Minutes of EMWLA committee meeting held at Hitchin WLC Letchworth Saturday 8th November 2008.

Meeting opened at 10.45am

1/. Members present: Pete Weiss (chair) Wally Pullum, Allen Ottolangui, Dave Tucker, Jenny Hunter, Ian Kinghorn, Kevin Jane

2/. Apologies; Stuart Braxton, Louise Pennell, Stuart Hamiliton

3/. Matters arising; from previous meeting (2/8/2008) There were no matters arising.

4/. Powerlifting independence: It was not clear as to whether the BWLA AGM had reached a decision to enable powerlifting to become a separate discipline and to become independent from BWLA. None of the committee members present had attended this meeting or heard officially about any of the decisions made. The Secretary was also still in the dark as far as his own position with BWLA in respect of being a director and member of the executive board.

Nevertheless the committee were continuing to fulfil their commitments as members of the EMWLA committee with the assumption that the break from powerlifting had occurred and therefore would limit the discussion of this meeting to weightlifting and related Divisional matters.

5/. Accounts; The divisional accounts currently stands at £3,896.79 although Jenny has five £100 cheques to send out, one each for Steve Walker, Allen Ottolangui, Jackie Blaisbery, Dave Battisson and herself as a contribution to their costs of competing in the World Masters Championships in the USA in September. Jenny & Jackie both winning gold with Steve placing second. - Dave Tucker had put in his expense claim for the year as Technical officer. Other officers need to put in their claims so this realistically will leave around £3,000 in the account.

The signatories on the account had received a letter from Steve Cannon stating that the money in the Divisional account is the property of BWLA and that because of the current situation regarding the powerlifting split they are directed to only spend money on ‘proper BWLA purposes’. Also that any checks for amounts larger than £200 must be countersigned by a BWLA executive.

There was some discussion re this and a letter sent to Steve Cannon by Arthur Hoey in reply to this was also discussed. The committee had several questions that were put forward;

Was the EMWLA account opened by the BWLA? – Wally believed that this was not a directive from the BWLA (BAWLA)

Is the Secretary still and member of the BWLA Executive as he has not resigned?

Why should the funds raised by the division be used to help keep the BWLA financially afloat? - the Division still needs funds to promote the sport organise and stage events, purchase equipment. There is no legal agreement between the BWLA and the EMWLA regarding Bank accounts.There is no reference to any assets owned by the Division being owned by the BWLA also the BWLA do not pay or audit the Divisions accounts. The committee therefore unanimously agreed not to recognise any reference to the BWLA having any ownership of the Divisions funds.

It was stated that the majority of the current divisional funds have been accumulated from powerlifters although a fair percentage has been raised from Leaders courses. As a committee there was concern that money receivedfrom powerlifters who are seemingly now no longer to be catered for under the BWLA despite being either life members or members till 31/3/2009 were being robbed.

The committee made several suggestions regarding the funds in the Divisional account including the need for some quality competition W/L equipment and staging W/L competitions as well as ensuring that current members of the EMWLA who are powerlifters and joined the association for that reason are not penalised.

6/. Future of the EMWLA: In order for the EMWLA to continue there needs to be a minimum of six committee members to willing to stand (chair person , treasurer, secretary, membership registrar + two committee members ) as from the next AGM. Stuart Hamilton had already stated that he will be prepared to be a committee member as well as Stuart Braxton. Louise Pennell is likely to remain with BWLA as she is heavily involved in disabled powerlifting. The Secretary is also prepared to remain a BWLA member and will take on a committee role within the EMWLA if required although would prefer to step down as Divisional Secretary. It was suggested that Cathy Wass should be approached to see if she would be prepared to be a committee member and also Stuart Braxton to see if he has any members of his club who might be interested. Pete Weiss will also make himself available if needed and Ian Kinghorn as a last resort.

Wally reported that he had written to Bill Barton in August asking him for advice on how he thought the EMWLA should continue after the split with powerlifting, he received no answer and subsequently telephoned him re this matter receiving no guidelines.

7/. Job Descriptions; Most officers had now produced job descriptions for their positions (technical officer to send his) which can now be used to advertise vacancies in the newsletter. For the time being the EMWLA newsletter will continue to publicise information for both disciplines asa new editor will need to be found as from the AGM. This will also necessitate a new name for the newsletter as far as GBPF East Midlands is concerned.

8/.Competitions;The Secretary had contacted Stuart Braxton re the possibility of staging a Divisional W/L championships this month. Stuart said that there was too much going on at present so this may now have to take place early in 2009. NorthamptonMoultonCollege has the ideal equipment for staging this and a number of W/L currently training there the Secretary will speak with Stuart in due course re the division funding this event.

9/. A.O.B. Louise had provided a report on the progress of disabled powerlifting highlighting the success of several lifters and the media coverage they received,which was read out by the Chairman.

10/. Date of AGM for 2008 – 31st January 2009 to be held at Hitchin Weighlifting club Letchworth starting at 10.00a.m. All nominations for officer positions to be received by the Secretaryno later that 3rd January 2009 and only written officer reports will be accepted.

The AGM will be followed by a committee meeting to discuss future meeting dates and competitions etc.

Meeting closed at 12.10p.m.