Careers Expos 2012

Application for Funding

Return to Regional Vocational Education Officer

BY (To be determined by each Region)

Fax to: 02______OR Email to:Vocational Education Officer



Section 1

Grant Recipient




Manager’s Name

Manager’s Signature Date

Section 2

Title of Expo

Proposed date

Proposed venue

Name of convenor/coordinator

Position of convenor/coordinator



PostcodeTelephone Fax

E-mail address

Section 3

1.Careers Expo organiser details (ONLY if different to convenor/coordinator details)

Name of working party/ committee/ company/ service provider organising the expo


ABN (if appropriate)______

Mail and street address ______



E-mail address ______

2.Management committee members

Name / Position / School / company / organisation

Section 4

Government schools involved in the expo

Non-government schools involved in the expo

What financial contribution will stakeholders make to the expo?

Targeted student group/s or Year/s


Anticipated number of students ______

Focus of the expo

Anticipated student outcomes

Section 5

Funding priorities

Please indicate briefly how the expo addresses each of the funding priorities.

Promotes post-school career pathways
Explicitly links to career and transition planning
Actively involves industry and tertiary providers in the organisation and implementation of the event
Consultation with other organisationsproviding similar/relatedcareer activity
Interactive rather than solely information giving
Provides structured activities such as seminars and workshops (give examples)
Focuses on areas of skill shortage (please specify the areas or industries targeted).
Promotes teaching as a career where applicable
Provides current industry information and training advice
Involves parents and carers as well as students

Section 6

Proposed budget

Please complete the following proposed expenditure budget:

Expenditure Item / Proposed Budget
Travel expenses eg. for management committee members or allocated person/s to co-ordinate the organisation of the expo
Relief costs e.g. coordinator, management committee members, teachers, clerical staff
Professional development and/or briefing sessions
Transport costs for students involved in organising or presenting
Publicity e.g. newspaper, TV, radio
Printing e.g. flyers, student booklet, programs etc
Venue hire
Administration costs
Other (please specify type of expenditure)

Please Note:Funds are not to be used for student travel. Funds are provided to assist in the management of the expo.

How will the expo complement and support other careers and vocational learning programs for school students?

Additional comments

Note: Convenors of careers expos will be required to complete and submit

anactivity and expenditure report in November 2011.

Vocational education consultant recommendation

Comments and recommendation

Vocational education consultant

This application for funding is supported / not supported





Application for funding careers expos Vocational Education in Schools Directorate Version 1 2012