-14yr project in April
Steph Morley explained that the Centre wished to be included in the 7-14yr project as they understood that this would be of great benefit to their practitioners and could be rolled out to other practitioners in Fareham and Gosport.
Everyone present agreed that the Lennex Centre should be allowed to take part in the project. / Steph Morley
15 / Consultation on Early Help and the role of locality teams within Hampshire Children’s Services
This item was not discussed as the findings of the consultation are not yet known. It will be discussed at the next meeting. / Sue Wilson-Smith
16 / Partner Organisation Report – brief verbal update
Whilst not at the meeting Paul O’Beirne provided the following information which was read out. The Pop-up gallery has re-opened and is open 6 days a week. £3.5k is needed to replace half the grant cut by HCC for the disability information centre (part of Shopmobility). There has been a 15% price increase for Shopmobility users.
There were no other updates.
17 / Future conference – what is the purpose, aims and objective of any future conference – for discussion.
Sue Wilson-Smith explained that a conference was proposed for a date in June 2012. After some discussion it was suggested that this was too early and an Autumn date; late September or October would be better to allow for the necessary organisation.
Some members had attended the recent Gosport event where the Gosport LCP and Gosport Youth held events on the same day in the same venue and came together in the afternoon for some sessions. It was agreed that a good key speaker is vital to make people want to attend. Any suggestions for a key note speaker to Sue Wilson-Smith please.
It became apparent during earlier discussions in this meeting that the transition periods in a child’s life; starting school, changing schools and leaving school; were times of additional stress when support was needed and therefore it was suggested that it be a key part of the conference.
The Chair suggested that a separate task and finish group be created to consider some aims and objectives for the day and produce a vision to work towards. / All
18 / Items for the next agenda. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 23 May 2012.
Future conference – date in September or October to be decided, further details for discussion
Consultation on Early Help and the role of locality teams within Hampshire Children’s Services – deferred from this agenda.
Introduce Matt Healey and Richard Sullivan Community Development Facilitators to the board.
General comments
There was concern that the attendance at this meeting was poor with only 11 out of 19 board members present and as the dates for the meetings are known months in advance then members must give this meeting a priority to attend.
The Chair was concerned that this agenda was too long and whilst there was some good discussions during the meeting the limited time available meant that these were cut short.
The meeting finished at 12.10pm.

Minutes of LCP Strategic Board Meeting – 21.03.12