ME 4135

Robotics & Controls

Lab 3

Pick and Place with GMFanuc Robots

The purpose of this experiment is to acquaint the student teams with the techniques used to allow multiple equipment to work together to accomplish a task. We will be inserting communication processes into our programs developed during the first two RC controller laboratories. In addition, to better understand the whole, the two teams will exchange machines to complete this last segment of the Cell Development effort!

We will begin to explore the RC controller’s capability to interact with other intelligent equipment in its work cell. We will use isolation relays, and the system device input and output (SDI/SDO) interface to send simple binary communicated information between the two robot programs. Using these interfaces, the RC control language and external power supplies, we will develop a “MASTER –SLAVE” controller scheme. We will develop the closed loop communication streams and safe handing off procedures for the product for “Painting” and returning to the main factory line, one at a time. To accomplish the handoff, the Master (4-axis) robot will pick up and move a part from the rotary table and place it into a fixture on the wooden bench. It will move away from the fixture and send a message to the waiting Slave (5-axis robot). The 5 Axis Robot will acknowledge this signal and then, after firing a positioner, move in to pick up the part from the fixture. The 5 Axis Robot will complete its painting routine, then return the part to the fixture, fire the positioner and move away. Finally, it will signal the Master that the part is back and await further instructions. After receiving the information that the painted part is ready, the Master will move in to retrieve the part to return it to the turntable and bring a new part for further iterations. Should the rotating table execute its “no parts” timeout activities, the Master should return home and signal the waiting Slave to go home too using a separate signaling channel.

The group report will include an analysis of the required programming tools used to perform these tasks. This will include an well documented and accurate wiring diagram and a discussion of communication techniques. In addition, include your thoughts on the following issue:

1.  Discuss the method for developing this automated cell. Consider the roles of the 3 Tenets of Automation and the step by step approach and the division of tasks that were employed.

Do not forget to record the details of programming in your LAB NOTEBOOK for future reference!

SAFETY: All the students in the lab will remain out of reach of the robot while it is powered up and be a "valuable" part in the safety system.