Mrs M Hutchins (Life Vice President/Minutes/League), Mrs M Pearce (Vice President/ JRO), M Pearce (Vice Chairman/Abbey), Ms D Horn (Secretary)., M Skinner (Treasurer/CTR), P Clark (General Member/CTR), Mrs M Saville (Direct/Field RO), D Saville (Direct/Bray League), R Hutchins (Direct), P Tolson (West Essex), Mrs D Tolson (West Essex), P West (RTAC), N Howell (Mayflower), Mrs L Howell (Team Manager/Mayflower), A Munson (Blue Arrows).
Total in attendance - 15.
EGM opened at 20.00hrs chaired by Vice President.
88/17 Proposal from EGAC for ratification of Mr Cliff Tricker as Coaching Guild representative on the ECAA Executive. Seconded P Tolson (West Essex). Motion carried.
General Meeting opened at 20.05hrs chaired by Vice Chairman.
89/17 Apologies for Absence: A Purser (Chairman), Mrs A King (SRO), J Willson (RTAC), E Davies (Pilgrim).
90/17 Additional matters for Any Other Business: Given to Vice Chairman.
91/17 Minutes of last Meeting 5th July 2017 having been circulated were taken as read. 87/17(i) Query as to the amount of contribution to Daisy Clark will be looked into by Treasurer. With this in hand, Minutes seconded by P Clark (General Member), accepted by the Meeting and signed by the Vice Chairman.
92/17 Matters Arising:
(a) 83/17(c) Still investigating further suppliers of Date Bars.
(b) 87/17(g) At the European Youth Games in Porec, Jonathon Tate won Gold and the Juniors collected nine medals. Congratulations to all concerned. Jonathon has been selected for GB Youth Championships in Argentina.
93/17 Chairman’s Remarks: Vice Chairman offered the Meeting’s Congratulations to Chairman, Alex Purser, on his recent marriage to Laura. He remarked that we are coming to the end of the Outdoor season and hopes everyone achieved their goals.
94/17 Correspondence:
(a) Entry forms circulated.
(b) Queries regarding Range Inspection referred to Mark Dennis.
(c) Coaching renewals, referred to EGAC.
(d) Shoots have been cancelled mainly due to lack of entries.
(e) Change of Secretary for Braintree. Vanessa Pedder –
(f) Thank you letters from Jonathon Tate and Daisy Clark for County support and help. Also thanks for helping them from Helen Kelly.
95/17 County Calendar 2017–2018:
(a) This year’s weekend of SCAS Junior/Claire Stanford Memorial shoots clashed with Youth Festival at Lillieshall. Therefore, the host of these shoots, RTAC, asks that the weekend be moved for 2018. The suggestion of 1st/2nd September will be suggested.
(b) Query regarding CTR FITA 18 on 19th November.
96/17 EGAC Funding: Essex Guild of Archery Coaches request monetary help. Losses have been sustained by Courses partly due to deposits paid to SCAS but not recouped from the club/candidates. SCAS is subsidising the Courses to some extent. There is money in the Bank but no accounts have been received by County Treasurer, however, he stated he is willing to help out and needs a Budget. Current leadership of the Guild would like to bring it back under the umbrella of the County. The Guild Representative is now on the Executive. Proposal from Mrs L Howell (Team Manager) that “County fund Level 3 Courses”. Seconded P Tolson (West Essex). Motion carried with 1 abstention.
97/17 County Trophy Criteria: Franklin Rose Bowl awarded at WA1440 for Senior Recurve Team has not been presented for three years due to the criteria not being met. This states: “Four club members which must include one lady and one gent”. The donors of the Trophy are sadly no longer with us and, as such, cannot be contacted for approval of change, therefore, it had been proposed by Chairman that the criteria be altered to “Three club members which must include .one lady and one gent“. An Amendment to the Proposal put by M Pearce (Vice Chairman) that criteria reads: “Three club members of any gender”. Seconded Mrs L Howell (Team Member). Amendment carried.
98/17 Inter-County Winter League: Chairman of Hertfordshire County has suggested that an Intercounty Winter League be formed. Each County to provide an Indoor venue to accommodate ten bosses, four on a boss. A Munson (Blue Arrows) stated his club may be able to supply a venue. Consensus of the Meeting was that Essex is interested but it is too late for this year but could be interested for next winter.
99/17 Any Other Business:
(a) County Field, 1st October. Received 48 entries, 30 from out of Essex. Entry form will be re-circulated.
(b) Four archers will be representing Essex in ‘Match Series Final’ on 23rd/24th September.
(c) Junior ‘Top Ten’ tabled.
(d) Junior Records attached.
Date of next Council Meeting will be Wednesday, 1st November 2017.
Being no other business, the Meeting closed at 21.15 with thanks to all for attendance,
Junior Records Officer offered the following for ratification:
BAREBOWU/12 / 29.05.2017 / Harvey Birdsall / Rayleigh / 10m 80cm face / 336 / SCAS Mddx
16.06.2017 / Harvey Birdsall / Rayleigh / 10m 80cm face / 345 / Club
16.07.2017 / Harvey Birdsall / Rayleigh / Short Metric 4 / 641 / Club
U/18 / 27.06.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / Long National / 359 / Club
04.07.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / Long Warwick / 322 / Club
11.07.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / Western / 714 / Club
18.07.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / WA 900 / 701 / Club
25.07.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / Long Western / 579 / Club
08.08.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / Gents L Metric / 356 / Club
08.08.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / 70m 122cm face / 186 / Club
08.08.2017 / Oliver Smith / Deben / 90m 122cm face / 170 / Club
U/9 / 08.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / Jnr Windsor / 794 / Lndn Y Games
17.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / Metric 4 / 1196 / Club
17.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / Long Metric 4 / 554 / Club
17.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / 20m 80cm face / 313 / Club
23.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / 10m 80cm face / 350 / County
22/23.07.17 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / Dble Metric 4 / 2310 / SCAS&County
23.07.2017 / Samuel Gulvin / Noak Hill / 30m 122cm face / 287 / County
U/14 / 01.07.2017 / Imogen Newby / Braintree / Metric 4 / 1360 / JNOC
01.07.2017 / Imogen Newby / Braintree / 10m 80cm face / 360 / JNOC
01.07.2017 / Imogen Newby / Braintree / 20m 80cm face / 347 / JNOC
02.07.2017 / Imogen Newby / Braintree / Bristol 4 / 1246 / JNOC
05.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Western / 811 / Club
06.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / New National / 480 / Club
12.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Short Metric 1 / 616 / Club
12.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / 50m 80cm face / 293 / Club
16.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / 30m 122cm face / 336 / SCAS BCAA
16.07.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Metric 2 / 1258 / SCAS BCAA
22/23.07.17 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Dble Metric 3 / 2612 / SCAS ECAA
13.08.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Gents WA 1440 / 1106 / BTC
13.08.2017 / Roman Quinton / Deben / 90m 122cm face / 233 / BTC
U/16 / 08.07.2017 / Rhiannon Easton / Noak Hill / Short Windsor / 895 / Lndn Y Games
U/18 / 27.05.2017 / Alex Body / West Essex / New Western / 714 / Pilgrim
10.07.2017 / Jonathon Tate / Clacton / WA 60 / 661 / Croatia
13.08.2017 / Jonathon Tate / Clacton / WA 70 / 631 / Club
U/14&U/16 / 15/16.07.17 / Roman Quinton / Deben / Dble Metric 2 / 2493 / SCAS BCAA
U/16 / 15.7.2017 / Aimee Davis / West Essex / Short Metric 3 / 692 / Club
19.08.2017 / Aimee Davis / West Essex / Short Windsor / 916 / Club