HELD AT THE Council Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg

ON Wednesday 10 August 2016

The meeting commenced at 7 pm and closed at 11.41 pm.

Present: / Time In / Time Out
Cr Samantha Ratnam (Mayor) / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Lita Gillies (Deputy Mayor) / 7.03pm / 9.01pm
Cr Sue Bolton / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Helen Davidson / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Meghan Hopper / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr John Kavanagh / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Lambros Tapinos / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Lenka Thompson / 7.51pm / 11.41pm
Cr Rob Thompson / 7pm / 11.41pm
Cr Oscar Yildiz JP / 7pm / 11.41pm


Cr Teti.
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Yildiz seconded that the apology for Cr Teti be accepted.


Chief Executive Officer – Nerina Di Lorenzo

Director Corporate Services – James Scott

Director City Infrastructure – Grant Thorne

Director Social Development – Arden Joseph

Director Planning and Economic Development - Kirsten Coster

Executive Manager Organisation Development - Anita Craven

Manager Governance – Lidia Harding

Executive Assistant Mayor - Monica Bucciarelli


One of Moreland’s most distinguished citizens, Mike Hill, passed away on 26 July 2016.

Mike was Moreland’s first Mayor in 1996, twenty years ago this year. Prior to this Mike spent 8 years as a Councillor of the City of Brunswick. He and his colleagues on the first Council came with a long term vision of what local government could achieve through cooperation and advocacy with the other tiers of government. Mike also played a key role in defining the culture of the new Council and amongst many other important achievements, was responsible for Moreland’s defining slogan ‘One Community, Proudly Diverse’. In my mind, I often think of him as one of the people who created Moreland’s DNA as a socially and environmentally progressive Council with a love for its Democracy.

He was a passionate conservationist and champion of environmental sustainability. He served on a range of bodies, including Environment Protection Victoria, Sustainability Victoria and the Natural Resources Conservation League. He was also the driving force behind the establishment of the award-winning Moreland Energy Foundation, and its chair for ten years.

A mentor and friend to many at Moreland, Mike was warm-hearted and generous with his time. He understood how local government could work to achieve real, practical changes to the sustainability of our communities. A founding member of the Victorian Local Government Association, Mike was its CEO for nine years.

In his professional and personal life, he practiced what he preached. With his partner Lorna Pitt he developed an award-winning Westwyck Eco Village, within the heritage-listed former Brunswick West Primary School. The 30-apartment development won One Planet endorsement and has shown the way to other innovative housing projects like ‘The Commons’ in Brunswick and more recently ‘The Nightingale’.

Mike was a life member of the Australian Labor Party and a member for more than 50 years. He was deeply respected by people of all political persuasions and was appointed to roles by both Labor and Liberal Governments.




Cr Kavanagh moved, Cr Yildiz seconded that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13July 2016 be confirmed.


PET22/16 Park at 1B Hopetoun Avenue, Brunswick West
A petition was tabled containing 300 signatures requesting Council and the Minister for Planning and Environment to reconsider the rezoning and sale of this land.
Cr Bolton moved, Cr Hopper seconded that –
Council resolve:
1. The petition be received and noted.
2. The petition be referred to the Director Planning and Economic Development for consideration.
3. Any proposed action is emailed to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible For, allowing seven clear days for Councillor feedback.
4. The petition organiser be advised of this action.

Reports from Committee to Council:

RCC21/16 June 2016 Metropolitan Transport Forum Meeting Minutes (D16/229200)
The minutes of the Metropolitan Transport Forum meeting held on 1 June 2016 are provided for Council’s information.

Key Items Discussed:

· Councils’ response to the State Government’s railway level crossing removal project.
· Metropolitan Transport Forum’s response to the Infrastructure Victoria report ‘All Things Considered’.
· Opportunities for bus company TransDev to deliver Bus Rapid Transit and On Demand Bus services in Melbourne.
Additional information including copies of presentations delivered at MTF meetings are available for download at
Cr Hopper moved, Cr Bolton seconded that the report from Committee to Council be received and noted.


QT85/16 Mr Mark Higginbotham – West Brunswick
Mr Higginbotham thanked Council for hosting the memorial service for former Mayor, MikeHill last week in the Coburg Town Hall. He was a true visionary and we need to ensure that his work in the community, state and country continues.
QT86/16 Ms Ann McGregor – Brunswick
Ms McGregor asked Council in reference to agenda item DED62/16, Planning Amendment C160 1-9 Moreland Road, if Councillors considered the inconsistencies between the Panning Scheme (C1, 21 and 22) and the Neighbourhood Centres Strategy which all specify an upper limit of 4 storeys for sites like this one, and this proposed Amendment which would allow 6 storeys on the site?
Will Council move to introduce stronger built form, height and setback controls along the Merri Creek corridor, similar to those that apply along the Yarra River?
QT87/16 Mr Richard Cox and Ms Melita Ludekens – Coburg
Mr Cox and Ms Ludekens asked Council in reference to agenda item DED62/16, Planning Amendment C160 1-9 Moreland Road, why are the proposed building heights are considered appropriate (as mentioned in the report)?
In regard to the traffic impact on Moore Street, how is it reasonable to suggest that a potential 40 additional cars would not impact parking and traffic on the street? 4 storeys, 20dwellings, 40 cars?
Cr Ratnam advised that it is likely that this Council report will be deferred to allow Councillors to receive additional information about this Amendment as there are some concerns with the proposal.
Cr Tapinos recommended that a meeting be held between Councillors and residents to understand the issues before it comes back to Council for decision.
Cr Bolton advised that she was shocked that an interface for the protection of the MerriCreek does not exist. She advised that she supported a deferral for this item. At her recent ward meeting, residents of Moore Street raised traffic issues. Council needs to do something to protect the Creek parkland.
Cr Hopper advised that there are Development Guidelines for Merri Creek Corridor projects and these are used in conjunction with the Moreland Planning Scheme when accessing planning applications. Cr L Thompson’s motion will cement this as this land is encompassed within the Brunswick Structure Plan which is still with the Minister for decision and this application is part of the Industrial Land Strategy which will be going to Panel.
QT88/16 Ms Marilyn Moore – Pascoe Vale South
Ms Moore advised Council that she had read in the newspaper a public notice advising that the Turner Street, Pascoe Vale Maternal and Child Health building was being sold and relocated. Where is it being relocated to and was there any public consultation and if so, with whom?
James Scott, Director Corporate Services advised that the centre will be relocated to the newly developed Pascoe Vale Community Centre which is currently being constructed. The sale of land proposal is out for consultation at the moment and closes on 22 August 2016.
Cr Ratnam advised that this has been a long standing issue.
Cr Kavanagh advised that there is another Maternal and Child Health Centre in Woodlands Grove which services the area. He supports the relocation and the new site.
Cr Bolton asked when decisions about this site were made.
Nerina Di Lorenzo, Chief Executive Officer advised that decisions around this site have been made since 2012, but exact dates would be provided to Ms Moore in writing.
Cr Gillies advised that the decision to relocate the Centre meant that Council could get funding for the towards the construction of the building. Co-locating services is a shift for the community and creates efficiencies in service as well as increasing the safety of staff and users.
QT89/16 Mr Tomohiro Matsuoka – Coburg
Mr Matsuoka thanked Council for amending their decision in relation to the changes to aged and disability home support services and asked why the motion considered last month was separated into both the open and confidential agenda. He also asked why the decision at the December meeting was made in the confidential meeting and not in public.
Nerina Di Lorenzo, Chief Executive Officer advised that there are a number of issues in this particular matter, many of which are commercial in confidence. Council needs to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989 and hence sometimes Council needs to consider decisions in the confidential agenda.
Cr Bolton agreed that Council considered too many items in the confidential section of the agenda and needs to assess the requirement to do this.
Cr Gillies advised that it was a shame that this issue was originally discussed in the confidential section of the agenda, and Council needs to consider the consequences of matters and the impact on the community.

7.51 pm Cr L Thompson entered the Chamber.

GB37/16 Mr Mark Higginbotham – West Brunswick
Mr Higginbotham asked Council if it has had a response from the Minister of Planning to the letter from Council dated 16 March 2016 regarding a request for the Minister to review clause 52.06 of the Victorian Planning Provisions or the relevant Australian Standards seeking new standards for car stackers.
Kirsten Coster, Director Planning and Economic Development advised that the Ministers office have drafted the letter and Council should have it shortly.

On Notice Items from Previous Council Meeting:

ONR6/16 On Notice items - July 2016 Council Meeting (D16/259602)
The following item was taken on notice at the previous Council meeting.
· Ms Jacomb – removal of bench seat – 789 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Cr Bolton moved, Cr Kavanagh seconded that the On Notice Item from the Council meeting dated 13 July 2016 be noted.


MCC21/16 O'Hea Street Traffic Working Group
Cr Sue Bolton
Residents invited to join the O’Hea Street Working Group were home owners only, this will be extended to all residents. Membership of the working group will be voted on by Council later in the year.
MCC22/16 Moreland Awards and Celebrating 20 Years of Moreland
Cr John Kavanagh
The Moreland Awards and Celebrating 20 Years of Moreland will be held in the Coburg Town Hall on 1 September 2016.
MCC23/16 Ward Meeting
Cr Lita Gillies
Cr Gillies apologised to residents that came to her Ward Meeting on the Friday night, when the meeting was on Thursday night – the wrong date was published in the Moreland Leader newspaper.
MCC24/16 MEFL Conference
Cr Lenka Thompson
Cr L Thompson encouraged residents to attend the next MEFL Conference to be held on 18and 19 August 2016 which will ignite local action on climate change and canvass ideas.


DED62/16 Amendment C160 to the Moreland Planning Scheme: 1-9 Moreland Road, Coburg - Decision Gateway 2: Report on results of public exhibition (D16/229459)
Amendment C160 affects land at 1-9 Moreland Road, Coburg (the site) and is summarised as follows:
· Rezone the site from Industrial 3 Zone (IN3Z) to part Commercial 2 Zone (C2Z) and part Mixed Use Zone (MUZ).
· Introduce a new Design and Development Overlay (DDO25) to the site. DDO25 applies built form requirements including mandatory building heights ranging from 4 to 6 storeys across the site.
· Modify the extent of the Heritage Overlay (HO) to apply to the office building fronting Moreland Road.
· Apply the Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to the precinct to ensure potential contamination issues are addressed.
In December 2015 Council resolved to seek the Minister’s authorisation to prepare the Amendment and following receipt of authorisation, to publicly exhibit the amendment (DED104/15).
A total of 16 submissions were received following public exhibition. The submissions were generally supportive of the proposed rezoning but concerns were raised with regard to:
· Building height in relation to Moore Street, Campbell Reserve and the Merri Creek corridor.
· Car parking and traffic impacts on Moore Street.
· The proposed reduction in the extent of the Heritage Overlay.
· The implementation of landscaping for the site.
· The implementation of Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) measures.
In response to submissions, Council Officers have proposed modifications to the planning controls (DDO25) including:
· Additional guidance on building heights facing the Merri Creek.
· Clarifying that the proposed various heights (ranging from 4 to 6 storeys) are mandatory heights.
· Additional design guidance to reduce the visual impact of buildings facing the Merri Creek corridor.
· Additional guidance on landscaping.
In addition, a further change is recommended to ensure the Amendment is consistent with the Moreland Industrial Land Strategy 2015-2030 (MILS) and associated Amendment C158.
The next step in the Amendment process is to request the appointment of a Panel. The Panel hearing will provide a further opportunity for submitters to have their issues considered. Council Officers will report back to Council on the Panel’s recommendations after the Panel report is received.
Cr L Thompson moved that this item be deferred.
DED61/16 Pentridge Masterplans (D16/252954)
At its March 2016 meeting, (GB11/16) Council resolved to receive a report regarding the potential for a Planning Scheme Amendment(s), incorporating public consultation, to change both Masterplans for the Pentridge site to include more open space and low density developments.
During February and March 2016, Council requested that the Minister for Planning initiate a review of the Pentridge Masterplans. On 23 March 2016, the Minister wrote to Council and advised that he would not be initiating a review of the Masterplans.
This report outlines the existing statutory controls and planning approvals in place for the site along with the process, likely costs and risks associated with initiating a Planning Scheme Amendment to change the planning controls for the site. The report outlines a way forward for achieving improved planning and design outcome for the precinct through both existing planning controls and revised Masterplans by continuing to work with the respective landowners as informed by the wider development framework that applies to the rest of the Coburg Activity Centre.