Human Resources Development Board

Education Coordination Committee

Minutes of Meeting, Sunday 22nd April 2012

Date : Sunday 22nd April 2012

Time : 9.30-11.45am

Venue : The Minister’s Conference Room

Participants : Mr. Sarwar Azizi (Chair, MoE); Ms. Carol Horning (Co-Chair, USAID); Ms. Shazia Zramalval (HRDB); Mr. Modaser Islami, (HRDB); Mr. Baluch Noori (MoE); Mr. Lutfullah Safi (MoE); Mr. Ismail Khattab (MoE); Mr. Olve (UNESCO); Hafeez Samo (MoE); Mr. Baheen (MoE); Mr. Shafiullah (SCA); Mr. Gulistani (MoE); Mr. Asadullah Zarmalwal (MoE); Mr Salem Ibrahimi (MoE); Mr. Azam Jawed (MoE); Mr. Atayee (MoE); Mr. Mateen (ISD); Mr. Arian (MoE); Mr. Nils Kauffman, (USAID); Mr. Pawan Kucita (UNICEF); Ms. Pernille Walther (Denmark); Mr. Andres Wirak (Norway); Mr. Mirwais Nikmal (AusAid); Mr. Poul (EJSR); Mr. Hamid Askarzada (MoE); Mr. Hasib Amini (MoE); Mr. Qasim Mohseni (MoE), Mr. Jabarkhail (MoE).

No. / Topic / Discussion Points / Action / Responsible Person
1.  / Introduction / ·  Mr. Azizi welcomed the participants and asked them to introduce themselves.
2.  / Approval of last ECC meeting minutes and agenda / ·  Last meeting minutes were approved.
·  Dr. Weera questioned whether we need to discuss annual plans in ECC meeting.
·  Mr. Azizi stated that we should discuss plans so that we know what is going on in education. Mr Arian added that as a planning director I need to know where each program is working, what funding is available, targets and achievements. In addition we need to track implementation of NESP and EIP. He further highlighted that the work plans for EQUIP, Transition and BEACON is missing. Mr Arian further added that departments will be able to make better decision on implementation procedures and better reflect donor contribution if donors provide information on annual support available to each department. Mr Olve added that the procedure is known to UN hence it should not be too complicated.
·  Ms. Pernille mentioned that it is important for donors especially those who have external programs to get information on the plans and hence align their programs with MoE plans.
·  Mr. Arian pointed out that the plans being presented today are not technical/detailed and therefore it should not occupy too much time.
·  Ms. Carol suggested that we have a separate meeting and discuss the plans in more details there. While Mr. Salem Shah recommended that the plans should be shared with the donors in documents.
·  Agenda approved with changes. / Program focal points to share 1391 work plans and 1390 reports with ECC members via HRDB secretariat. / Program focal points
3.  / Update on the actions recommended in the last ECC meeting. / ·  Mr. Andres reported that Local Donors met on 27th March 2012 and it was concluded that few donors are active in ECC. Thus, we shall keep the option open for all donors to be part of ECC.
·  Ms. Carol stated if we keep the option open the questions will be who we should contact for this (ECC) meeting.
·  Mr. Andres promised that he will further discuss this issue in next LDG meeting. / Donors should discuss their membership in ECC in next LDG meeting. / Mr. Andres +LDGs
Approval of 2012 ECC Priorities / ·  Mr. Aziz requested Ms. Shazia to present the 2012 ECC priorities.
·  Ms. Shazia stated that ECC priorities are developed in a meeting of individuals who were assigned for the task in last ECC meeting. Ms. Shazia further explained that the priorities for 2012 are developed based on the mid-term results mentioned in the ToR of ECC. The timeline and responsible unit/units for most of the priority items are specified
·  Ms. Carol asked whether joint planning is possible for off budget programs.
·  Mr. Arian clarified that jointly planning is possible only for the annual plans. When jointly planning, we (the ministry) know who is contributing how much to which program.
·  Mr. Baheen requested that the deadline for LA report should be 31 November instead of 31 October.
·  Mr. Pawan stated that as ECC we should monitor TE specifically teacher graduation, teacher deployment and quality of teaching.
·  Mr. Hafeez suggested that departments in MoE should have a structured system for providing trainings to its employees so that the ministry can utilize them in necessary areas when they come back.
·  Mr. Andres requested that priorities table should be updated regularly and comments should be incorporated into it.
·  Ms Khadija mentioned that the responsibility column needs to be more specific (lined dept. and partners etc.)
·  2012 ECC priorities approved with proposed changes. / Changes and Comments should be incorporated into 2012 ECC priorities. / HRDB Secretariat
5.  / Update on EQUIP (Dr. Weera) / ·  Mr. Azizi requested Dr. Weera to provide an update on EQUIP. Dr. Weera briefly mentioned about 1) Establishment of Communication Unit in EQUIP (monthly reports and newsletters will be provided and 2) Development of ISD through EQUIP, has been approved by the procurement committee and consultants (British and Dutch) will be joining soon.
·  Dr. Weera also stated that the transition of Social Mobilization into a relevant department would mean that the relevant department should have preparation. He added that the teacher education transition will not proceed and the funding will be transferred to EQUIP to cover more provinces.
6.  / Update on text books availability to kids in provinces and districts / ·  Dr. Weera said, it is important to know whether text books are reaching the children in provinces and districts. Mr. Azizi added that the publication department needs to provide an analysis report on need, availability, distribution to provinces/district/schools/teachers/students.
·  Mr. Arian noted that GE in coordination with Publications Department and other relevant department should work on collecting information on this issue.
·  Mr. Baheen suggested that we should make a system for distribution of text books.
·  Mr. Arian said, a 3 year rolling plan for printing and distributing text books should be developed which will enable us have clear picture of how much books we need, what are the resources, and when will the books be available?
·  Mr. Pawan recommended to put text books availability in ECC priorities.
·  Ms. Khadija requested for clarity on students currently in grade 12, will they be tested on the newly printed textbooks that have not reached yet or the old books? Mr Azizi clarified that the Academic department has sent out a clear message that they will be tested on the old text book content.
·  Mr Scott requested for clarification on availability of text books within the next 2 weeks as their CBE classes are due to start within the next 2 weeks. Mr Azizi requested Mr Scott to provide a list of its need. / Collecting data on children’s access to text books in provinces and districts
Putting text books availability in ECC priorities
BEACON to provide a list of the required number of text books in order to start its CBE classes to Publication Dept. / GE, Publication Department.
HRDB secretariat
7.  / Update on 1391 work plans (MoE, GPE, BEGE, ESPA, BEACON) / ·  Ms. Carol requested Mr. Amini to present the 1391 Operational Plan for MoE (please refer to presentation for details).
·  Mr. Olve asked, what is planning department doing to increase the number of female teachers?
·  Mr. Arian stated that the following are being done to ensure increase in female teachers. 1) females are given priority in both pre-service and in-service TE programs, 2) female students in TTCs are encouraged with financial incentives through EQUIP, 3) accelerated learning programs for females, 4) female students are enrolled into TVET programs, and 5) female teachers are reallocated from urban areas to rural areas.
·  Mr Pawan requested for clarification on recruitment of teachers as for primary or secondary education. Mr. Arian mentioned that this will not be possible as most school include both primary and secondary education.
·  Mr. Azizi requested Mr. Muhseni to present the annual work plan 1391 for GPE (please see presentation attached for details). Mr. Shafiullah questioned whether female teacher hired and trained via upgrading training, will MoE hire them as teachers in the future? Mr Arian clarified that these teachers will be taught the necessary pedagogy alongside the grade content.
·  Ms. Carol requested Mr. Baluch to present the annual work plan 1391for ESPA (please refer to presentation for details).
·  Mr. Azizi requested Mr. Pawan to present the annual work plan 1391 for BEGE (please refer to presentation for details). Mr. Pawan highlighted that the main focus of BEGE is primary education access and retention via ALP, CBE and infrastructure. The plan for 1391 has been approved by HE the Minister and will need to further discuss with Mr Arian on number of classes the MoE needs. Mr Pawan concluded that ESPA also has a component of school construction which we need to coordinate on.
·  Mr. Safi reported that Inclusive and Child Friendly Education WG decided that there should be a division of labor between government and the donors on inclusive education. Mr. Safi added that the government should seek how donors can help in this regard.
·  Ms. Carol requested Mr. Scott to present the annual work plan 1391 for BEACON. Mr. Scott stated that BEACON is 3 year project which was approved at the end of March. Mr. Scott added that 2-3 weeks are needed to start all classes and 10-20% report will be ready until the end of April. Mr. Scott said, BEACON is currently having 65 Accelerated and 42 Literacy classes. / No Action Point
8.  / AOB / ·  Mr. Azizi concluded the meeting by saying that annual reports 1390 will be discussed in details in next ECC meeting.
9.  / The next meeting of the ECC is planned for: Sunday 20th May 2012