The role of railways in the development of industrial areas

Lesson Overview

Encourage students to become aware of the role of the railway in the industrial development of the Great Lakes region and the St. Lawrence valley, as well as its role in an intermodal transportation network.

Grade Level

Secondary 1 or 2 (1st cycle)

Time Required

One lesson (or two lessons if extended)

Curriculum Connection (course and Province/Territory)

Québec / Social Sciences: Geography

Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required

  • CANADA’S STEEL ROADS poster-map

Student worksheet: The role of railways in the development of industrial areas (attached)

  • Computer connected to the internet for research

Web sites:

The Canadian Atlas Online, theme Connecting Canada, Railways

The Canadian Atlas Online, Tracking Railtheme

Railway Association of Canada

Integration of Multimodal Transportation System

Main Objective

Help students to understand intermodal transportation and the issues related to Canada and to understand the role of railway companies as stakeholders in intermodal transportation.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • locate the main railway routes in Canada, particularly in the Great Lakes region and the St Lawrence valley;
  • clarify the importance of rail transportation in the Canadian economy (and in a region, if the extension component is used);
  • explain intermodal transportation;
  • identify products that are transported by railway in Canada (and in a region, if the extension component is used).

The Lesson

The Lesson

Teacher Activity / Student Activity


/ Ask students what they know about railways. Have they ever taken a train? Are there any railway lines in their area? What do they know about what is transported by railway?
Present CANADA’S STEEL ROADS poster-map while highlighting the importance of the railways in the Great Lakes region and the St Lawrence valley.
Ask students the following question: "Is transporting merchandise by railway still useful today?" / Provide answers about the railway and rail transportation in general.
Examine the poster-map.
Participate in the discussion.

Lesson Development

/ Present the worksheet to the students and ask them to answer the first two questions. Use CANADA’S STEEL ROADS poster-map to help them.
Review the first two questions with the students to ensure they have understood.
Tell the students that they should complete the worksheet on the role of the railway in the development of an industrial area (alone or in teams of two) by consulting the Canadian Atlas Online and the Railway Association of Canada web sites. / Answer the first two questions on the worksheet.
Complete the worksheet on the role of the railway in developing an industrial area (alone or in teams of two).


/ Once the worksheet is completed, review the concepts covered to ensure a good understanding (intermodal transportation, products, stakeholders, consequences on regional development).
Review the first question, which was "Is transporting merchandise by railway still useful today?" and ask the students what they think now that they have completed the activity. / Ask for clarification if necessary.
Answer the first question.

Lesson Extension

This lesson targets the Great Lakes region in Canada and the St. Lawrence Valley, however, it would be interesting to expand the question on regional rail transportation to include the school area. It would then be possible to ask students if rail transportation is important in their area and why. Work could also be done to target the raw materials/merchandise transported by railway in the area and the importance of rail transportation in regional industrial development.


Evaluation grid:

Evaluation Criteria / Pass Rate
The student is able to establish facts: name cities in the Great Lakes region served by rail (Q1*), identify the products transported by rail (Q5), target the significant stakeholders in transportation in Canada (Q7). / A / B / C / D / E
The student can define intermodal transportation (Q3). / A / B / C / D / E
The student can establish relationships between facts: by explaining the location of railway lines (Q2), by describing the intermodal transportation network for a product (Q6), by targeting stakeholders of merchandise transportation and their roles (Q7). / A / B / C / D / E
The student can explain territorial organization by specifying the consequences of railway lines on the development of the area in the Great Lakes region (Q8). / A / B / C / D / E
The student can draw a simple geographic sketch (Q8). / A / B / C / D / E

*Refer to the question on the student's worksheet.

Further Reading

Depending on whether or not the regional component is developed, the map of rail transportation infrastructure in the Canadian Atlas may be used:

Link to Canadian National Standards for Geography

Essential element #4: Human systems

  • Development of transportation and communication networks

Geographic skill #4: Analyzing geographic information

  • Interpret and synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources – graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, texts, photographs, documents and interviews.

Student worksheet

The role of railways in the development of industrial areas

Name: ______Group: ______

Rail transportation in Canada

1.Based on your examintation of "CANADA’S STEEL ROADS" poster, name four cities in the Great Lakes region that have rail transportation services.



2.Why do you think that rail transportation is important in these cities even if they are located on the shores of the Great Lakes?




Intermodal transportation

3.What is intermodal transportation?




4.Give two examples of intermodal transportation networks in the Great Lakes region of Canada.



Products transported

5.What are the main products transported by railin Canada, primarily in the Great Lakes region and the St Lawrence valley?




6.Using a type of merchandise or raw material, describe the intermodal transportation network.






7. Identify three stakeholders who have an important role in transporting merchandise in the Great Lakes region of Canada.




Development of the area

8. How does the presence of railway lines benefit the development of the area in the Great Lakes region?





Illustrate these benefits using a sketch:
