Unit Title
HD11 / Chair and participate in meetingsSummary
This unit is about chairing and contributing to meetings so that the objectives of the meetings can be achieved.In order to chair meetings, you need to provide those attending with adequate notice and information about the meeting, outline the objectives and allocate sufficient time to each topic for discussion. You need to lead the meeting so that all those involved can make useful contributions and you should discourage unhelpful digressions and arguments. You should present information and summaries clearly and at the most effective times. You need to ensure that the meeting’s objectives are achieved in the time available and that decisions are communicated to all those who need to know.
In order to participate in meetings, you need to prepare for the meeting thoroughly and consult with anyone whose views you are representing. Your contributions to the meeting should be clear, concise and relevant and they should help to clarify problems and identify solutions. Finally, you need to ensure that you communicate decisions and recommendations to all those who need to know.
There aretwo elements:
HD11.1 / Chair meetingsHD11.2 / Participate in meetings
This unit was developed by the Management Standards Centre (MSC) (MSC D3 (1997 Standards)).
Target Group
This unit is for you if you- have operational responsibility for substantial programmes and resources or strategic responsibility for the development of the organisation or both
- have a broad span of control
- proactively identify and implement change and quality improvements
- negotiate budgets and contracts, and
- lead high-level meetings
Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Managing Justice Sector Services / Approved September 2006
HD11.1 / Chair meetingsPerformance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / give people, appropriate to the purpose of the meeting, sufficient notice and information to allow them to contribute effectively2 / ensure that everyone attending the meeting agrees the objectives of the meeting at the start
3 / allocate discussion time to topics in a way which is consistent with their importance, urgency and complexity
4 / ensure that your style of leadership helps those attending the meeting to make useful contributions
5 / discourage unhelpful arguments and digressions
6 / present information and provide summaries clearly, at appropriate points during the meeting
7 / ensure that the meeting achieves its objectives within the allocated time
8 / ensure that agreed decisions and recommendations fall within the group's authority
9 / give clear, accurate and concise information about decisions and recommendations to those who need it
10 / seek feedback from those attending and use this to improve the effectiveness of future meetings
Behaviours which underpin effective performance
To meet the standard, you know and understand
1 / how to identify unhelpful arguments and digressions, and strategies which may be used to discourage these2 / how to present information during meetings
3 / how to get and use feedback from others
4 / styles of leadership which can be used to run meetings and how to choose a style according the nature of the meeting
5 / the value and limitations of meetings as a method of exchanging information and making decisions
6 / how to determine when meetings are the most effective method of dealing with issues and possible alternatives which may be used
7 / potential differences between meetings which are internal and those involving people from outside
8 / the purpose of agendas and how to devise agendas according to the issues, intended outcomes and time available
9 / the importance of determining the purpose and objectives of meetings and how to do so
10 / the importance of summarising discussions and decisions during meetings and at what points this is appropriate
11 / how to manage discussions so that the objectives of the meeting are met within the allocated time
12 / the importance of ensuring decisions taken are within the authority of the meeting
13 / how to determine who are the necessary people to attend the meeting
14 / procedures to follow when calling meetings and preparing for them
HD11.2 / Participate In MeetingsPerformance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / ensure that your preparation for the meeting is sufficient to enable you to participate effectively2 / consult with the people you are representing sufficiently to allow you to present their views effectively
3 / ensure that your contributions to the meeting are clear, concise and relevant
4 / ensure that your contributions to the meeting help to clarify problems and identify and assess possible solutions
5 / acknowledge and discuss the contributions and viewpoints of others in a constructive manner
6 / give clear, accurate and concise information about decisions made at the meeting, promptly to those who need it.
Behaviours which underpin effective performance
To meet the standard, youknow and understand
Communication1 / the information concerning the decisions and recommendations of the meeting which need to be conveyed to others and how to ensure that this has been done effectively
2 / how to prepare for meetings according to different roles and responsibilities which you may have in relation to the meeting
3 / the importance of consulting in advance with those you are representing and how to do so
4 / the importance of making clear, concise and relevant contributions to meetings and how to ensure your contributions meet these criteria
5 / how to identify and analyse the problems discussed in meetings and make contributions capable of clarifying and resolving these
Working relationships
6 / the importance of constructively acknowledging the contributions and viewpoints of others and how to do so
HD11.1 / Participate In MeetingsKnowledge and Understanding
To meet the standard, youneed to have knowledge and understanding in the areas of
1 / communication2 / leadership styles
3 / meetings
4 / organisational context
5 / working relationships
Personal Competencies
To meet the standard, you
Acting assertively1 / take a leading role in initiating action and making decisions
2 / act in an assured and unhesitating manner when faced with a challenge
3 / say no to unreasonable requests
4 / maintain your beliefs, commitment and effort in spite of set-backs or opposition
Building teams
5 / actively build relationships with others
6 / show respect for the views and actions of others
7 / show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others
8 / use power and authority in a fair and equitable manner
9 / invite others to contribute to planning and organising work
10 / listen actively, ask questions, clarify points and rephrase others’ statements to check mutual understanding
11 / identify the information needs of listeners
12 / adopt communication styles appropriate to listeners and situations, including selecting an appropriate time and place
13 / confirm listeners’ understanding through questioning and interpretation of non-verbal signals
14 / encourage listeners to ask questions or rephrase statements to clarify their understanding
15 / modify communication in response to feedback from listeners
Focusing on results
16 / prioritise objectives and schedule work to make best use of time and resources
Influencing others
17 / present yourself positively to others
18 / use a variety of means to influence others
Searching for information
19 / actively encourage the free exchange of information
20 / push for concrete information in an ambiguous situation
Thinking and decision making
21 / produce a variety of solutions before taking a decision
22 / reconcile and make use of a variety of perspectives when making sense of a situation
23 / produce own ideas from experience and practice
24 / take decisions which are realistic for the situation
25 / take decisions in uncertain situations or based on restricted information when necessary
Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Managing Justice Sector Services / Approved September 2006