DATE: 10.09.2007
Members present:
Mr. NK Bharali - GMP (O)Mr.N.J. Bhuyan – Head Prod- Gas
Mr. B Deka - Head Prod-Oil (O)Mr. H.Dubey – Head (OFO) (R&D)
Mr. A. Buragohain –Head Prod-Oil(S) Mr. A. K. Gogoi - Chief Chemist
Mr.P.K.Kalita -CE (IT)(TMT Coordiantor)Mr. U.C.Kakoti – (MSO)
Mr. H.K.Medhi - CEPO ( NHK & JRN)Mr. B K Bajaj – CEPO(Utilities)
Mr. P.Baruah – CEPO (GTA – I)Mr. P.Saikia – CEPO (C&W/O)
Mr. A.J.Hazarika- CEPO (P&A)Mr. B Rajkhowa – CEP(O)(WSS)
Mr. T Khan - CEPO (MRN& SLM)Mr. B. Sarma – CEP (O) (GTA-1)
Mr. A.M.Mamen - Dy CEP (O)Mr. A. Das, Dy CE (Civil)
Mr. A. Bordoloi - Sr. Engr. (Civil)Mr. P.K.Sarma – Sr. EPO
BP Coaches: Mr. P.K.Devchoudhury
Mr. B.K. Das
Mr. J.K.Sarma
1.0At the outset Mr. Pradip Saikia CEP(O)(C&W/O), facilitator of the meeting, welcomed everybody and presented the main agenda for discussion in the meeting. Shri. Saikia also finalized the ground rules for the meeting. Shri. B.Rajkhowa volunteered to act as the time keeper.
2.0The team reviewed the vision statements of Oil Production Top Team.
3.0Review of the Previous minutes
As per the second point of the agenda, the minutes of the last meeting was reviewed. During the discussion on the actionable points the following points came up.
- BP Coaches were requested to visitMoran at an early date to guide and participate in formulationof action plan for the MRN intact team. This action is pending for significant length of time.
- Two BP Coaches visited Moran on 07/09/2007.
- The issue of detailed reservoir related data collection for new wells was further discussed and it was agreed that the issue will be deliberated with GGM(Geosciences) and a guide line would be formulated.
- No formal discussion was conducted. A meeting will be convened in the last week of September 2007.
Action by: GMP(O)
- Workshop by individual Intact teams: Workshops needs to be conducted by the remaining Oil Production Intact teams.
GTA intact team meeting is planned for 19th September 2007.
4.0The status of action plan of the OPTT as decided in the previous meeting was discussedsubsequently.
- Creation of a field development policy: This is also one of the action plans of the E&D Top Team. It was subsequently decided that both teams will work together on this.
- A kick off meeting was held on 07.09.2007 and discussed about the policies.
- Imbibing Suitable technology: This team needs to work in tandem with TMT(Technology Management Team). TMT has already selected two technologies for induction in Production function. Before taking a final decision, it was felt necessary to ascertain the efficacy of the selected technologies in fields similar to ours.
The TMT team members informed that,
-Two proven technologies for our environment have been identified. To select the best suitable technology.
-Suggested to visit the fields where same technology is in use.
-Budget approval need to be obtained for further action.
-GMPO suggested expediting budget approval process.
- On time preparedness / facility availability: The team will work on identifying the resources necessary to meet future field operational requirements (timeline five years) to maintain uninterrupted production. The detailed plan will cover all technical and financial aspects.
Shri. A.Buragohain informed the following
-Preliminary job of data collection started. Require further discussions with other departments.
-GMPO opined that the Team should make a comprehensive plan. The plan must be completed immediately.
- Depleted reservoir: IOR/ EOR activities:The team will work out the IOR/EOR requirements for the depleted fields, taking into account recommendations made by different consultants at different points of time.
Shri. B.Rajkhowa informed as under,
-The team is still collecting the data. A preliminary meeting was held with the team members.
- GMPO advised that the Team should adhere to the time line.
- Creation of maintenance schedule for all major Plants and equipment:The team will work out a detailed maintenance schedule for all critical equipment under production operations. It will also work out the additional resources required to be created to ensure uninterrupted maintenance activities.
- Shri. P.Baruah informed that the Team members are currently not available.
- Creation of Forum for encouraging innovation at workplaces:Preliminary discussion held between the team leader and Head (IT) to work out the way to progress. The portal will be created shortly.
-A portal similar in nature of TMT portal will be created for Production department.
-Technical paper down load facility will be created.
-Facility to access the published notes of reputed service providers through portal will be made.
-Personnel resume posting facility for people who consider themselves have expertise in relevant fields related to production operations.
- Imbibing Safety Culture:This is an on going process. However, the team is to work out guide lines to assimilate safety as a culture in the work areas.
-No progress. Pit level meetings are made more regular now.
- Industrial Hygiene: The team shall visit few of the installation and implement actions initially in three installations.
-Shri. H.K.Medhi informed that identification of hazards in the installations is being done.
-In this connection Shri. Jishnu Sarma informed that walk through survey by a team from BHEL Trichy was conducted in three production installations.
GMPO desired that all the Teamsto come prepared with clear cut action plans for the next meeting.
5As per the next agenda of the meeting a presentation on “Modified drainage System of the CTF and Industrial area” was made by Mr. P. BaruahCEP (O)(GTA-I). The subject matter was discussed by the members extensively. The following observations and suggestions were expressed by the members present.
-Feasibility of the installation of automatic oil water sensitive shut off drain valve to be looked into for each tanks.
-Shri. N.K.Bharali suggested for the reduction in the number of oil water separators for both oil effluent and strom water drains proposed in the system needs to be looked into.
-Shri. A. Buaragohain mentioned that need for the replacement of the formation water flow line to OCS 3 is to be considered.
-Shri. A.J.Hazarika opined that incorporation of a Process Logic flow chart is required in the plan.
-Shri. A. Buargohain suggested to look into the feasibility of implementation of mechanized drum unloading in the new drum unloading facility.
-GMPO informed that we have a vision for Zero Oil Pick up with effect from January 2008.
-Shri. N.J. Bhuyan suggested that our learning in effluent handling in CTF must be shared with AGCL who also uses the common effluent discharge drain to the river. The same may be looked into for Moran Central tank Farm as well.
-GMPO mentioned that a time line is to be indicated for completion of the proposed project. Accordingly the following time lines have been suggested and accepted.
-Preparation of Budget Proposal - 30.09.2007
-Drum unloading pit completion- 31.10.2007
-Completion of drainage system- 01.04.2009.
- The presentation on “Draft Action Plan – Production Oil Top Team”could not be presented in the Field Top Team meeting as planned due to paucity of time. The same shall be planned on a later date.
Itwas decided to conduct the next meeting on 08.10.2007.
Shri. B. Rajkhowa has been selected as the facilitator for the next meeting and the organizer would be Shri. U.C.Kakoti.
Subsequnetly a brief summarization of the proceedings was done by GMPO.
There being no other point for discussion the meeting was adjourned.
(A M Mamen)
Dy. Chief Engineer Production (O)
Departmental Co-ordinator (BP)