Moderator Rev John Collard constituted the meeting with reflection and a prayer. The following elders attended.
Helen Brown Angela Brynes Ronnie Craig
John Danskin Tom Gardner David Gilchrist
David Grant Diane Gray Derek Henderson
Agnes Mackie Alex Mackie John Quipp
Pat McEwan Jeff Wight Ian Wilson
Apologies were received from
Lewis Adamson Jenny Dyer Liz Ferguson
Lynn McEwen Robbie Robertson David Smith
Fiona Bonnar i/c Safeguarding, was welcomed by the Moderator and invited to give an update on the situation.
She indicated that our current records are still requiring improvement; work in progress. One current applicant is still being processed. Alistair Marquis has been pleased with attendance and involvement at training sessions. Any person wishing to help with groups must be interviewed by Session and processed by the co-ordinator. She, herself, is still waiting for full revised information.
The minutes of the April meeting were approved, moved by Jeff Wight, seconded by Alex Mackie.
The big increase in expenditure so far this year has been in Equipment, Maintenance and Supplies, already £1,000 over the annual budget – due to replacement cost incurred at the time of the break-in, subject of course to an insurance claim. This has also affected our prompt payment to Ministries and Mission which we expect to pay when our claim (approx. £4,500) is received. Our annual stationery budget has also been spent (additional communications to congregation).
Some doubts still persist regarding restricted funds; further clarification is required.
Fund Raising
- Jubilee Party 5th June - Tickets are now available. This will include a sale of
- Buy a Brick for Brucefield will begin on Sunday 10th June. To avoid aesthetic
problems, names will be entered in a book.
- Cost?
- Car Boot Sale – Saturday 14th July 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.
- Thrift Shop from the Old Church vestibule 31 July – 4th August and again
16th – 20th October.
- A concert by Vicky Reid – Saturday 27th October – in Whitburn Academy -
free let of school.
A request was made for help with tables for Soup Sunday. The minister said he would ask the Friday ‘Drop in’ people if they would help with this. The Clerk asked that in order not to exhaust members liberality, not every event run should be viewed as a money raiser and that some things done should be for fun.
Pastoral Care
- Continues with a concentration on Befriending. There is to be a Befrienders afternoon on 3rd September (service, tea, entertainment).
Appreciation was expressed of the work done by Lewis’ team at the Care Homes.
There was favourable comment on the use of projection during the recent Youth Service; it will almost certainly be used again although the best siting of the screen may yet be a question of trial and error.
Hall Lets
Zumba Dancing starts on 6th June.
Orange Awareness Week is off.
A bill requires to be sent to the Council for Election use. The Treasurer will see to this.
It was agreed to produce a Bulletin by the 21st May .
We think we can get rid of the fire door in the kitchen but (a) we should obtain a written report and (b) we should check with the Council to establish whether we can brick it up.
There are new keys for the church, following damage to locks during the recent break-ins. Anyone requiring one should see John Quipp. There has been a request for another light at the back door – cost may be around £90. John Quipp, Jeff Wight to investigate. Tom Scroggie will be invited to repair water damage on the font.
As a result of meetings, grant applications are being made; progress is slow and we may not be able to meet the Historic Scotland deadline at the end of August. Failing that, we would have to wait until February 2013.
Manse – A fair bit of work has been done by Derek Blair. Should we be paying him from the Manse Fund? It was also agreed to begin the form filling process and returning them to Presbytery. Various options are on the table for a manse.
(a) Rebuild on the existing site – a detached manse and a pair of semi-detached houses – total cost – around £235.000.
(b) Buy an off site manse – (there are one or two local suitable properties available ranging from £220,000 - £285,000) and sell the existing site.
The General Trustees favour the latter idea.
With our financial situation, major capital funding is required from elsewhere.
The Trustees have indicated a willingness to take an equity stake, receiving back their capital in the event of any later sale. Maintenance – council tax, would be the congregation’s responsibility. Further thought and discussion are required, as is information regarding how much car parking we could expect to have in the event of sale of ground and rebuild on the site.
Interim Ministry
A draft report was produced by Transition Support Group following the Congregational Meeting of 28th March which laid out the situation we are in and encouraged us to move forward, confidently, seeing the future as an opportunity, not a threat, and adapting to the changing circumstances around us. As part of that, it was agreed to have another meeting of the congregation on Sunday 27th May after worship, to keep members informed of progress, especially on the buildings. The draft report from the Transition Support Group was accepted.
Presbytery Report
Among items mentioned were the “ Heart and Soul” event in Princes Street Gardens on Sunday 20th May; Stewardship (as ever); changes in the Livingston Ecumenical Parish arrangements, and debate about the proposed removal of V.A.T zero rating on alterations to listed buildings.
Roll change – removal Mrs Susan Neill (Ellen Street) – death.
Ordination of new elder – Mrs Joan Murfitt – Sunday 27th May.
The minister would like to see a Holiday Club running during the last week of the School Holidays. He suggested a joint effort with other churches and is in process of contacting John McFadyen (South Church) and Stevie Roy (Pentecostal) along with Gavin Thomson (Scripture Union) to test reaction. He would also like to involve some of the Youth Organisations and see the Holiday Club as a precursor of a reformed Sunday School. Catherine Danskin to be consulted.
Lost and Found
There are 115 bibles from a past era in the front cupboard. Book Aid which has a local representative should be allowed to take them.
The Alarm System
Three quotes have been received of which, local firm A.F.A. who helped us during the recent emergency is the best - £1,272 excluding V.A.T. plus £365 maintenance. It was agreed to accept them.
It was agreed to use as a temporary measure (in place of the existing, now obsolete boards) some P.V.C. banners costing £100 each. The minister has also
devised a Web Site
C.D.T. Report
Jeff Wight reported on a meeting he had attended, the main problem they seem to be facing is lack of enthusiasm; perhaps we can learn from each other.
Depute Clerk
The minister reported that Liz Ferguson had agreed to fill this post at present.
Date of Next Meeting - Monday 11th June 2012.
The meeting ended with the Benediction.