MINUTES of Council meeting held on Wednesday 1stJune 2016

at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.


Councillor J Matthews (Mayor)

Councillor K BridgerCouncillor C Turner

Councillor S BunneyCouncillor R Mortlock-French

Councillor M Harvey (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor M Lakin-Whitworth

In attendance:Nicola Marshall – Festival Hall Consultant Jayne Matthews

  1. Mayor’s opening remarks

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. To accept Apologies for absence

Apologises were received and approved from Councillor T Smith, Father Robert and Faye Lambkin-Smith – Town Clerk. Councillor J McNeill.

In the Clerk’s absence the Mayor asked Council’s permission for his wife to take the minutes.

It was RESOLVED for Jayne Matthews to take the Minutes.

  1. Public Participation


3a.Report from Lincolnshire Police

No report received from the Police.

3b.Report from Nicola Marshall (Consultant) on the Festival Hall Project.

Papers circulated.

17. a)iiTo accept recommendation from the Festival Steering \Group (Working Group)

Councillor Bunney made a proposal and it was RESOLVEDto take the fee from the Amici Group ticket sales contribution and to donate the Council’s share less £20.00 (running costs) to Bill Bartlett for his support on technical lighting.

There is a proposal to hire the hall for a Music concert as part of a UK tour on a profit share basis. It was RESOLVEDto support this event with a minimum contribution of £60.00 to cover running costs.

It was noted that emergency contact details are not readily available outside the building.

ACTION POINT: Town Clerk/Bookings Clerk to rectify

It was noted that the Bookings diary is busy and it was felt that the investment in the Bookings Clerk role is a positive one.

  1. Councillors’ Reports

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that he had been approached by the Racecourse for them to borrow/hire a number of market stalls, 8 for 3rd June and 10 for 10th July.

It wasRESOLVEDto hire the stalls to the Racecourse at £8.00 plus VAT per stall.

Councillor Lakin-Whitworth stated that a requested had been submitted to West Lindsey District Council 3 years ago for the street name signs to be re-painted. This work is still outstanding.

ACTION POINT:Town Clerk to contact West Lindsey District Council.

There was discussion about the resurfacing works to the high street and it was suggested to arrange a debrief meeting with Highways and the contractors.

ACTION POINT: Town Clerk to arrange meeting.

Councillor Mortlock-French reported a tyre in the river at Crane Bridge.

ACTION POINT: Clerk to contact Environmental Agency.

Councillor Mortlock-French submitted two examples of possible Dog Fouling Signs for perusal.

It was noted that off the shelf signs are available via WLDC.

  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for Dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council declared a non pecuniary interest as his wife was taking the minutes.

  1. Notes of Annual meeting of the council held on the 4th May 2016 (previously distributed).

It was RESOLVED that the Council minutes of the 4th May 2016 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

Page 3 it was acknowledged that the fridges for the Festival Hall had been donated.

Page 9 Clerk to confirm letter to K.Nicholson has been sent.

  1. Chairman’s announcements.

The Chairman reported he attended the British Legion Annual service of re-dedication which was hosted by Market Rasen and that we had received very positive and kind feedback from the event, also attended ABF Reception, Charity Civic Event at Grimsby, Centenary Service for the Battle of Jutland at Grimsby Minister and did a Bucket collection at the Racecourse for his charities.

It had been suggested to the Mayor that the Council create two Ceremonial positions within Council for officers without a spouse. The positions being Mayoress and Deputy Mayoress .

It was RESOLVED to create these positions.

Councillor Mortlock-French was proposed for the position of Deputy Mayoress. It was RESOLVED to appoint her to this position.

  1. Town Clerks Report

Please see PAPER A which the Town Clerk previously distributed with the agenda pack.

In the Clerks absence the Mayor went through the report with members.

Council has two applications for activities for children on two of our Green spaces.

ACTION POINT: Town Clerk to double check all Public Liability Insurances.

  1. Receive the Report of the County Councillor

None received.

  1. Receive the Report of the District Councillor

None received.

  1. To receive reports from Representatives to Outside Organisations

Twinning Association – Councillor Turner

Meeting held on 23rd May to finalise details of trip to Mamers. Councillor Turner to represent Market Rasen Town Council.

14th July Bastille Day debrief meeting at Nags Head, Middle Rasen 5pm.

1st September meeting 2pm.

Police Community Panel – Councillor Mortlock French – No meetings.

  1. Accounts for Payment

It was RESOLVED to accept the account for payment £8490,60 as listed in Paper B.

  1. To note general correspondence

Paper C was distributed to all members prior to the meeting.

  1. To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings


  1. Appointment of Vice-Chairman of the Finance and Facilities Committee.

It was RESOLVED to elect Councillor Mortlock French to this position.

  1. Progress reports from Project Groups

a)Festival Hall - Items I and ii) Already discussed.

b)De Aston Field – A volunteer has offered to check all planting is suitable.

ACTION POINT: Town Clerk to speak with grass cutting contractor for all boundary edges to be cut closer.

It was discussed whether we should consider planting a tree in honour of the Queen’s 90th birthday in the Autumn.

  1. Feedback from monthly surgery.

Councillor Smith not present but nothing reported.

  1. To discuss and resolve on Christmas Tree arrangements 2016

It was RESOLVED to keep the Christmas Tree programme in place.

  1. To approve End of Year Accounts 31st March 2016

The Mayor and Councillor Bunney presented the figures to all members, along with the report from the internal auditor.

It was RESOLVED to accept and sign off the End of Year Accounts 31st March 2016.

  1. To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points

No Public present.

  1. Risk Management

Councillor Harvey informed the meeting that he thought there were some cobbles missing and loose in the Market Square.

ACTION POINT: Mayor and Deputy Mayor to establish exact situation and instruct John Shaw (Contractor) for remedial action.

  1. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session.

This was not necessary.

  1. Update on the Finance & Facilities Officer Post

ACTION POINT: Interviews to be arrange asap (two candidates) and the interview panel previously appointed to be delegated the decision making (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town Clerk).

  1. Any urgent agenda items to report.


The Mayor declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Signed: ……………………………..

Date: ……………………………….

Market Rasen Town Council