Emerging Engagement Scholars 2011 Workshop

The 2011 Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop takes place September 30 – October 4, 2011 in conjunction with the National Outreach Scholarship Conference at Michigan State University. Sponsors of the workshop include Michigan State University, the National Outreach Scholarship Conference partner institutions, and the National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement (NCSUE) at Michigan State University.

This workshop will provide advanced graduate students and early career faculty with background literature, facilitated discussion, and presentations from national leaders and community partners. It is designed to increase their awareness and knowledge of community-engaged scholarship and the scholarship of engagement.Participation is limited and interested applicants must be nominated to be part of this workshop.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2011Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop(see the attached Application Form). The new deadline for receipt of applications isApril 8, 2011.Successful applicants will be notified no later than April 22, 2011.

Applicants for this program should be graduate students or junior faculty members:

  • with an interest in community engagement and engaged scholarship and/or the scholarship of engagement (that is, involved or interested in research that contributes to their discipline while making a positive impact on external stakeholders), or
  • whose research isabout engagement (that is, interested in the processes and outcomes of community engagement and engaged scholarship).

Applicants must also demonstrate:

  • a desire for new learning about engagement and engaged scholarship,
  • an interest in working with faculty across disciplines to explore and learn more about how engaged scholarship might be carried out, and
  • the capacity to effectively communicate the results of their research to public, academic, and other external audiences.

Successful applicants will be expected to come to the workshop with an idea for an engaged scholarship project, or a research project about the scholarship of engagement, in mind. These projects will be discussed in the context of what is presentedduring the workshop. Participants are expected to attend all sessions and participate fully in activities of the program. (See preliminary agenda.)

Upon acceptance, participants will be asked to pay a $100registration fee for the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop, in exchange for which they will be provided with admission to all sessions, materials, and meals during the Workshop, as well as free registration to the National Outreach Scholarship Conference (a $355 value). Participants are expected to pay for their own travel and lodging. (Please note: The $100registration fee should not accompany your application. Successful applicants will be notified and provided with payment instructions.)

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Preliminary Agenda for 2011Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop

NOTE: Acceptance to the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop requires your full attendance at ALL scheduled workshopsessions and the entire National Outreach Scholarship Conference.If you do not attend all of the sessions, you will be invoiced for the amount of the National Outreach Scholarship Conference registration fee ($355).

Friday, September 30, 2011

3:00-5:00Welcome to East Lansing – Arrival and hotel check-in.Participants may arrive by air to the E. Lansing airport (limited flight availability) or Detroit Metro.

6:00-7:30Welcome Dinner– Emerging engagement scholars introduce their projects to the group inan informal setting

Saturday, October 1, 2011


8:00-10:00Master Class – Foundations of Engaged Scholarship

10:00-10:15Refreshment Break

10:15-12:15Panel Discussion – Types of/Considerations for Engaged Scholarship
(i.e. the mentors’ panel)

12:15-2:30Working Lunch – Small Group Mentoring

2:30-3:30Panel Discussion – Outreach Partnerships and Boundary Spanning Roles

3:30-3:45Refreshment Break

3:45-6:00Master Class – Working with Community Partners

6:30-Dinneron your own

Sunday, October 2, 2011

7:00-8:00EESW Breakfast

9:00-2:00Strengthening Your Engagement Dossier, including lunch

3:00-6:30NOSC 2011 Opening Plenaryand Conference, continuing through Tuesday, October 4th

6:30-NOSC Opening Dinner

Monday, October 3 – Tuesday, October 4, 2011

9:30Panel discussion:Disciplinary, institutional type, and community partner considerations for engaged scholarship

11:30Break for lunch – Working lunch (meal provided): Small group work, meeting with faculty mentors, discussion of methods and theories, each group to report on similarities and differences in the projects presented

2:00The National Outreach Scholarship Conference:

Monday:Breakfast– Small groups are encouraged to sit together and continue discussion. Groups may also schedule a time (during Mon and Tues) on their own to meet if need be

Panel of Journal Editors – during NOSC – open to other conference participants

Panel of speakers on research methods in engaged scholarship – during NOSC–open to other conference participants

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Emerging Engagement Scholars 2011 Workshop


Applicant’s name: ______

Institution name: ______

What best describes your institution? (check all that apply)

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___Research extensive-intensive

(doctoral granting)

___Land grant university

___Master’s college/university

(4-year BA with master’s programs)

____Baccalaureate college

(4 year institution – liberal arts)

____Associate’s college

(community college, other two-year


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Department/program of study: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______Fax:______

Present Duties and Responsibilities:

Check the categories that best describe your primary duties and responsibilities:

Graduate Student Teaching Faculty Research Faculty

Extension Faculty Clinical Faculty

Other, please specify: ______

A complete application packet includesthe following materials:

Completed Application Form

Biographical Sketch (no more than 250 words)

Research Outline (no more than 5 double-spaced pages)

Nomination Form

(The completed form may be included in the packet submitted by the applicant, or forwarded directly to the selection committee by the Evaluator. Please indicate in your application if the form will be sent separately. ALL MATERIALS MUST ARRIVE BY THE APRIL 8 DEADLINE.)

Signature: ______Date: ______

A complete application packet includes the following materials:

In addition to the completed application form, you MUST include the following:

  1. Biographical sketch. In no more than 250 words, provide pertinent information that addresses the following points:
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Position and career goals (Faculty track? Extension professional? Community-based position?)
  • Research interests
  • (Previous) experience with engaged scholarship, community-based research, and/or research about engagement
  • (Previous) professional experience related to engagement and community-based research
  • Other related experiences/interests

NOTE: This information will be shared with fellow participants, and posted on-line on the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop homepage. Please provide information that you feel comfortable posting in these public settings.

  1. Research proposal. In no more than five (5) double-spaced pages, outline a scholarly project you are working on or plan to work on that addresses a community-based issue and includes community partners, or studies engagement in higher education.
  • What do you want to do?
  • Problem statement
  • Significance of the problem
  • Research question(s)
  • How do you plan to do it?
  • Research design
  • Data to be collected
  • Methods for data collection
  • Participants/subjects
  • Are community members involved in designing and/or conducting this project? If so, how are they involved? If not, could they be involved? How?
  1. Photo/web and contact information release form,signed
  2. Nomination form sent by your faculty advisor, department chair, or administrative supervisor (see next page)

Name of nominator: ______

Submit application materials by April 8, 2011(by email preferred) to:Laurie Van Egeren, Email: vanegere@msu.edu; Garden Level, Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824

Fax: (517) 432-9541Phone: (517) 355-0140

Emerging Engagement Scholars 2011 Workshop

Participant Release Form

Release for use of photographs and/or recordings taken during the 2011 Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop

I hereby assign full copyright of photographic images and video/audio recordings to the NationalCenter for the Study of University Engagement (NCSUE) at MichiganStateUniversity together with the right of reproduction either wholly or in part. I agree that NCSUE can use the above-mentioned images and recordings either separately or together, either wholly or in part, in any way and in any context, particularly including release on websites. NCSUE may have unrestricted use of these images for whatever purpose, including promotion of the Workshop, website, or other functions, with any reasonable retouching or alteration. I will not initiate legal claims or demands against either the photographer/videographer, NCSUE, or MichiganStateUniversity regarding any of the above mentioned images. I have read this release form carefully and fully understand its meanings and implications.
Printed Name:______



□Please check here if you do not want your name to appear in conjunction with any

photographic images in which you may appear.

Permission to publish contact information

In applying to participate in the 2011 Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop, I give NCSUE permission to disseminate my name and a biographical sketch that I provide to other participants and through its public website. I give NCSUE further permission to publish the following contact information through its website or print materials to promote further communication among current, past, and future participants (please mark all that apply):

____My postal address


____My phone number:

_____My e-mail address:



Emerging Engagement Scholars 2011 Workshop

Faculty Mentor/Department Chair Nomination Form

Name of Applicant: ______

Faculty Mentor/Department Chair’s Name: ______

Title: ______

Department: ______

Institution: ______

Email: ______Phone: ______Fax:______

The successful applicant for this program should possess the following qualities on a scale of 1 to 3.

3 = candidate’s work/experience fully embodies this quality

2 = candidate shows potential in this area

1 = candidate has shown no evidence of this quality

N/A = evaluator has no knowledge or experience with the candidaterelevant to this quality

Involved or interested in research that contributes to their discipline while making a positive impact on external stakeholders

Demonstrates a desire for new learning about engaged scholarship

Demonstrates an interest in working with faculty across disciplines to explore and learn more about how engaged scholarship might be carried out

Demonstrates the capacity to effectively communicate the results of their research to public, academic, and other external audiences

_____ Overall Rating

Please use only the space provided on this form to respond to the following questions:

How will the candidate benefit from participation in the 2011 Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop?

What specific learning opportunities do you hope to see the candidate experience during this event?

Signature: ______Date: ______


Laurie Van Egeren

Garden Level, Kellogg Center

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824

Email: Fax: (517) 432-9541Phone: (517) 355-0140

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