Minutes of Core group Meeting at MT Pleasant centre on 11-04-13

1) apologises --- none

Present: D Morley, J Urwin, F Kelly, C Porter D McEwan

2)bank account details with HSBC given to Chris Porter

3) Permission homes have requested to visit our next full NP meeting 16th April, this item will be put on the agenda as a 20min slot to speak to the whole group, with questions at the end if needed. It would be good if ward councillors could attend. This would go to part of our consultation process.

4) Spreadsheets of our development plan on going by Cllr Kelly

5) It was suggested we have a regular news letter re the NP in the KPC magazine for June. John to write one.

John having looked at the Thame NP mentioned the importance of consultation, so we felt we needed to get all the dates of community events so we can have a stall/display there,including schools, churches etc.

Perhaps we have an open day where as many of us possible blitz the village with fliers, displays , banners, balloons. Date to be arranged.

7) Posters of different designs, for different occasions need to be designed, If there is a variety they will be noticed and maybe read! Looked at the Holbeck poster. Could we get Brigshaw High school involved as the will have the graphic expertise in the students, suggested we ask CLLRS Parker and Purcell to look into this if they have time ( they work there)

Is there a way to involve all the schools? Competitions, assemblies.

8) We hope that Heather and Ian can meet us on the 19th April to look around the village, about 1-30, with a meeting at MT Pleasant 3-00ish

9) The Thame plan was discussed * Strategy statement was short and sweet

*Focus group of young people, organise meetings, and if poorly attended not to worry.

* large banner for High St

* posters everywhere, exhibitions

* website just for the NP which could include online responses

* Thame had 3 sections 1)Our vision 2) policies which had 6 sub headings 1housing, 2 work/shopping, 3 getting around/community, 4 leisure/wellbeing, 5 environment/sustainability/design quality, 6 delivery. And the 3rd section is Residential

10) Skills audit needs to be moved on, using the pictorial suggestions given to us by PA and adapting them to suit us. Discuss at the meeting on the 16th, and perhaps form a working group.


16th April at Kippax Band Club 7-30

It was suggested that perhaps the core group could meet half an hour before the main meeting, and call a longer meeting as needed.

Dates 21st May 7-00 Core, 7-30 Main Group venue TBC

18th June 7-00 core , 7-30 main group venue TBC

16th July

20th August