Minutes of JPWGC Board Meeting

February 18, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m. Attendees at the meeting: Helen Landicho; Nancy Hawkins; Marianne Pe`a; Debbie Yee; Pat McShea; MJ Mitoma and Nancy Fukuhara. Michele Rostron, AnnMarie Nelson, and Jeni Nakamura were absent. The minutes were recorded by Pat McShea.

Marianne went over the summary of the financial report that she had previously sent out. The financials include an $860 underrun for our annual income/expenses. Debbie explained that the $860 underrun was mainly made up of the $375 underrun from last year. We had a little unexpected income and we spent less on the holiday party and club championship than was budgeted. Also, both Saturday and Tuesday groups underran their weekly competition payout, which will be rolled into the 2017 payouts. There also was a credit of about $180 that was used this year. Debbie talked about the merits of doing a 3- or 4-year budget; part of the ongoing large balance currently in the club account is being saved for the expenses of a tournament we might sponsor some years in the future. Debbie explained the 2017 budget details and the group made some decisions, including to reduce the holiday budget for 2017 (which comes from the annual budget/expenses) and setting aside the underrun in 2016 related to the holiday party and club championship to be potentially used in 2017, if necessary. We voted and accepted the budget.

Helen discussed the membership application on the website. The dues stay the same amount as last year. GHIN dues from Jefferson Park Women’s Golf Club to the Washington State Golf Association are due March 31. JPWGC dues are due March 15. Payments made later incur a $5 late fee. GHINS not receiving payment a few days prior to the cutoff will be deactivated to avoid incurring a penalty to the club. Helen said that Pauline Wilder will send out the application reminder to previous members. Pat will be posting flyers in a variety of locations to try to increase membership in the club. We discussed the need for volunteers for board positions, and we will present the open positions to the members at the Spring meeting on March 18.

We discussed a possible change to the Saturday start time, but the group has few options for tee times because Saturdays are extremely popular with the general public. This year’s start times are already locked in, so any change would occur next year.

The next topic was the club championship. The current club championship is a two-day event over two weeks. Nancy Hawkins asked if there was a way to do it NOT over two weeks, perhaps two days in a row instead. After considerable discussion about various alternatives, we agreed that we should leave it as is. We selected July 22 & 29 as the Saturday competition dates and July 25 & August 1 for the Tuesday group.

Regarding the captain’s cup, MJ will arrange for the cup to be engraved with last year’s winner. We agreed to keep the event as a two-day combined score over a three-week period. The competition this year will be held June 10, 17 & 24 for the Saturday participants and June 13, 20 & 27 for the Tuesday group.

We put together an agenda for the Spring members meeting. The items on the agenda include the financial report, approval of the standing rules, and election of new officers. Paul Wilkinson, Golf, Tennis and Moorage Manager for the Seattle Parks Department, will discuss changes to the golf course. We discussed bringing the club championship and captain’s cup trophy/plaque to display (and encourage participation) at the Spring General Meeting. The open board positions are the Board President, Saturday co-captain, Treasurer, and Trustee for Rules & Handicap. Debbie and Helen said they will submit their names if there are no other volunteers for President and Saturday co-captain. Marianne is not interested in continuing to be the club treasurer. Helen will contact Michele Rostron to see if she can complete her term as handicap trustee, and, if not, Helen, MJ and Marianne will work out coverage until a new handicap trustee can be elected and trained.

We discussed whether to have a holiday party or a season-end party. We agreed that the party last year at the Spaghetti Factory was well-attended and enjoyed; the room was adequate and the staff accommodated various dietary restrictions. It also saved the room fee we had incurred the previous year at the Jefferson Park clubhouse. The board decided to let the attendees at the Spring meeting decide which approach we should take this year. The season-end party would likely be in October, the holiday party in November or December.


1)  Helen Landicho will coordinate distribution of application form

2)  Debbie Yee will update the budget

3)  Nancy Hawkins will send out email soliciting volunteers for the open board positions

4)  Pat McShea will distribute posters to a variety of locations

5)  MJ Mitoma will get the captain’s cup engraved

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30.