Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayAugust 13th 2015

at the Town Hall, Ilchester, at 7.30pm.

Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. J. Edmondson, Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. G. Pope,

Mr. H. Williams, Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor, Luke Horn, Youth Parish Council and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.

Sixmembers of the public werealso present.

67. Apologies

Apologies were received fromMr. S. Marsh, Mr. C. Williams,Mr. S. McAllister, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor& PCSO T. Mead.

68. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

69. Declarations of Interest

Mr. MacGregor declared a Personal & Prejudicial Interest in application 15/03280/FUL for Mrs. Debbie Light at Northover Vicarage, Northover for alterations and the conversion of former stables into holiday accommodation for disabled persons and carers - (daughter).

70. Open Session

Ms. J. Burrell asked if there was any information from the Highways Agency- now Highways England - to report reference the flood works under consideration. Mrs. Panter stated that she had contacted Liz Austin from SKANSKA, who had informed her that the Agencies were nearly ready with the their proposals. Mrs. Panter stated that she had emphasised the need to have a meeting and contact with all the Agencies involved.

Mrs. Panter stated that she, with Mr. Edmondson and the Clerk had met Mr. Marcus Fysh, Member of Parliament, earlier in the day and updated him with the details of the flooding background and proposals to date. Mr. Fysh, informed her that, as he isin contact with Highways England,reference improvements to the A.303, had agreed toinclude the Mead flooding issues in his discussions with them.

Mr. B. Masters asked if the Bearley brook is to be cleaned out, Mr. W. Masters replied that the Internal Drainage Board will be carrying out this work. Mr. G. Hill stated that there is more water than usual, in the Bearley brook, and it was reported that this is due to sluice gates being open in Limington village.

Mr. W. Masters asked if there had been any progress or views expressed, reference the proposalsfora shallow bund on the Limington side of the A.37, this being proposed to protect the A.37 from flooding.

Mrs. Panter stated that neither she nor the Parish Council, have received any details on these proposals, and these would need to be in writing, before any comment can be made by the Parish Council.

Mr. Westlake highlighted the fact that a ditch alongside the A.303 had been filled and piped and was concerned at its capacity in flood conditions. It was agreed to contact Highways England on this issue.

Mr. W. Masters stated that he was more concerned at the flooding of the A.37.

Mr. Westlake informed the meeting that he has put the lock on the new Flood hut, and the Clerk informed the meeting that the Hut and its contents have been added to the Council's insurance policy, to which there is an excess of £250. Also, it has been agreed to contact SSDC to collect the items from them after September 8th.

Mrs. Goodcliffe gave the meeting details of an Ilchester 1940's Vintage Family Fun day being held on August 30th. The Chairman read a letter requesting closure of the Car park at the Market Place and this request was fully approved by the Council. It was agreed to respond to Mrs. Mcgee of the Ilchester Arms Hotel.

The meeting was read an Email received via Mr. McAllister, from Mr. Hopkins of the Dolphin Hotel, which highlighted parking problems at the top end of Great Orchard, highlighting the dire parking situation causing access for Emergency vehicles, to be virtually impossible. It was agreed to discuss this under Highway matters.

71. County & District Councillors’ reports.

In the absence of Mr. Bailey, County Councillor, it was noted that his report had been circulated to all members. Mrs. Panterhighlighted from this report, that there had been ameeting with the Tall Trees Community Centre, and that the proposals for the Northover islands were being designed.

Mr. Edmondson indicated that the Post Office at London House, High Street will be re-located at the Northover Garage shop area, at sometime later this year and there will be safety issues with crossing the road beyond the Town Bridge. It was noted that this information had been sent to SCC.

Mrs. Panter reported that the works for a full Cycle path from Ilchester to RNAS will not be happening.

The Council noted that there had been a further meeting, chaired by Mr. Bailey to discuss a Cycle route from Yeovil to RNAS Yeovilton via a Bridle path to Ashington & Limington villages. Mr. Capozzoli stated that this proposal is to help with Health & Wellbeing,and encourage cyclists to use Country routes safely.

After some discussion, it was agreed on a vote of 4 to 1, that the Parish Council will not be formally involved in this project, as this route does not go through Ilchester. After some discussion, it was agreed that either Mr. C. Williams or Mr. H. Williams could attend any meetings, as a watching brief, if they so wish.

The Council noted Somerset Choicesleaflets that were available to all members, and the public.

Mr. Capozzoliinformed the meeting that there had been a meeting of the full Council of SSDC at which the future position of the Chief Executive and the District Council, had been discussed.

72. Youth Parish Councils

Mr. Luke Horn gave his report, stating that the Youth Parish Councils have been very busy.The Youth Parish Council are assisting with a Youth Day on August 19th organised by SSDC, and on August 30th the Youth Parish Council are running a 'make your own mini scarecrow' stall and helping with a Scarecrow hunt at the Ilchester 1940's Vintage Family Fun day.

The Youth Parish Council have purchased new T shirts, which are being personalised with their members' names. The Council were shown one example and were very impressed. Mr. Horn was thanked for his report.

Mis Stapleton asked the Parish Council to consider making a donation to the Youth Parish Council, after discussion, it was agreed to consider this under Financial matters.

73. Police & Community issues

In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, there was no report received, but an Email had been received, gaving a reply to the apparent lack of Police presence in Ilchester. This was noted.

Mrs. Panter reported that the Doctors' Practice have indicated that they did not wish to re- locate the Surgery, at this point in time. This was noted.

74. Planning matters

The Council noted that there had been communication from SSDC planning, reference the wooden fencing issue, erected at 16, Pillbridge Lane, and that discussions were taking place with the owners.

The Council noted that there was no decision on the amended application 15/01472/FUL for Mr. Michelle David at 2, The High Street for the erection of a log cabin to be used in conjunction with dog grooming business, installation of decking with cover over, boundary walls, and now only pedestrian access from Priory Road.

The Council noted that application 15/02566/FUL for Mr. Kevin O'Donnell at 29, Manor Gardens for the erection of a two storey side extension and a single storey rear extension to dwellinghouse (revised/ part retrospective) had been granted.

The Council noted there was no decision on application 15/02902/FUL for Mrs. Cox at 6, Manor Gardens for the erection of a conservatory to the rear of dwelling and noted amended plans.

The Council noted that there was no decision on application 15/02912/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker at 24, High Street for demolition of existing garage & erection of new garage, enlargement of existing boundary wall opening and the erection of a new boundary wall.

The Council noted that there was no decision on applications 15/02915/FUL & 15/02916/LBC for Mrs. Michelle David at the Elms, High Street for the demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of a replacement conservatory.

Mr. MacGregor, having declared a Personal & Prejudicial Interest left the meeting, whilst the Council considered application 15/03280/FUL for Mrs. Debbie Light at Northover Vicarage, Northover for alterations and the conversion of former stables into holiday accommodation for disabled persons and carers. After discussion, the Council supported the application. Mr. MacGregor returned to the meeting.

The Council considered application15/03175/FUL for Mr. G. Keyser at the Bridge Garage for the use of existing car garage/showroom to include hand car wash / valeting facility. After some discussion, the Council agreed to support the application, but expressing concern at the lack of detail for the disposal of waste water washing, due to the proximity of the site, to the river Yeo.

The Council considered application15/03353/FUL for Mr. Ben Bray at 17, Abbots Road for the erection of a two storey side extension to dwellinghouse. After some discussion, the Council agreed to support the application, with concerns on the impact for adjacent properties, and on the Street scene.

75. Financial matters

The Parish Council considered the request made earlier by Miss Stapleton, of making a donation to the Youth Parish Council. Miss Stapleton left the meeting. On the proposition of Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Mr. H. Williams, it was agreed to donate £100 to the Youth Parish Councils. Miss Stapleton returned to the meeting.

The account balances were reported at 31/07/15, as £100 in the C/A & £42,707.96p in the Business ReserveAccount.

Receipts - £1.86 Bank interest.

Payments made -

13/08/152105£555.60Cumbria Clock Co Ltd - clock repairs

13/08/152106£384Vision ICT - website annual hosting

13/08/152107£115.20SSDC - annual play inspection report

13/08/152108£520.75PTH salary & expenses

13/08/152109£20Amy Band - clearing skate park area

13/08/152010£100 LAG - donation to Youth PCs

The above cheques were authorised and signed.

The Council noted that the papers for new mandate forms were nearly all in place.

The Council noted that there are Government changes being proposed, being an Auto Enrolment Pension scheme with changes for employers & employees being mandatory. Advice is being taken from Chalmers & Co.

76. Website

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, Mrs. Panter reported from the meeting held on Friday July 10th,stating that it had been agreed to recommend an upgrade to Version 5 with Vision ICT on the basis, that this will be easier to upload and more user friendly. The Council agreed to this, and agreed to consider Version 6 at some point later, when it is operational. After some discussion, the Council agreed that there should only be the Clerk's contact details - Email & telephone number - at this point in time, on the Website, plus the names & duties of each Councillor. It was agreed that there could be a photo of Councillors put onto the Website.

Mrs. Panter stated that once the Website is ready, other Village organisations within Ilchester should be contacted and asked if they wish to have a link onto the Website. This was agreed.

77. Highway matters

The Council considered the Email received via Mr. McAllister, from Mr. Hopkins of the Dolphin Hotel, which highlighted parking problems at the top end of Great Orchard, highlighting the dire parking situation causing access for Emergency vehicles to be virtually impossible. After discussion, which included that this is an issue that has been going on for years, it was agreed to forward the Email received, to the Fire Service, Yarlington Homes and the Police and also reply to Mr. Hopkins.

The Council were pleased to note that the footpath to the Mead from the A.37 had been cleaned off by County Highways, although it was noted that a short length with no verge had not been included, and this had been cleared with help by Mr. McAllister.

Mr. MacGregor stated that Mr. A. Piper would be prepared to clean the four bus shelters at a cost of £50 per time. After some discussion, it was agreed to accept this offer and have them cleaned twice in each year.

It was agreed that Mr. McAllister would ask Mr. Piper for a quotation to clean some play equipment at the Mead play area.

Miss Stapleton reported that the hedges by Great Orchard had been trimmed.

The Council noted that the damaged bollards at Northover by the Car sales area have been replaced.

Mr. MacGregor drew attention to blocked drains at the entrance to the Northover lay by, with other members highlighting the need to clear drains in the High Street. It was agreed to contact County Highways on both issues.

78. Flooding issues

The Council noted that the Flood hut at the Mead has been erected and the Council approved the list of items to go into the hut, these being -300 empty sandbags, 300 inflatable bags, 10 Hi-Vis L/s vests, 2 Hi-Vis Trousers, First Aid kit, 20 gloves, 2 shovels, 2 mattocks, 5 Squeegees & 5 Head torches, and accepted thequote of £1,614.53 plus VAT from SSDC StreetScene to supply these items. The Clerk reported that he had informed Came & Co of the addition of the Flood hut & its contents, and these have been added to the Insurance policy at an extra premium of £7.29p. It was noted that there is an excess of £250.

The Council noted the report made earlier by Mrs. Panter from the meeting with the Member of Parliament, Marcus Fysh, that he had been given a report on the situation to date.

The Council noted that SSDC are holding a Flood risk Management event on September 28th at the SSDC Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil at 6.30pm.

79. Allotments

Mr. H. Williams reported that he had received two written quotations, for renewing the fencing around the allotment area. These were £8,500 from Mr. D. Wareham & £4,676 from Mr. J. Lees. It was agreed that one more quotation is necessary under the Financial regulations of the Council. It was agreed to leave the decision to accept one of these until the next meeting, after the third quotation has been received.

Mr. H.Williams informed the Council that there have been several tenants' changes within the allotments, and there are now four names on the waiting list.

Mr. H. Williamsstated that a few shed doors have been found open, but there were no signs of anything being taken, or 'break in' at the entrance.

Mr. H. Williams reminded the Council, that the second round of judging will take place on August 20th.

80. Cemetery

In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, the letter received from Mr. M. Roper, of Yeovil was noted.

As Mr. MacGregor had not been able to make contact with Haynes Motor Museum, reference displaying the Bier, it was agreed that the Clerk should make formal contact to see if the Haynes Motor Museum would have any interest in having the Bier.

Mr. Pope reported that he has a verbal quotation of £100 for shot blasting the iron seat in the Cemetery.

It was agreed that there needs to be a written quotation from the person involved, before accepting this quote.

81. Mead Play area

In the absence of Mr. McAllister, Mrs. Panter reported thata quotation of £543.95 for Monkey bars from Dunster House & safety matting had been received by Email from Mr. McAllister. As the Council had no written details of the quotation, it was agreed that advice is taken from SSDC before the Parish Council makes any decision.

Miss Stapleton stated that possibly the children living there, could do some fund raising. This was noted.

82. Skate Park

In the absence of Mr. McAllister, Mrs. Panter reported that the Annual SSDC play inspection report had been given to Mr. McAllister and it had highlighted no major issues. Mrs. Panter stated that she felt that the only issue to consider, was an ownership sign on the equipment.

83. Rights of Way

Mr. Pope reported an issue at Brown's Lane, but on inspection, it was actually passable. Mr. Pope raised an issue of missing signs in Conygar Lane area. This was noted.

84. TreeMatters

Mr. MacGregor reported a tree growing alongside the footpath opposite the Northover Manor Hotel, needed attention. Mr. Pope agreed to look into this issue.

Mr. MacGregor stated that there was ivy on the trees at the entrance to the Northover Triangle that needs removing. It was agreed to contact Greenacres.

85. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC

Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, reported that the new Clerk will be Mrs. Louise Davis, taking over from August 24th.

.Miss Stapleton had nothing to report on behalf of IDCA, as she did not attend the last meeting.

It was reported from IRINEC, that the Annual Lecture will be given by Mr. G. Mottram, on October 15th. The subject being two persons who had been awarded the Victoria Cross.

86. Correspondence

The Somerset Waste Partnership newsletter, having been circulated, was noted.

87. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting

There were no issues raised.

The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdaySeptember 10th 2015 at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 10.12pm.

Signed: Date: