Minutes of IT Committee Meeting

Saturday 22March 2008 4:30 – 6 PM

Held at the MacquarieAnglicanGrammar School, 11 Currawong Road, Dubbo



Robin Uppill – Chair

Martin Bicevskis – TAS

Bill Jones – ACT

Blair Trewin – VIC

Ian Dodd – VIC

Tim McIntyre - QLD

  1. OA Results System and related matters

States are being encouraged to take responsibility for uploading results for National Calendar events to the OA Results system rather than maintain results at state, club or event web sites. Not all are coming on board as yet and Robin Uppill and others are still having to contact event organisers to get results.

QLD is uploading all event results to this system.

Focus is currently on results from SI (Sport Software) systems, but other formats can be uploaded (see Help information at the site)

Tasmania do not use Sport Software are staying with CompO.

Blair Trewin noted that publishing results did not raise any Privacy issues as entrants were competing in a public event and hence should expect that results would be published.


  • Robin Uppill to liaise with Tasmania on result formats so that their results can be uploaded.
  • Robin Uppill to provide more details to states on how the system works and how to upload results
  1. OA and State Web Sites – maintaining the national event calendar

Events on the National Calendar that are entered on SocialFx based web sites can be syndicated to all associated sites, but require the use of appropriate event “Tags”. If implemented updates to a single entry would be available at all sites

  1. On line entries

ACT and NSW have used Transition Zone, this permits payment by Credit Card but has some limitations e.g. number of entrants for an entry. Paper entries can be added to the system by authorised users. Data is to be provided in Sport Software formats. Need to ensure that the club list provided to Transition Zone is current.

QLD has online entries for events provided as part of their current web site, however payments are separate.

Major events in 2009 – Tasmania have not yet considered online entries.

  1. General web site issues

States are encouraged to continue to submit major event reports to the OA web site. Previous contributors and states were all directly contacted by the Director – Technical earlier this year to encourage such contributions to continue.

  1. SPORTident Equipment and Sport Software

Items discussed were as follows:

  • States were asked to comment on the performance of BSF7/8 units with respect to battery life. No state has had these for longer than 3 years (QLD purchased some in 2005). None have needed replacements yet.
  • Issues with reading SI Cards occur occasionally, these can generally be overcome by re-reading after re-setting master station, closing SI Read window. Note that new version USB Master Stations and versions 10.3(?) needed to read SI 6 cards
  • With newer version SI Cards (e.g. 9) no longer being compatible with the older BSF4 and 6 units, states need to be aware of entrants with these especially for events expecting overseas competitors e.g. WMOC 2009. States are encouraged to upgrade to newer units funds permitting.
  • Some clubs are missing from the standard club list. Also need to cater for non-members, overseas entrants

Action: Robin Uppill to up date the club list and Sport Software event templates on the OA web site with missing clubs, also add “Other” for non-member Australian participants

  1. Other Business

OA Annual awards need to be listed on the OA Web site

Action: Robin Uppill to follow-up with OA