Minutes of Feb 4th Exec Meeting. 2pm @O’Farrells
Present: Nadine Pickard, Patrick Piitz, MaryAnn Leang, Geoff Hughes, Steve Armstrong, Chris Allingham, Jill Boyd, Rick Gardiner
Absent: Ryan Morton, Josh Mansell, Tammy Gardiner, Eldon Mellaney
- CALL TO ORDER @2:05pm by Pat.
- Additions/Deletions
- Deleted: Financial report as Ryan is absent.
- Added: discussion on jerseys/Branding Impact from Jill
- Motion to Accept the Agenda- all in favour
- Errors/Omissions
- Nominations and votes for secretary and registrar positions (Nadine & Barb) were done online after the meeting
- Motion to Accept the Previous Minutes
- All in favour
- 14 Director positions in the Constitution vs. the Directors Positions of 2016/17 season
- Lack of a Rules & Regulations Document
- Work on throughout the season and in off-season
- Lack of a Policy Manual
- Operating policies can be voted on by exec to get changes made. Do not need member votes. Simplifies the process…
- Remove bylaws from constitution, repetitive. We have bylaws documented in other places
- To be worked on this season
- Amending the Constitution
- Better labelling- less confusion, overlap of terms. Get rid of the word ‘article’ as it’s used in multiple documents referring to different text
- To be worked on this season
- President
- D7 Meeting
- Sending Pat the charter. Need to tell them how many teams we’ll have- use last year’s numbers. Ask to increase later on if required
- Will have a bill to pay based on number of teams
- Bat rules- all online. Recycle old ones- youth ctr or camp? Jill to ask.
- Sr & Jr Team for allstar to be made from the whole district
- Travelball teams can be made to play a longer season and in tournaments. Simple setup.
- Winchester/Williamsburg: want to play us. They are willing to travel to Kemptville more than us going there, however this increases our fees for diamonds and umps. (They do not pay for diamonds…)
- Coach training. There are some clinics being booked we can offer that info to coaches in KWBSC as we get it- great resource for our volunteers
- Little league website is a wealth of information too
- Banking
- Sticking with TD Bank for new account
- Need to be able to accept and send e-transfers (for registration) and make online purchases
- Ryan has bank draft with funds
- Barb to find out how long before money goes into league account when ppl register, and decide when we can open registration from there
- Barb announces registration opening Wed Feb 7th@5pm!
- Member Insurance Renewal
- Found; Pat & Ryan to look it over
- Separate company for Softball (OASA). Chris A will fill out form for renewal and bring to next meeting
- Directors Insurance
- Covered; policy needs to be renewed by May 15th.
- Deadline- Nadine to send form to Pat for diamond booking. Due Feb 9th.
- Requirements
- Decrease late diamond time on R1 by about 10% and track the use better for next year.
- Merrickville diamond is available on shorter notice. Pay per team as we need it
- Softball is scheduled by ROSA. Have to tell them which night we have a diamond available and then half those bookings (6 dates) will be away games for the girls=free diamond times for practices etc in town. Do Tues/Thurs@7:45 after CP
- Stick with same days/times for all of Smallball
- Maryann to send Pat the contract with markings on what wasn’t used. Pat then to go to Mark Guy at township.
- Police Record Checks
- Annually
- Previously accepted copies dated within the current season, however without the official, original stamp it isn’t technically valid. No conclusion reached
- Vulnerable Sector Checks
- Start logging this year; every volunteer will need one this year
- Required every 3yrs. OPP do not want us asking for it more often than that
- Privacy Officers and Record Keeping
- Position needs to be made/filled.
- Pat to store VSCs securely for now. Once someone takes over this role they will do so
- Need a code of confidentiality for directors to sign. Jill to create one for the association.
- New Bat Purchase Approval for Baseball Division
- 2300-2500$. Less expensive than we thought
- Min/maj will have 2 sizes per team
- Need to check jr/srs bats in the storage unit. May still be valid. Snowed in right now…
- Look in to Play-it-Again in Cornwall? Cornwall team order would be similar to ours- can use as a guideline
- Missed the deadline for discounted rates on Easton site
- Spring Training- Eldon absent. Nadine to email for update
- Facilities- get info on booking local gym, and quote from Dingerz. Eldon
- Programs- Should have a curriculum in place for athletic development and strength. Something more planned/professional in place. Nadine to ask Rebecca of Cronk’d if she’d be interested in leading the training or at least some sessions
- Girls need local option for Spring training
- In registration program- add spring training option, with “details to come”. Gauge interest for now
- Volunteers needed
- Website Update
- 8 points from Jan 21st Minutes- all implemented and more
- Nadine to email Chris I. to add emails under ‘contact’, add a minutes tab and sponsorship opportunities tab as well
- Sponsorship options should be added as well- need to provide options- different levels of sponsorship
- Website does say ©2018 at bottom of pages
- Registration receipt
- Little league code of conduct- must be checked off before proceeding. Pat to look into LLC rules- “violation of these rules will result in discipline according to the little league “
- Add VSC document and letter from the president requesting it
- Barb to look into Jumpstart programming- contact claire
- In-person: register them into the program. Cash box available. Mar 4: 10-2@Cdn Tire
- Jill has talked to ‘branding impact’. New shirts all around + hats & socks@ ~15$per
- MaryAnn has copy of logos, will send. Jill to get proper formatting done through Classic Graphics.
- Girls’ shirts can all be the same colour as they don’t play eachother, not so easy for the boys & smallball
- Timmies sponsoring all of smallbal’s uniforms- Nadine sent Jill the contact for this- Jill to check on colours and continue talks
- Order coach shirts- 3 per team. One colour for all coaches on all team.
- Get sponsors a shirt- order one adult shirt for the sponsor/team. Ensure sponsor’s kid is on that team.
- Thurs 22nd: 7-9pm@O’Farrell’s
- MOTION TO ADJORN by Pat at 4:35pm. Second by MaryAnn
**Minutes will now be posted on the website, as required by law. These discussions will not appear online, as it’s really only for our to-do lists, and for exec members to read who weren’t at the meeting.**
Further Discussion:
- Girls house league- wknd before or after Canada Day? Chris to update
- Blastball/tball fun Day- june 25th
- CP funday/tournament- July 7th wknd
- Winchester will host major/minor
- Cornwall interested in jr/sr, and cornwall or Kingston interested in provincials
- No boys tournament- hasn’t worked well
- Girls’ allstar- possible to recruit players from other teams, develop a program. To discuss at a future date…
- Rent a pitching machine for sorts this year.
- Need a new lining machine- get the spray paint can type. Will municipality buy it?
- Keys- need copies to be made. Inventory them to track? Ask municipality if we CAN make copies- put them on the coaches bags
- Shirt inventory- Warren supposed to get Al to help. Pat has major Allstar shirts.
- Contact softball and baseball coaches to see where bags are. Nadine to do before next meeting so we at least know where they are
- Jill has all smallball bags and will continue to collect for that division at their Fun Days. Works well for that division.
- Keep the 250$ sponsorship opportunity for businesses to provide for team shirts/socks. Get recognized. Sponsor incentive- 3yrs in a row award/plaque? Think about it in the future…
- Nadine to send Jill a list of last year’s sponsors. Jill, Nadine, Eldon, Timmies, Cdn tire all on board as sponsors so far, logos are on website.
- Emails need to be updated. Jill to send list to Nadine, passwords to be generic for follow through
- Any emails that we don’t have access to- make new ones. Need to contact everyone and let them know they’ve changed (D7ppl).
- Consider using a signature block on forms and printed name- ensure the name is legible/accountable
- Pay needs to increase
- Rideau/Osgoode has Softball clinic booked in April- can send ppl there. On ROMSA site. Are they OK with us sending ppl there? Chris A. to look into that
- Warren wants to do some Jr/Sr umpiring. Need to recruit more if possible
- Putting up umpire screens on the backstops to prevent parents from bullying umps
- Refund incentives- ump 5 games and get your money back
- Reporting unruly coaches should happen. Exec member needs to go out and observe next game where this coach is
- Nadine to send Rick Chris Servage’s email to find out about umpire clinics