Present: Chairman Cllr H F Beswick, Vice Chairman Cllr J Fryer, R Ball, W F Goldstraw, C G Heath,

N Hawkins, C Rider, D Wheeldon and H Wilson.

Also in attendance were Mr N Beswick & Mrs C P Wilson

After a small amendment, the minutes from the meeting held on 21st February 2017 were signed as a true record

Matters arising:

1.  The Old Quarry, Rudyard – clerk confirmed that she had received a further letter from Mr J Burden

advising the Council that there seems to be confusion over the land that had been rented by his parents. He stated

that the quarry, woods and turning space immediately south of the tip are part of Redwood and owned by them

freehold. The land his parents paid rent for was ‘The Old Pottery Tip’. Cllrs R Ball & H F Beswick confirmed

they had been on a site visit and had measured out the plot referred to by Mr Burden and that there is a fence

separating the two plots which seems to correspond with the small amount of information available. Cllrs R Ball

& H F Beswick were happy that the information provided by Mr Burden is correct. However, it was agreed that

the clerk should enquire as to the cost of obtaining a detailed plan, if available, from SCC with a view to

ascertaining for certain the area known as common land.

2. Poor Broadband reception – no further information at this time

3.  Letter of complaint re roads & ditches – Cllr C G Heath confirmed that the letter had been passed

to the relevant SCC Highways Dept.. She also confirmed that she had asked the question regarding responsibility

if a vehicle goes into a ditch dug out by landowner, but she has not yet received a reply.

Also, Mr D Rushton had the gully at Lea Laughton Lane emptied just after the last meeting but had then been

out to inspect and it was blocked again. In the circumstance, he has put it on the list for a dig down as he feels

that there must be damage to the pipe.

4.  Fundraising - Cllr Wilson confirmed that he had thought long and hard about what was said at the

last meeting, and on that basis, decided its not worth pursuing.

5.  Overgrown trees at The Crescent, Rudyard – Cllrs R Ball and H F Beswick have carried out a site

visit and do not feel that anything can be done as the trees are not overhanging the houses.

6.  Camrose Hill – Cllr C G Heath confirmed that she has reported the condition to the Highways.

7.  Replacement Postbox, Gratton – clerk has contacted Royal Mail who advised that all new

installations have been suspended until the new financial year. Clerk to continue to press for an installation date.


1.  Clerks and Councils Direct – copy of legal page distributed to Councillors.


1.  Proposed by C G Heath, seconded by C Rider that Mr A Pickin, (Lengthsman), be paid £93.75

in respect of works carried out. All in favour.

2.  Proposed by W F Goldstraw, seconded by N Hawkins that clerks half yearly salary of

£759.72gross (being 3 hours per week at £9.74 per hour) £634.82net be paid, together with incidental expenses of £26.90. All in favour, no objection

3.  Proposed by W F Goldstraw, seconded by N Hawkins to pay HMRC £151.80 (PAYE)

Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 18th April 2017 at 7.00pm to be followed by Parish Assembly

Review of Lengthsman Expenditure ytd – a final total of £705.75 has been paid to the lengthsman for the year.

As this scheme has been discontinued for 2017/18 Cllr R Ball questioned whether Mr A Pickin could still

be instructed to carry out work. It was agreed that proposed jobs should be considered at each meeting and

authorised accordingly if finances allow.

Planning Applications :-

1.  SMD/2017/0082 – Certificate of proposed lawful use to create a garden room and plant room

at the side of the existing property at Fernbank, Reacliffe Road, Rudyard – no decision reached as Councillors

found it difficult to understand what is being requested. Clerk to ask what exactly is the proposal and what

‘lawful use’ means in this instant.

2.  SMD/2017/0110 – Erection of single storey side extension at Spite Hall, Lake Road, Rudyard –

proposed by R Ball, seconded by W F Goldstraw. By a vote of 4 in favour, 2 against it was carried to

recommend approval.

3.  SMD/2017/0104 – proposal to remove existing concrete roof tiles on house and re-roof in

Staffordshire blue tile at Nab Wood, Lake Road, Rudyard – proposed by R Ball, seconded by W F Goldstraw.

All in favour, no objection.

4.  SMD/2017/0127 – Two storey extension at Endon Mill, Gratton Lane, Gratton – proposed by

N Hawkins, seconded by H Wilson to recommend refusal as it is an excessive increase on the original size and

would be overdevelopment of the site. By a vote of 6 in favour of the proposal and 2 against, it was carried to recommend refusal.

Any further comments:

1.  Cllr H Wilson gave a report of the Parish Assembly meeting held March 2017.

2.  Cllr D Wheeldon asked clerk to report potholes between roundabout and Jubilee Stone, Rudyard

3.  Cllr R Ball confirmed that the lengthsman has cleared off the steps between Camrose Hill and

Lake Road and reported that hedge cuttings, possibly form the neighbouring property, have been thrown onto the path. Cllr D Wheeldon agreed to speak to the neighbour.

4.  A resident of Lake Road has spoken to Cllr R Ball regarding the safety of the tree opposite his

property. This tree has previously been inspected by Steve Massey, SMDC, and he had said that he would

continue to monitor its condition. Cllr N Hawkins to ask Mr Massey if he has inspected the tree again as he said he would look at it every 6months.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.40pm