July 16, 2009

Ward 6 Office

Attendance: Annie Hagstrom – Vice President; Lorna Petersen – Secretary; Wayne Sunne – Treasurer; Laura Burge; Randy & Jane Van Nostrand; Margrethe May; Ira Larsen; Dick Lanning; Gerry Petersen; Kyle Hagstrom; Charity Everitt; Sharon Winderl; xxxx Walmer

Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Annie Hagstrom.

Minutes: May 14, 2009 minutes were reviewed. Randy Van Nostrand made the motion to accept the minutes; Gerry Petersen seconded and all approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Wayne Sunne reported that he had only written one check for $6.47 to the IRS. It was noted that Janet Parkhurst had not yet submitted a request for reimbursement for the house party she held in conjunction with a Neighborhood Watch meeting. No balances were available at this time.

Safety & Security: Randy Van Nostrand reported that there had been 30 incidents in and surrounding our neighborhood since the last meeting. One third of all calls are for non-forced entry (i.e. residents leaving things out in their yards or vehicles unlocked). Crime is actually going down in Midtown. Randy reported that the Department of Transportation is responsible for trimming trees outside of private property lines. There are some instances in the neighborhood where trees are overhanging the Stop Signs and they are not visible to motorists. Jane Van Nostrand talked about the party at Janet’s home and how the neighborhood watch program is shaping up on several streets. She offered to help with those streets that had not gotten the 51% needed to install Neighborhood Watch signs on their street. Laura Burge announced that next month is “National Night Out”. Randy reminded us again about West Nile Virus and not leaving any standing water on your property.

Officers for next year: Annie asked about who was interested in being president. There was interest by Wayne Sunne and Randy Van Nostrand.

Call to audience:

·  Lorna Petersen announced that a notice had been sent to Uwe Fink regarding the expansion of Randolph Park Hotel and the possible closing of Elmwood Street to accommodate the hotel.

·  Lorna mentioned that it looks like a proposed development of vacant property on Calle Cortez is in the works. Laura Burge mentioned that nothing had come through Nina’s office and they would only be notified if there was a variance proposed. The neighborhood is zoned for single family dwellings only.

·  Ira Larsen brought up brush and bulky items starting to show up on resident’s property. The next Brush and Bulky pick-up is scheduled for sometime in September. Items are not to appear curbside until two weeks before the pickup. A decision was made to create a letter that clearly spells out the guidelines for brush and bulky removal. The letter will be circulated by Ira Larsen, to those neighbors who are in violation of the ordinance to keep brush and rubbish clear from homeowners properties prior to the pick-up. The letter will be written by Annie Hagstrom.

·  Ira Larsen and Dick Lanning have offered to prepare a welcome to the neighborhood kit for all new homeowners, they will prepare and present to the board at our meeting in October.

·  Jane and Randy Van Nostrand stressed again the importance of the neighborhood watch program. Those who are interested should contact them to facilitate this for your block.

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 15thth, 6:30pm at Ward 6.

Meeting ended at 8 pm.