JUNE 14, 2011 - 5:00 PM EDT

(Conference Call)

Present: Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson (Chair), Rev. Tony Freeman (Vice Chair), Liz Bisordi (Treasurer), Rev. Dr. Candace Shultis (Clerk), Rev. Onetta Brooks, Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin, John Hassell, Barb Crabtree, Director of Operations; Irma Bauer-Levesque, Director of Development

Absent: Raquel Benitez-Rojas, Bryan Parker, Connie Meadows (Staff support)

We had a brief check-in with one another and Nancy led us in prayer.

Consent Agenda:

●Minutes of May 24, 2011 Conference Call

●Moderator’s Report (please add the accomplishment of Nancy’s D.Min.)

MOTION 06.14.01 – Motion by Robert Griffin, seconded by Tony Freeman to receive the items on the Consent Agenda.


Director of Operations Report/financial reports: (Barbara Crabtree)

At the end of March we were ahead of plan and ahead of where we were in 2010. At the end of May we are on plan but 10.5% below 2010. This is not likely to get better in June.

Nancy: I think we can communicate that payment of tithes is urgent. Even small checks received add up. If churches have fallen behind, please at least catch up this month. We need churches to communicate with us.

Onetta: The Stewardship Summit is coming in June. The message here is about putting the ‘move’ back into ‘movement’. Before we go into summer mode we don’t want to lose momentum. Don’t forget your church or your denomination during these months.

Update on the Search for a Communication Director: (Barbara)

We received seven applicants from the posting, one of which is very exciting. .

Nancy: This proposal looks like a ‘step up’ for us and will be within our budget for communication and marketing. This has made me feel hopeful about our communications future.

Barbara: This could take us to the next level of communications. The new team should be in place by September 1.

Executive Compensation: (Liz)

We have had conversation with Nancy, Barbara and Tony. We are concerned about the ‘temporary’ pay reductions that were made several years ago. The Governing Board Charter states that we are responsible to ensure effective management of our human resources. We are to conduct an annual review of human resource policies and practices and approve human resource policies. We are also to provide proper financial oversight, approving the annual budget for all of MCC operations and approve policies for the safety and growth of investments of MCC’s assets. Our current short term issues are the resolution of the “temporary” cuts made by the former Executive Director and we recommend that the Head of Staff (Nancy) handle that. Long term we need to develop a plan for attracting and retaining top talent and the recommendation again is that the Head of Staff develop that. The Governing Board plays a role in the compensation for the Head of Staff.

I suggest that the Governing Board charge the Head of Staff to ensure that: 1) HR policies and practices are in place to keep and retain talent both for the short-term and long-term benefit of MCC; 2) that budget plans include funding of staff salaries and benefits at all levels (from Staff through the Senior Leadership Team), 3) that the Governing Board establish an Executive Compensation Committee for the purpose of reviewing compensation (including salary and benefits) for the Moderator/Head of Staff; and 4) that at our August face-to-face with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) the Governing Board thank the SLT for their support and acknowledge their personal sacrifices.

MOTION 06.14.02 - Motion by Liz Bisordi, seconded by Robert Griffin to establish an Executive Compensation Committee for the purpose of reviewing compensation (including salary and benefits) for the Moderator/Head of Staff.


(Bryan Parker abstained)

Tony: As Vice Moderator I will establish the members of the Committee.

Nancy: I will work with Liz and Tony to find ways to thank the Senior Leadership Team.

Enhancing Global Ministry and Structure:

Tony: I started by looking at the International Task Force (ITF). We need to have a

follow-up conversation about how we will interact with the ITF.

Nancy: I was just in the United Kingdom as a follow-up to the fall visit. The time I took

to explain the new structure was helpful. We need to understand what people trying to

be MCC in other parts of the world really experience. It is humbling.

Tony: There will be global implications as we look at all of this.

John: We need to match up opportunities for growth internationally where there is a possibility for dollars in return. As I get ready to move to the Caribbean there are people there who want to worship. How do we tap into those resources?

Nancy: It is good to have the perspective that there are more voices to listen to than just the few we usually hear.

John: New Zealand has a new young church, CRAVE. The crowd at Pride in Washington DC was older by comparison.

Candace: (see attached paper)

Bryan: We need to develop cultural competencies in both directions so that North Americans understand other parts of the world and other parts of the world understand how MCC operates. I don’t want to see ourselves spread too thin. We need a strategic plan for where we want to focus in the next 3 to 5 years. We also need to understand technology and use it to its utmost. Who are the future leaders outside of North America and how do we mentor them?

Review of Meeting:

Liz: It would be helpful to get a reminder when we change meeting dates.

Nancy: Our next meeting is July 19.

Tony: It is hard to hear some of the discussion. Probably a technical issue.

Tony closed the meeting with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Dr. Candace R. Shultis, Clerk

How can we better receive insights and input from young adults?

(Prepared by Candace Shultis)

(May 24, 2011)

The following core values are to be considered:

Love is our greatest moral value and resisting exclusion is a primary focus of our ministry. We want to continue to be the conduits of a faith where everyone is included in the family of God, and where all parts of our being are welcomed at God’s table.

Offering a safe and open community for people to worship, learn and grow in their faith is our deep desire. We are committed to equipping ourselves and each other to do the work that God has called us to do in the world.


Acts 2: 17-18

“God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.

Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.

Your young people will see visions,

And your old people will dream dreams.

In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants – men and women

alike – and they shall prophesy.’”

Questions and Recommendations:

1. Define ‘young adults.’ (Suggestion: 16 – 30 years of age unless we already

have a definition)

2. Given that we know our congregations do not have a lot of people in that age

range (in this way we are not far different from most denominations), how do we go about finding them? (Suggestion: Ask our local churches to provide us information on young adults in their congregations.)

3. Once we find them, what media can we use to receive input and insights?

(Suggestion: Let the young people tell us what works best for them and

then make the necessary adjustments at our end.)

4. Make time at gatherings (Network, General Conference and other

conferences) to have direct conversation with young people who are

present. This means carving out the time in what are already busy agendas so that young people can have face-to-face time with Senior Leadership and Governing Board members.