Town of Grand Isle
Minutes of Planning Commission
November 21, 2017
Board Members Present:
Shawn Mercy, Chair
David Graham, Vice-Chair
Dwight Bullis
Jeff Parizo
Melissa Boutin
Andy Paradee
Kate O’Neill, Grand Isle Library Trustee
Colleen Bushway, Grand Isle Library Trustee
Karen Allen. Grand Isle Library Trustee
Friends of the Library:
Michael Inners
Barbara Capen
Lucille Campbell
Deb Bedrin
Gail Horne
A. Meeting is called to order at 7:02PM by Shawn Mercy, Chair.
B. Removal of agenda items: No removals necessary
C. Guest(s): Grand Isle Library Trustees and Friend of the Library – What is the plan? What does the Planning Commission have in store – any ideas – would like to know and where does the library fit in? It is explained again by PC that the highway department is immediate and first for a building. The library building is second. Friends of the library are looking for a timeline…1 year, 3 years, or 6 years? Shawn Mercy explains that currently getting the garage numbers together. This will more than likely need voter approval. Jeff Parizo explains the hopes to have more hands on with the garage…more in-house to save money. There has been no public outreach yet but the most viable location is off Route 314 on the 4.5 acres by the annex. This should start taking place within the next year to 18 months. The recreation department is working on obtaining more property from the State of Vermont to expand the Donaldson Rec. Park. With that, more soccer/lacrosse and baseball fields would be built. Brad Sheridan of the highway department likes the 314 location…more centralized with septic capacity on property already owned by the Town of Grand Isle. Randy Gover, a local retired affiliate of Island Excavating is willing to help however he can to keeps costs as minimal as possible. There are not many options. As far as the library, soon the fire station building next door will be vacant. Although the Vermont Department of Libraries recommends about a 5,000 sq. ft. building for the size of the town, that building is around 3,200 sq. ft. There is the possibility to add on and should the current septic not be adequate, there are two other septic systems on the f/k Poratti property which is now owned by the town that can be amended. The known cost savings already is the water, power and septic. That building would be a huge upgrade based on the current library size. Grand Isle is not going to build a 5,200 sq. ft. building like South Hero even though Grand Isle is growing and South Hero is not. The Town will at some point in the future provide a one story structure and the library will furnish the interior. The bequest has been pledged for outfitting the library and can not be used for the daily operation of it. Lots of conversation takes place about use of libraries, grand list value and property tax impact, public input, correct PR and library wish list. The guests are reminded that meetings are warned and held regularly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Everyone is welcome to attend. It does not go in the Islander or on Front Porch Forum. Library Trustees and Friends leave at 8:10PM.
D. Review & Approve Minutes: 11/07/17 – A motion is made by Shawn Mercy to accept the minutes. The motion is seconded by Jeff Parizo. Members vote. All others are in favor. Motion carried. David Graham mentions what he feels are the land use categories for Grand Isle from the prior meeting – 1) Farming/Business 2) Bedroom/Commuters 3) Retirees/2nd homes. Planning for the future of Grand Isle – use the town survey results, hold open public meeting after the holidays but before town meeting.
E. Capital Budget Worksheet: Working on putting the document together with the updated tables and spreadsheets. Linda Effel is on vacation and Melissa will meet with her upon return…beginning of December. The site visit for the highway department has not taken place. Brad Sheridan has to get it done. David Roy of Wiemann Lamphere designed the South Hero Library. To get voter approval for any converted use of the old fire station, a visual concept is necessary with some estimated cost. Shawn Mercy will reach out to David Roy to see if he can assist with some sort of schematic design and cost for the library.
F. Other Meeting Attendance: 1) Last night at the Selectboard meeting SB members received a letter from Howard Demars, Chair of the DRB. It was distributed by AnnaMarie DeMars. Howard requested to be added to the next SB meeting. He referenced an article that was written by Michael Donahue of the Islander. Melissa Boutin will warn a PC meeting for 12/04/17 incase three or more members decided to attend the Selectboard meeting to hear what this is all about. 2) Not a meeting but a webinar to be held on December 5th and 19th. It is on forestry planning Act 171. PC members are invited by Jeff Parizo to view with him on a chosen date in his office. 3) David Graham informs the board that the recreation department held another successful Turkey Trot. Even though it was hunting season, there were no issues at all. David took the time to find, buy, and stencil blazing orange vests for everyone to wear.
G. Matters not on the Posted Agenda: N/A
H. Agenda for next meeting on December 5, 2017:
Removal of agenda items
Capital Budget Worksheet Status
Infrastructure Status
Expiring Terms
Review & Approve 11/21/17
Update from any other meeting attendance
The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled to be held 7PM on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at the Town Office.
A motion is made by Jeff Parizo to adjourn. The motion is seconded by David Graham. Members vote. All are in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned by Shawn Mercy at
8: 44PM.
Respectfully Submitted: Melissa A. Boutin, Planning Commission, Scribe