Minutes of Full Governors Meeting


Thursday 21st May 2015 – 6.15 p.m.

Present; Mike Aconley, John Allan, Nigel Allen, Paul Bircumshaw, Richard Bramley (Headteacher), Tony Carter, Julian Fearn, John Garbutt, Andy Kenyon, Frank Odell, Denise Powley

In attendance: Stuart Cleary (Deputy Headteacher)

Lorraine Phippen (Deputy Headteacher)

Debbie Smith (ATS)

Karen Taylor (Bursar)

Clerk:Rosie Dobson

Confidentiality - The proceedings and debate within this meeting are held in confidence.

Minutes of the meeting will be available as a public record (subject to protection of information relating to individuals).

No members present had any declaration of interest in any of the agenda items

Agenda Item / Action
1. / Apologies for absence – Rachel Wilson, James Hayward, Tiarnan O’Cleirigh
2. / Presentation on ATA Team – Lorraine Phippen and Debbie Smith
Teaching Assistant(TA)
More traditional TA role
With a student
In lesson support
Student has more time with TA less time with teacher
Cover Supervisor
Cover of lessons for absent staff
Advanced Teaching Assistant (ATA)
Outreach work for SpLD
Now: One role – Advanced Teaching Support
In class support for students on the SEND register
  • In class support for other students
  • Partnership with teaching staff - linked to use of ATS plans
  • Bespoke support e.g. advice on differentiation for certain students.
  • Support/help for assessments
  • Key worker/mentoring support
  • Lunchtime support
  • Home learning club/craft club
  • Cover of lessons for planned/unplanned absence
  • Revision support
  • All ATS’s have Functional Skills Level 1.
  • Team needs to be flexible and without Anita Frith’s help who organises everything this team would not be able to function as effectively.
Partnership - Specialism areas e.g.SpLD/Transition/Autism/Pastoral.
Q. How big is the team?
A. Team comprises of 12 but this will change slightly as from September and will incorporate the pastoral team. So will be much bigger than just the ATSs. We are quite unique. A new report has just come out (March 15th) about the effective use of TAs and it is basically what we are doing. We are ahead of the game.
Q. Debbie would you go back to the original structure of separate Cover Supervisor and TA teams?
A, No. I was very apprehensive to start with as cover was something I thought I would not be happy doing and felt I did not have the appropriate skills to do this effectively but I would not go back I really enjoy my new role it challenges me more positively.
Chair thanked Lorraine and Debbie for their informative presentation.
Governors requestedan anonymised Education Health Care Plan for next meeting. / Full Governors
23.06.15 (LPH)
3. / Year-end monitoring report 31st March 2015.
Autumn Forecast estimating yearend balance would be £206.612 Actual £491,574. Variance £284,962 resulting from:
  • Largest part of that was ROOSE gearing up to a new level of funding which is ring fenced to ROOSE and is a separate entity.
  • Received more Year 7 catch-up money
  • Refund on Insurance.
  • Joint Use income slightly more
  • Saved nearly £7,000 on staff lunches
  • More children going through Vocational courses (ALP) Area Learning Partnership.
  • Saved money on energy etc.
Q: What constitutes the figure of £22,000 underspend on learning resources?
  1. Intervention money, curriculum day did not run last year etc.
We have therefore created a contingency pot which will enable us to run A level courses that some schools would think unviable and departments who need more books for new courses we can safeguard against that.
Total brought forward £491,574 is based on pupil numbers in Y12/13 which brings in the sixth form funding and takes into account the curriculum plan that Stuart Cleary (Deputy Headteacher) and Sam Squibb (Assistant Headteacher have put in place for 2015/16.
Also included staffing reorganisation and the significant cost for the 1% pay award for teaching staff. There will also be higher National Insurance costs for all staff from next year.
Plus side we have received a 3.1% increase in funding for schools from the government.
The reconciliation shows how figures have shifted and this is the most secure budget we have set and it sets us up for Years 4 and 5.
Some very difficult decisions have had to be made but we have done what we needed to do to get the budget back on track and now need to consolidate that.
Proposal: To move forward with this budget.
Decision: Agreed unanimously. Proposed Frank Odell, seconded John Garbutt.
2. / To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28TH April 2015 – Agreed as a true record.
3. / Matters arising:
  1. Health & Safety issue – sixth form students to wear identification badges.
No final decision made but it was felt that the school needs to educate students about safety and the need to inform staff if they see anyone in school without identification/visitors badge.
5. / Premises Update.
No major plans as yet.
Received further funding from LLEF (Lady Lumley’s Educational Foundation).
In terms of plans for the summer break:
  • Configuring ICT rooms. Spent £28,000 on 80 new PCs and continue to upgrade.
  • Upgrading of staffroom.
  • General maintenance and painting.

6. / Staff Update
  • Shirley Brearley – Cleaner
  • Pauline Hewitt – Midday Supervisory Assistant
  • Appointed new Head of Physics (Tim Purdy) and NQT (Steve Scribbins) – May cost £4,000 more than expected.
  • Appointed English teacher (Sam Barker) to cover for maternity leave.
Looking like we are really well staffed for the summer with the exception of possibly 2 more ATSs. (These posts to be offered internally to staff going through the reorganisation/redundancy process as well as externally).
Peter White – Teacher of Science.
7. / Reconstitution Update:
Parent Governors appoint co-opted governors at next Full Governors Meeting on 23.06.15 to enable Declarations of Interest to be circulated for Chair and Vice Chairs prior to Business Meeting to be held on 14th July 2015. / Clerk to email all parent governors re importance of attendance on 23.06.15
8. / Policies:
(i)Exam Policy for Assessment Decisions at GCSE.
(ii)Controlled Assessment.
(iii)Staff Behaviour Policy (to be brought to the attention of all staff at the beginning of the academic year or as and when new staff arrive. Staff to sign to say they have read this policy.
(iv)Charging and Remissions Policy.
(v)DBS Policy and Guidance(hard copy for next meeting)
(vi)Recruitment & Selection Policy and Procedure.
(vii)Reference Policy and Procedure.
(viii)Standards of Conduct Policy(all staff to sign at beginning of each academic year or as and whennew staff arrive.)
(ix)Paternity and Maternity Support Leave
(x)Probationary Procedure for new employees.
(xi)First Aid Training Centre Policy Requirements.
Outcome: All above policies adopted, signed and dated. / 23.06.15 (KHO)
9. / AOB
  1. DP attended NYEP Meeting today documents of issues discussed to be emailed out to all governors for information purposes:
  • SVFS Analysis of returns 2014/15
  • School Sixth form funding 2015/16
  • Closing the Gap – progress and attainment
  • Closing the Gap early years
  1. Julian Fearn nominated and re-appointed to the role as an LLEF Governor for the next five years or until he ceases to be a school governor at Lady Lumley’s School.
  2. Visit from Jill Hodges and Janet Bates went very well – email from Jill to say she really enjoyed her visit and it was really great to see such great leadership of the school etc. Also received email from Janet about Lady Lumley’s being an example of best practice.

Meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.