Minutes of Executive Council Meeting

July 2012

Date: Tuesday 3rd July, 2012

Time: 10.15am

Location: Parnell Office, Auckland

Members Present: Helen McLauchlan (HM) (President)

Clare McCann (CMC) (Professional Standards)

Felicity Bright (FB) (Professional Development)

Lucy Greig (LG) (Member Networks)

Adele Siave (AS) (Maori and Cultural Development)

Sara Moore (SM) (Communications)

Philippa Williams (PW) (Professional Development)

Dean Sutherland (DS)

In Attendance: Gretchen Wade (GW) (Administrator)

Claire Linthwaite (CL) (Administrator, Members-Affairs & minute taker)

Colette Maier (Attended the meeting from 2.00-3.00pm to discuss the PAC)

1. / Welcome / Who
Dean welcomed everyone, being his last meeting on the EC.
Adele opened with a karakia (which was about change).
Introductions were made.
There were no apologies. /


2. / Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
Minutes were circulated and a summary was read out.
It was agreed that future minutes need to be circulated as soon as possible after meeting and that they can be approved electronically. Page numbers to be included.
Motion: That the minutes from the March 2012 meeting be accepted Moved: LG
Seconded: AS
3. /

Matters Arising

Movement of order of agenda items– CMC to fit with Colette, who would be joining meeting later. / CMC
4. / Correspondence
No new correspondence to share. / All
5. / President’s Report
There has been a handover period between Helen and Dean.
·  A response to Mike Robb has been formulated by Helen. He will put a bid in. Helen to give copy of response to Mike. She will follow up.
·  Has been contacted by Resource Centre Trust – a workshop of volunteers – will circulate if interested.
·  A letter of support for Aphasia NZ has been done by Helen.
·  Pharmac request – additional information requested regarding food thickener
·  Conference –Pam Richards (Conference Manager) yet to send her final report and conference feedback.
Motion: That the President’s report be accepted Moved: HMc
Seconded: CMC /


6. / Review of Portfolios
A / Member Networks
·  LG is continuing with projects from last quarter.
·  LG & CMC have been making changes to member categories after the AGM. Need to officially update the documents.
·  Supervisors of Provisional members need more guidelines. We may recruit a volunteer to look at competencies. MOE currently working on their own documentation for this.
·  Two new area reps in Wellington and Southland. LG has a teleconference tonight with them.
·  Area meeting Agenda has been compiled and sent out.
·  Liaising with CMC regarding membership categories. Want online submission form – need to sort out the content.
Membership Fees:
·  Membership issues to be discussed – AGM changes made – now have retired member and non working full member categories .
·  CPI increase for all (1.8%)
o  $238.00 for Provisional non working category and changes to become live from 1st January 2013.
o  $182.00 for Retired category, 50% of full membership.
o  Full price for Associate (as they now have voting rights).
o  $37.00 for Student Members.
Actions: Continue to review fees, particularly for Associate Membership with increase in rights this year and student membership. May need to take to AGM next year or Special General Meeting
Motion: That the 2013 Membership Fees be set at these figures. Moved: HM
Seconded: CMC
Formalising a formula for fees?
·  LG will talk to student members and find out what other Associations do?
·  Members who pay by instalments are costing the Association (for administration costs). Gretchen to prepare some Terms and Conditions for paying by instalment.
·  The cut-off date for non-payment of fees is 31st March each year
·  Consider an early-bird discount for fees paid within the first month of re-applications (January)
Certificates for next year:
·  Should all receive printed or emailed certificates? Agreed we should give decision to members – via website application form (when the new website has this functionality). Hard copy will be sent to all members until the new website offers them the opportunity to print/generate their own. Need to ensure confidentiality - greater risk when electronically emailing.
Overseas Members:
·  Should they be receiving hard copies of Communication Matters?
·  All Overseas Members to receive CM via pdf unless they request a hard copy. There will be a small charge (for postage) if want this.
Area rep annual reports:
·  Are these required and in what format? Improve standards by incentives somehow. Impress this onto them to improve and continue. They are our “faces” at meetings. Raise their profile and communicate their importance and push responsibility more onto them. HM questioned if this is really their role?
·  SM offered idea to give them a template for their reports.
·  Suggestion that Area Meeting minutes for Communication Matters input should go to Catherine directly rather than to Lucy. Sara to discuss with Catherine what she would like asked or template for this at area meetings.
·  Suggestion made to ask Area Reps if they would be happy to take turns at collating the minutes from all areas rather than Lucy do this every time.HM pointed out we need to encourage/value their role
Ethnicity Data requests:
·  Janice Mueller email circulated: Discussed.
·  EC agreed (with majority vote) to provide this information to Janice from our membership forms. We will explain to her that it is not obligatory for members to provide this information, so the data may not be accurate. Also need to make it clear we are not a registered body. Adele to compose response/contact.

Motion: That the Member Networks report be accepted. Moved: LG

Seconded: CMC

Dean presented Felicity with Award of Research Excellence.

Professional Standards

Report had been presented.
Programme Accreditation Committee:
·  There are three new members on the PAC - Andrea Benoit, Moira Nelson & Jane Musgrave.
·  Meeting on 24th July between the Heads of Programmes, the Vice Chancellors, the Chair of the PAC (Colette Maier) and the President (Helen McLauchlan) to resolve ongoing concerns.
·  There was a successful Accreditation training with Vickie Dawson from Speech Pathology Australia.
·  An Accreditation Panel Leader is needed. Following nominations from the PAC, the EC needs to vote.
·  Colette Maier attended the meeting and was granted speaking rights. Reminder that all information is confidential to this meeting.
·  Accreditation Panel Leader – can be from four workforce representatives only. This person needs to observe a site visit: Melbourne 12/13 July or Macquarie 16/17 Aug. Costs will be shared with the NZ Programmes and the NZSTA.
·  Need to identify and approach a Māori academic.
·  Colette was commended by all for all her hard work. She then left the meeting.
CM continued with her report.
·  Honararium to members of the PAC in Private Practice. We have budgeted for this, but we need to identify what would be of most benefit to them.
Scope of Practice:
·  Members need to be made aware of the completion of the Scope of Practice. To be mentioned in the July EC update.
·  CMC had a meeting with Des Gorman (chair of Health Workforce NZ). CMC to follow this up with an email to provide the background context and seek guidance on how to proceed further.
Attended AHPAF meeting:
·  CMC to send the Minutes to National Office. Need to have representation at this meeting. Preferably same person each time.
Position Paper to be reviewed:
·  The Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation position paper is due for review. CMC to call for volunteers to lead a working party via the July EC update. In discussion with Professional Standards at SPA we identified the need for this to be a person with considerable experience in the area and of standing in the profession.
Code of Ethics:
·  This needs to be reviewed (with a working group). It needs to be in line with other organisations. CMC to proceed with a review of the Code of Ethics in the next few months.
Motion: That the Professional Standards report be accepted. Moved: CMC
Seconded: LG / LG
B / Professional Development
Resource Room:
·  Internet library Koha system is a possibility – would cost approx. $5k to set up which would come from the RL committee plus $200 pa maintenance.
·  Philippa will follow this up with Linda Hand and make decision after further investigation.
·  Talked about students rostered to cover the filing and packaging/posting resources on a weekly basis.
·  Philippa discussed arrangements for the presentation of CPDs next year.
·  Decision is to wait on website and trial next year. The revised CPD Framework is currently being trialled by NZSTA Area Reps and feedback is currently being sought.
2013 NZSTA Professional Development Seminar
·  The Professional Development Seminar for 2013 was discussed.
·  This will be in Hamilton on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May 2013.
·  MaryBeth Williams (Hamilton) has mentioned that she is keen to be involved.
·  Keynote speakers have been discussed – TBC

Conference planning :

·  The 2012 Conference committee are planning to meet and debrief on the conference together with Pam Richards’ report and attendee feedback.

·  Planning has commenced for 2014 NZSTA Conference with dates and venues yet to be confirmed. Wellington and Christichurch two possiblities.

Motion: That the Professional Development report be accepted. Moved: PW
Seconded: ??? / FB/ PW
C /


GYC 2014:
·  Sara invited Dean to continue with Strategic Communications Committee and also Helen to join. Dean has agreed to stay. Helen agreed to join too.
Awareness week:
·  Sara going ahead with plans for 2012. Posters being made.
·  Pending funding. Sara is keen to get on quickly and redo quotes. Was agreed that the current provider, “Virtual” is welcome to provide a quote. A working party is to be put together to work out what is needed for the site to go ahead.
Communications Matters:
·  Working with Catherine is going well. She is happy to continue as the Editor despite her new DHB role. Has been issue raised about whether a non member was able to contribute – that is ok, agreed.
Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists:
·  Sara will spend time with Jonathan Linklater (when she visits Ireland later this year) to learn more about how they have developed their website etc.
Motion: That the Communications report be accepted. Moved: SM
Seconded: CMC / SM
D /

Māori and Cultural Development

·  Engagement with Ngati Whātua and finding a kaumatua. Michael Stedman has been a great help. Contacts with Ngati Whātua. Adele will be going to the marae. Need to set up meeting date. Build links
·  Governance training offered – Adele to investigate further the costs of this.
·  Continuing with secondary schools to encourage engagement.
Motion: That the Māori and Cultural Development report be accepted. Moved: AM
Seconded: LG / AS
7. /

Financial Review

Gretchen distributed some bad debts along with financials. Explained the financials were for up to Dec this year.

/ GW
4pm Afternoon Break: GW & CL left meeting
8. /

EC Members Only

Discussions of increasing membership among SLTs working for Ministry of Education

·  Identification of key practitioners and efforts to build relationships within Ministry of Education.
·  A perceived misunderstanding among members of level of support provided to MOH SLTs for membership
·  Gail Gillon (Pro Vice Chancellor College of Education, University of Canterbury) has recently offered to broker a meeting with new Secretary of Education to help facilitate increase in MoE members.
9. / Meeting Closed at: 5.20pm
10. / Next Meeting agreed to be on: 7th September 2012

Signed: ______Date: ______
