Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayNovember 10th 2016

the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. J. Edmondson,Mr. S. Marsh,Mr. A. MacGregor,Mr. G. Pope,

Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor, Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor,

PCSO John Winfield,Rev. B. Faulkner, Mrs. F. Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA, and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Tenmembers of the public attended.

130. Apologies

Apologies were received from,Mr. S. McAllister, Mr. C. Williams, Pc. S. Edwards, PCSO T. Mead.

131. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct. Mr. MacGregor informed the meeting that the treein Northover, highlighted from the 'walk' report had been actually removed by Mr. Pope.

132. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

133. Open Session

Mr. B. Masters reported that there is a nasty pothole at the entrance to Old Spittles farm along the access to the Mead and a heavy duty manhole cover that needs to be looked at.

Mr. B. Masters also stated that there is a need for a 'Slow down' sign at the entrance to the Mead.

Mr. Stewart reported that there is damage to the Bus shelter at Lyster Close, which needs attention.

Mr. G. Hill stated that he had attended the meeting of the Somerset Rivers Authority held on October 26th at the SSDC Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil. Mr. Hill had spoken to Sarah Lewis, Highways England after the meeting and had asked for a meeting to present his information on the A.303 flooding issues. Sarah Diacono, SCC had asked for his data, as she is now involved. Mr. Hill stated that there is confusion over the accuracy of both the data and modelling that has been used by Highways England & the Environment Agency, and he would be sending his information in due course.

Mr. Hill highlighted that repairs to the Flood bank by the penstock at the Mead, are needed as the bank needs to be raised.

Mr. Hill stated that the repairs carried out on the Foot bridge at Limington had been very well done.

An Email was read from a resident at Great Orchard, highlighting the fact that British Telecom intended to remove the Telephone kiosk at Great Orchard, suggesting that the Parish Council take its ownership.

134. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Capozzoli reported on the works carried out at the Biogas site and confirmed that there is a continuing dialogue with SSDC and the agent over this development, but nothing specific to report at this point. Mrs. Panter asked him to keep up the pressure on both parties.

Mr. Bailey, spoke on his report, which had been circulated to members, highlighting Sports 50 for Health &Wellbeing, this being aimed at more senior members of the public.

Mr. Bailey stated that the Community room at the School needs to be better promoted, with Miss Stapleton reporting that flyers are being produced.

Mr. Bailey asked if any progress had been made with Gully clearing. It was agreed to discuss this later under Highway matters.

135. Youth Parish Councils

Miss Stapleton reported that the Youth Parish Councils were working on the boards on the Weighbridge and work is being done to enhance the Bus shelter opposite the entrance to Great Orchard on the B.3151.

The Youth Parish Councils are again organising 'Village in Lights' competition for businesses and will making homemade sweets for Diners Christmas lunch.

136. Police & Community issues

An Email received from Mr. Cruikshank was read, which expressed his concern that having received the Leaflets advising residents to park responsibly, stated that he was unhappy that residents were being targeted, as many offenders in the Central Avenue area, Taranto Hill area were in fact persons from outside of the Village.

PCSO Winfield stated that he will contact the Schools to see if they can assist.

Mrs. Panter thanked Miss Shedden, Priory Road, for assisting in the delivering of the Leaflets.

PCSO Winfield informed the meeting that he & PCSO Jan Sparkes will be attending the Remembrance Sunday service on November 13th. Mrs. Panter thanked him for this.

Mr. Pope asked if there had been any action following the arson attack on the Digger by the river Yeo.

It was understood there was nothing to report at present.

Mrs. Goodliffe informed the Council that IDCA had discussed the Telephone kiosk issue at Great Orchard, and had agreed that they would need to take on the four kiosks within the Newsletter area - being Ilchester, Limington, Podimore & Yeovilton, to make it a viable project. It was explained that the one at Podimore has been taken on by the British Heart Foundation Trust and the one at Yeovilton village, by Yeovilton Parish Council. After considerable discussion, on a vote of five to one, the Council resolved to agree to its removal and inform SSDC accordingly.

The Council agreed that the Christmas trees will be put up at the Town Hall on December 4th.

137. Planning matters

The Council noted that application 16/03027/FUL for Mr. T. Foreman on land rear of 12, Free Street to convert and extend existing outbuilding to create new dwelling had been granted.

The Council noted that application 16/03564/FUL for Mr. G. Kesser at Bridge Garage, Northover for partial change of use of Showroom to form an A5 takeaway unit together with reduction in operating hours for hand car wash had been granted.

The Council noted application 16/03814/PDE for Mr. Craig Farrow at 30, Great Orchard for proposed

extension i) the projection beyond the rear wall is 4.6 metres, ii) the maximum height of the proposed extension is 3.5 metres, iii) the height of the eaves of the proposed extension is 2.5 metres had been granted.

The Council noted that there was no decision on application 16/03861/LBC for Mr. David Jenkins at the Old Rectory for removal of modern secondary glazingand replacement with secondary double glazing units.

The Council discussed and supported application 16/04378/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. P. Bailey at 27, Abbots road for a two storey and garage side extension to property - amended plan, subject to the red line amendment being satisfactory.

138. Financial matters

The account balances were reported at31/10/16being in the C/A/c £70 & B/R A/c £40,881.04p.

Receipts -Bank interest £1.76p.

Payments made -

10/11/162209£50RBL poppy appeal

10/11/162210£750.28SSDC play inspections - six months

10/11/162211£40Amy Band - skate park- last payment

10/11/162212£503.20PTH salary & expenses

10/11/162213£50SSDC clearing Mead area - reissued cheque

10/11/162214£60A. Piper cleaning bus shelters

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

Mr. Edmondson read a list of requests made so far for budgetary consideration.

The Clerk was instructed to ask SSDC StreetScene for information on any potential buy in availability, for some ad hoc services.

139. Remembrance Sunday & Armistice Services

Mrs. Panter reported that all is in place for the Remembrance Sunday service and Parade & the Schools are to be involved with the Armistice Day Service on November 11th at St. Mary's Church.

140. Website

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams reported, there were no issues to report, except that he will again try to get other organisations to have a link to the Website.

141. Highway matters

Mrs. Panter stated that the bus shelter opposite Great Orchard is in need of attention, and Mr. G. Pope & Mr. MacGregor agreed to have a look at its condition.

Mr. MacGregor stated that he will collect some salt bags from SCC Highways, Mead Avenue, Yeovil.

It was agreed to report the pothole at the entrance to Old Spittles farm along the access to the Mead and a heavy duty manhole cover in the same area to County Highways.

Mr. Marsh stated that the Council ought to consider whether to mark up individual parking bays on the Market Place car parking area. After some debate, it was agreed to seek advice and obtain potential designs for the area. It was stated that this could reduce the numbers of vehicles on the area.

It was agreed to report the damage at the Lyster bus shelter to the County Transport team.

Miss Stapleton reported that the road sweepers had been in action at Taranto Hill.

The Council agreed to have seventeen gullies cleared in the High Street, West Street including the two at the Northover layby at the Council's expense by SCC Highways.

142. Flooding issues

The Council noted the report made earlier by Mr. G. Hill arising from the SRA meeting held on October 26th, and the letters sent from and to the residents.

The Council agreed to ask the Environment Agency to check all the floodbanks in Ilchester, as well highlighting the one by the penstock at the Mead.

143. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported thathardcore had been put into the entrance to the allotments.

144. Cemetery

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, an Email received recommended that the wooden edge boards along the Cemetery paths would be better by being replaced with stone edging. This was noted.

145. Mead Play area.

Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that needed to be addressed.

In the absence of Mr. McAllister, it was agreed to leave the issue of potential new equipment for the Mead play area, until the next meeting. In the meantime, it was agreed that the Town Trustshould be asked if an outdoor table tennis facility could considered, this to be put on the Sports field adjacent to the Gym equipment.

146. Skate Park

Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that needed to be addressed by the Council. The Council were informed that Miss Amy is to give up clearing the area at the end of November. It was agreed that a letter of thanks is sent to her from the Council. Miss Stapleton stated that she will discuss with the Youth Parish Councils members to see if a volunteer would be available.

147. Rights of Way

Mr. Edmondson reported that the surface of the BP from Pillbridge Lane is being raised, to improve it, and this work is being overseen by SCC Rights of Way. This information should resolve concerns raised by a member of the public.

148. TreeMatters

There were no issues raised.

149. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

The Clerk reported that the Town Trust, has now formally asked for a nomination to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. MacGregor resigning from the Charity. There were no nominations put forward, and it was agreed that this is left on the agenda.

Mrs. Felicity Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA,reported that she has become a Trustee of the Town Trust, and IDCA are to fund a 'First Aid' training course.

There were no matters reported from IRINEC.

150. Correspondence

The Council noted Clerks Directthe Somerset Waste newsletter.

151. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

Mr. Edmondson agreed to circulate the Historic strategy document to all members.

Mr. Marsh stated that the Police Officers, when present, ought to be permitted to give their report much earlier in the meeting. This was agreed.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayDecember 8th 2016 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, for attending, and declared the meeting closed at 10.03pm.

Signed: Date: