Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayMay 14th 2015

at the Town Hall, Ilchester, at 7.30pm.

Present:Chairman, Mrs. H. Panter,Mr. J. Edmondson,(part), Miss J. Stapleton, Mr. A. MacGregor,

Mr. C. Williams, Mr. G. Pope, Mr. S. Mcallister, Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,

Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillorand Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Eightmembers of the public werealso present.

1. Election of Chairman

In the absence of Brigadier N. Knudsen, past Chairman, Mrs. Panter vice- Chairman took the Chair and welcomed the newly elected Council. There had been ten nominations for the nine places and the following had been elected - Mrs. H. Panter, Mr. J. Edmondson, Miss J. Stapleton, Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. S. Marsh,

Mr. C. Williams, Mr. G. Pope, Mr. S. Mcallister and Mr. H. Williams.

On the proposition of Mr. A. MacGregor, seconded by Mr. J. Edmondson, Mrs. Panter was unanimously elected Chairman. Mrs. Panter signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Chair.

2. The Councillors signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and were given their Register of Interest forms for completion, these to be returned to the Monitoring Officer at SSDC.

3. Appointments

The following Officer appointments were proposed and unanimously agreed for 2015/16 -

Vice Chairman & FinanceMr. Edmondson

Highways issues Mr. Marsh & Mr. MacGregor

AllotmentsMr. H. Williams

Flooding issuesMrs. Panter & Mr.Mcallister

Mead Play area & Skate ParkMr Mcallister

Youth Parish Councils Miss Stapleton

CemeteryMr. C. Williams

Rights of Way Mr. C. Williams & Mr. Pope

Website pro tem Mr. C. Williams

Tree OfficerMr. Pope

Internal AuditorMrs. W. Knudsen

4. Apologies

Apologies were received fromMr. S. Marsh& PCSO T. Mead.

5. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

6. Declarations of Interest

Miss Stapleton declared a personal & prejudicial Interest in 15/02061/R3C for SCC at Ilchester Community School for the formation of a Multi Games Area including fencing & lighting.

7. Open Session

Ms. Burrell asked about the recent works, which have been carried out on the A.303 beyond the Mead area, with Mr. B. Masters stating that the ditch alongside the A.303 has been piped (24 inches) and filled in.

A reply received from the Highways Agency was read, which stated that this work was needed, as an inspection of the masonry of the two metre existing retaining wall, had shown a geotechnical failure. This has resulted in tension cracks to the adjacent carriageway surfacing, and the west bound lane was closed in order to carry out these safety works. These works are a temporary solution, and are only to support the masonry wall and do not raise the carriageway above the current road surface level. Mr. Bailey, County Councillor stated that the Environment Agency needs to make their input, and urged the Council to contact and involve the newly elected Member of Parliament, Mr. Marcus Fysh.

Ms. Burrell stated that she was concerned that Brigadier Knudsen had accepted the principle of the proposals put forward by the Highways Agency. Mrs. Panter stated that a certain amount of trust had to be put in the professionals working on the way forward to resolve the flooding of the A.303. Mr. G. Hill expressed his concern at the lack of written guarantees from the Authorities, as the amount of safety margin is the key.

Mr. B. Masters asked each member of the Council for their views on the principle of building a bund alongside the A.303. The replies were varied and were noted. The Council agreed to consider the request to contact Marcus Fysh, newly electedMember of Parliament under Flooding issues.

8. County & District Councillors’ reports.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that he had been re-elected and the makeup of the District Council is now 29 Liberal Councillors elected, 28 Conservative Councillors with 3 Independent Councillors, one of whom is Mr. Capozzoli. Mr. Capozzoli thanked all who had supported him.

Mr. Capozzoli reported that application 15/01153/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. M. Haddigan at Northover Manor for the erection of a boiler room & wood pellet store to serve a new Bio mass boiler is to be taken to the SSDC Area East Committee meeting for determination.

Mr. Capozzoli explained the contribution from the Section 106 arising from the application 15/00024/OUT for the development of 150 homes adjacent to Dragonfly Chase.

Mr. Capozzoli informed the meeting that the area by a seat at Ivel Gardens, had been cleared by Mr. Pope, the site being owned by the Ilchester Angling Club.

Mr. Bailey, County Councillor, spoke on his report that had been circulated to all members.

Mr. Bailey stated that it is proposed to hold a meeting on July 4th reference the MUGA's future management, and this is being organised by the School, as the MUGA belongs to the Schools and there will be security and times of access availability issues for the School to address.

Mr. Bailey requested that the Parish Council send a representative attend a meeting that he is to arrange with the County Highways, to discuss route signage issues into Ilchester. This, to include HGV routes & the 7.5 tonne weight restriction appropriate signage, as well as other route signs. It was noted that SCC Highways have no jurisdiction for the A.303, as this is the responsibility of the Highways Authority.

9. Youth Parish Councils

Miss Stapleton gave apologies on behalf of the YPC members, this being due to exams and reported on behalf of the Youth Parish Councils, the future events being planned. These included a Litter pick on June 28th, a 'Colour Run' and a Breakfast Brunch or similar event. Efforts are to made to clean a seat put in memory of the late Ted Dobson, a former Licensee in Ilchester.

Mr. Capozzoli stated that he had trimmed the metal panels for the Bus shelter at Northover, with Mr. MacGregor stating that he was working on putting these into the Bus shelter.

10. Police & Community issues

In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, her report, having been circulated, was noted. The crime figures for Ilchester recorded during the past month werein total 34 incidents. There was no breakdown available.

Members expressed their concern at the apparent lack of Police presence in Ilchester and the Clerk was instructed to contact PC. Katie Maun on this issue.

Miss Stapleton reported that she had been unable to attend the meeting held at the Tall Trees Community Centre earlier today.

11. Planning matters

The Council noted Mr. Capozzoli's comment that application 15/01153/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. M. Haddigan at Northover Manor for the erection of a boiler room & wood pellet store to serve a new Bio mass boiler will be determined by SSDC Area East Committee.

The Council noted that application 15/00901/FUL for Mr. N. Batchelar at 36, Esmonde Drive for the demolition of existing garage and outhouse and erection of an attached garage and utility room had been granted.

The Council discussed and supported application 15/01545/FUL for Mr. Knight at New Spittles notification of Intent to erect an agricultural building for storage.

The Council ratified their decision following the Annual Parish meeting, to support application 15/01339/FUL for Mr. Robert Cruikshanks at 6, Central Avenue for the erection of a replacement conservatory.

The Council considered, and after some discussion, supported application 15/01472/FUL for Mr. Michelle David at 2, The High Street for the erection of a log cabin to be used in conjunction with dog grooming business, installation of decking with cover over, boundary walls and creation of new vehicular access and off road parking, subject to the proposed access in Priory Road is also for the use of the applicant's clients.

Miss Stapleton, having declared Personal & Prejudicial Interests in application 15/02061/R3C left the meeting, whilst the Council discussed and agreed to fully support application 15/02061/R3C for SCC at Ilchester Community School for the formation of a Multi Games Area including fencing & lighting.

Miss Stapleton returned to the meeting.

12. Financial matters

The account balances were reported at 30/04/15, as £100 in the C/A & £49,975.15p in the Business ReserveAccount.

On the proposition of Mr. H. Williams, seconded by Mr. Mcallister, the annual accounts for 2014/15 were unanimously adopted. It was noted that the annual accounts had been circulated to all of the newly elected Councillors.

The Council noted that Mrs. Knudsen, Internal Auditor had inspected annual accounts and had sent a letter confirming that these were in order.

The Chairman signed the External audit return, which is to be sent to Grant Thornton, Bristol and also read & signed the Annual Governance statement, which was noted.

It was noted that since Paul Hart Welding had not completed the works to the Skate park equipment, they have not yet been paid from last month.

After discussion, the Council agreed that all members should have the facility to sign cheques, and the Clerk was instructed to get the relevant mandate forms from NatWest Bank PLC.

Receipts - £1.77p Bank interest, £468 Allotment rents, £95 Mrs. Bazley & £23,000 SSDC precept

Payments made -

14/05/152082£1,332.20 Broker Network Ltd (Came & Company)

14/05/152083£614.40 Geo Masters & Sons, Co. Ltd

14/05/152084£40 Amy Band - clearing skate park area

14/05/152085£644.57 PTH salary & expenses

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

13. Website

Mr. C. Williamsstated that the Website needs to be updated and to have links to other Village organisations to be more effective. Mr. C. Williams stated that he no longer wishes to be responsible for the Website and asked if there could be an advert put in the Newsletter & on the Website asking for someone to take this on. This was agreed. Mr. Williams stated that he will continue until the replacement is found.

The Council, after discussion, agreed that it will not continue with using Vision ICT. The Clerk was instructed to inform Vision ICT.

14. Highway matters

The Chairman reported on the meeting with County Highways, attended by Brigadier Knudsen, herself, Mr. MacGregor (later) and the Clerk, held on April 21st to discuss the sign issue at the end of Almshouse Lane,and issues raised by the occupier of the Flat One at the Manor House reference damage to her property. It had been agreed to propose that Lorries only should only exit Almshouse Lane, by turning right into the High Street.

This will not apply to cars. It was noted that this action will take sometime to progress. The Council endorsed this action.

The Council were informed that the new Town Bridge sign, designed by Mr. G. Masters,has been taken to Somerton to be printed up and then fixed on to the Town Bridge sign. The two existing 'River Yeo' signs are to be removed by County Highways.

The Council were pleased to note via an Email received from Mr. Bailey, that Ilchester have been awarded £85K for SIS improvements based on options 4 & 5. Option 4 - To narrow the carriageway on the Town Bridge

& Option 5 - To install 4 arm mini roundabout at the Market Square / High Street junction & install 3 - 4 1.5 m islands along Northover. The Council have also asked that the two zebra crossings are raised.

The Clerk reported that the finished designfrom Konnected, have been sent for approval by County Highways, and was now waiting for the necessary formal permissions from SSDC, if needed & County Highways. Mr. MacGregor stated that nothing had been done to the blocked drains at the Northover lay by, with

Mr. Pope highlighting the same issue in the High Street. It was noted that parked cars do not help as they hinder any work being carried by SCC.

Miss Stapleton reported that many of the Street signs in the Village need cleaning. This was noted.

15. Flooding issues

The Council confirmed that Mr. Mcallister will be the Councillor, with the Chairman, as the focal points of contact for flooding issues.

The Council noted that the Flood hut at the Mead is progressing, the base has been put down, but the decision for final type of hut, which will be erected, has yet to be conveyed to the Council.

The Council instructed the Clerk to contact the newly elected Member of Parliament, Marcus Fysh, with a view of arranging a meeting with him, as soon is convenient. It was noted that the minutes of the SSDC District Executive Committee held on April 2nd, were still not available.

16. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported from the meeting with the allotment holders on Saturday April 25th, had been well attended and it was recommended from that meeting, that quotations should be obtained for replacing the fencing around the allotment area (not the field fence). This was endorsed by the Council and agreed that three quotations need to be presented to the Council for decision. It was noted that new locks are required. This request was agreed.

Mr. H. Williams stated that there is an problem for vehicles accessing the allotments in very wet conditions. This was noted. It was reported that the Police had attended following the break ins.

17. Cemetery

Mr. C. Williams reported that there were weeds growing through the bark put on the Garden of Remembrance, and it was agreed that the Clerk contacts Greenacres and ask that the weeds are removed and more bark is put over the area.

The Council agreed that Mr. Pope should obtain a quotation to give to Mr. C. Williams, for galvanising an old metal seat adjacent to the Chapel of Rest, providing it is robust enough to be moved.

18. Mead Play area

Mrs. Panterreported thata seat has been repaired and SSDC report had now taken this issue off the report. Also some bearings have been greased. It was noted that Mr. Mcallister will take over this area & the Skate Park, as part of his duties.

19. Skate Park

Mrs. Panter reported that Paul Hart Welding have done some of the painting works, but not completed their work, with the missing rail, still to be replaced.

20. Rights of Way

In the absence of Mr. Marsh, there were no issues reported.

21. TreeMatters

There were no tree issues raised.

22. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC & St. Mary’s PCC reports

Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, reported that the Town Trust are spending money on the building, modernising and repainting some areas. The works to the Roman Cemetery have been completed and a map of Ilchester dated 1723 is to be put in the Court room.

Miss Stapleton,on behalf of IDCA, reported that the Summer Fair has been cancelled and the Editor of the Newsletter will be leaving, so a new Editor will be required.

There were no issues reported from IRINEC.

There was no report from St. Mary's PCC and, as Mrs. Morley is no longer a Parish Councillor, it was agreed to remove this item from the agenda.

The Council noted that a quotation of £463 plus VAT for the repairs to the Clock has been receivedfrom the Cumbria Clock Co. Ltd, which had been accepted by the Councillors of the former Council.

It was noted that the Rector is dealing with this details, as there are Diocesan approvals that have to be obtained and that the Parish Council will be invoiced in due course.

23. Correspondence

The Council noted the SSDC Area East Bulletin & Clerks Direct.

24. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayJune 11th 2015 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 10.28pm.

Signed: Date: