Chairman: Cllr Grice.

Committee Members: Cllrs Chmara, Millband, Pinder, Seller, Wells.

Staff: Neil Grocock (Clerk), Steve Mottishaw (Facilities Manager). The meeting was minuted by Neil Grocock.

Also Present: Cllrs Armour and Oakley.

17/0186 Apologies

q  There were no apologies.

q  Cllr Grice introduced the new Facilities Manager, Steve Mottishaw, and welcomed him to his first meeting.

17/0187 Declarations of Interest

q  There were no declarations of interest.

17/0188 Minutes

q  The minutes of the meeting on 3.10.16 were APPROVED and signed by Cllr Grice as a true record.

17/0189 Matters Arising

q  (17/0182e) Burial Ground Memorial Garden: NOTED that the Finance & Risk committee had approved the relevant expenditure at its meeting on 24.10.16 (17/7621). Cllr Pinder to liaise with the Facilities Manager.

q  (17/0185d) Village Hall Kitchen:

-  The Facilities Manager reported that a meeting with the contractor had been postponed until 7.12.16; there was currently some uncertainty regarding the start date, and the schedule of works needed to be firmed up.

-  Cllr Grice reported that he had discussed the situation with the contractor (Finance & Risk minute 17/7627 21.11.16 refers) and verbally agreed: payment of a £1k deposit; all materials to be paid for when onsite; stage payments in respect of labour; some retention monies. The Clerk pointed out that, thus far, no written confirmation of this arrangement had been received from the contractor.

17/0190 Correspondence

q  A letter from the Big Lottery Fund confirming a conditional Awards for All grant offer of £9522 towards the proposed skatepark lighting project (Full Council minute 17/8603b 7.11.16 refers) had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting together with terms and conditions - NOTED.

q  The Clerk confirmed that he had signed a duplicate copy of the letter on behalf of the Parish Council and returned it as required; a bank details form had also been completed and returned.

q  Cllr Wells confirmed that he would be discussing the way forward with the Facilities Manager later in the week.

17/0191 Expenditure for Approval

q  There were no items of expenditure for approval.

17/0192 Burial Ground

a)  Report from Working Party

q  Cllr Pinder reported that everything was “reasonably in order”.

b)  Statistics – Quarterly Review

q  Statistics for the period 24.9.16 to 28.11.16, included in the briefing notes for the meeting, were NOTED.

q  Cllr Pinder had produced a projection which suggested that there were sufficient burial plots for another 4/5 years, albeit that some of this space might, in the meantime, be needed for cremation plots.

c)  Regulations

q  Cllr Pinder reported that, following discussions with Debbie Cooke at the Council office, he was attempting to rewrite the regulations “in plain English”.

q  AGREED that the fee for placement of cremation plaques should increase to £42 subject to there being no charge for subsequent inscriptions.

17/0193 Village Hall Complex

a)  Report from Working Party

q  Cllr Chmara reported that the premises were generally satisfactory although she had concerns regarding the Centenary Lounge carpet and the malodorous gents toilets.

b)  Concessions – Quarterly Review

q  The Clerk reported that, according to the Bookings Clerk, there had been no ‘one-off’ or irregular concessions on hire fees since the last meeting.

c)  Car Park Drainage

q  Two quotations, each for a different solution to the drainage problem, had been included in the briefing notes for the meeting.

q  After due discussion, it was AGREED that the lower of the two quotations offered the better solution, and that the Facilities Manager should obtain quotations for the same method from two other contractors.

17/0194 Activity Park: Report from Working Party

q  Cllr Armour, representing the working party in the absence of Cllr Valentine, reported as follows:

-  Working party has not met since prior to the facility being opened.

-  Ideally two more members required.

-  Lengthy email from a member of the public to Williams-Architects, the contractors and Sport England appears to have gone unanswered. (Cllr Grice commented that he believed many of the issues raised had been addressed.)

-  Gabion walls still a problem.

-  CCTV perhaps worthy of consideration.

-  Further discussions with Lizzie Hughes (Sport England) regarding outline programme of use will take place in due course.

-  Timeframe and plan for monitoring of usage required.

q  The Facilities Manager confirmed that he had emailed Williams-Architects regarding the Gabion walls; he added that Streetwise had now commenced weekly inspections of the facility.

q  Cllr Grice informed the committee that Alan Wilkins, the village handyman, was prepared to remove broken glass if need be.

17/0195 Play Area: Report from Working Party

q  Cllr Millband reported that everything was “fantastic”, various issues having been addressed by the Facilities Manager.

17/0196 Skatepark: Report from Working Party

q  Cllr Wells reported that everything “seemed to be alright”.

There being no further business, the chairman closed the meeting at

approximately 7.45pm.

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