34th Week of the Year

Saturday: 4.30 pm Saint Mary (+Vincente Baylon, Parkman Family, +Bob Ward, Annamma Joseph)

5.30pm Saint David Lewis (+Alex Findlater, Barry Dearden Family)

6.00pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (Holy Souls, Adamo Pacini, +Rosemarie Gough)


9.00 am Saint Anne (Peter Bracci Intention)

9.30 am Saint Mary (Maria Vellucci, +Teresa Molloy)

10.30 am Saint Michael (+Michael Wigmore, +John James Murray)

11.00 am Saint David (+Donal Barry)

6.00 pm Saint Mary (Holy Souls)


10.00 am Saint Mary (Holy Souls)

10.00 am Saint Michael Requiem Mass for Therese Marie Jerome

Tuesday Saint Cecilia

10.00 am Saint Anne Devotions

10.00 am Saint Mary (Holy Souls)


7.30 am Saint Mary (People of the Parish)

10.00 am Saint Mary (+Queenie Edwards,
+Padannammakkel Family)

7.00 pm Saint Michael Adoration


10.00 am Saint Mary (Good Estate Anne Hamber)

5.00 pm Saint Michael Holy Hour


10.00 am Saint Mary (+Johnjoe Grogen,

+Anthony Hard,+Richard Stokes)

2.00 pm Saint Mary Divine Mercy Devotions


10.00 am Saint Mary (Joan, Kim, Anna, Mary)

3.30 pm Saint Mary Adoration, till 4.15.

Next Sunday’s Intentions 1st Sunday of Advent Cycle A

Saint Anne: Joan Buckley Intention

Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys: Private Intention C.W., Deceased members of

Sidoli & Pacini families

Saint David : +Stan Coleman

Saint David Lewis: +, Jordan Calam BoltHerbklenk

Saint Mary : Nora Griffin : Dave Crease and Deceased members of Crease family., +Anthony Hard, +Sylvia Fisher : Martin McCoy

Saint Michael : +Bob Taylor, +Maria Ubaldi, John Bickerstaff (100 yr Anniv.).


Saturday 10.45 – 11.45 am Saint Mary

Saturday 3.30 – 4.15pm Saint Mary


Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael


The Year of Saint Luke



(Sunday Readings: of year C ::: Weekdays of year 11 ::: Breviary: Week ii)


Scripture Samuel 5: 1-3

Psalm 121 : 1-5 R.v.1.

R: I rejoiced when I heard them say
“Let us go to God’s house.”

I rejoiced when I heard them say:
‘Let us go to God’s houses.”
And now our feet are standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem (R)

Jerusalem is built as a city
strongly compact.
It is there that the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord. (R)

For Israel’s law it is,
there to praise the Lord’s name.
There were set the thrones of judgement
of the house of David. (R)

Colossians 1 : 11-20

Luke 23: 35-43

Intercession : Lord Hear us :

Response : Lord Graciously hear us.

Canon Michael Evans Revd. John Boye Revd. Joseph Mensah

Deacon Pasquale Cinotti Deacon Rigo Logier Sister Brigid Cantwell

Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue

9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm E.Mail

Website :

Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals 234234

Sick Calls (Emergency) 07805 696474

Hospital Rota Today : Bridie & Anita Next Sunday : John


Saint Anne: £ (Gift Aided: £) 75

Saints Basil and Gwladys: £209.63 (Gift Aided: £63.00)

Saint David: £294.39 (Gift Aided: £67.00) 190

Saint David Lewis: £123.75 (Gift Aided: £45.00) 65

Saint Mary: £831.00 (Gift Aided: £224.15) 529

Saint Michael: £341.00 (Gift Aided: £77.00)


Saturday : 12.30 Baptism of Logan Grannell at Saint Mary’s Church.

Sunday 9.30 Baptism of Orson Lovitos during Saint Mary’s Mass.

12.30 Baptism of Noah John Morgan at Saint Mary’s Church.

5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.

Monday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church.

5.00 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meet, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute.

5.00 Saint Mary’s SVP Conference meet in the Institute

Tuesday: 10.00 Saint David Lewis – Novena to the Divine Mercy

10.00 Tuesday Talent Group at Saint David Lewis Church.

10.00 Saint Anne’s, Devotions to Our Lady, followed by meeting of the Community Club.

6.30 Saint David Lewis Community Meeting in hall.

Wednesday: 7.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church.

Thursday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church

2.00 Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Natters Group meet.

7.30 Saint David Lewis Quiz Night in hall.

8.00 Quiz night in Saint Mary’s Institute in aid of the Guides.

Friday: 10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute, all are welcome.

Saturday: 10.00 Baptism of Geddoka Yakob during Saint Mary’s Mass.

Next Sunday:

5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.


Monday 28th November London trip.

Monday 28th November Public Meeting in St. Mary’s Institute on Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

Saturday 3rd December Birthday Party for Sr. Justina.

Tuesday 6th December Saint Anne’s Christmas Dinner.

Saturday 10th December St. David Lewis Christmas Bazaar.

Wednesday 14th December Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Christmas Lunch

Saturday 17th December St. David Lewis Mince Pie & Mulled Wine Evening.


Please pray for the Repose of the souls of all who have died recently.

Please remember also in your prayers, Fr. Kevin Payne, Canon Pat O’Gorman, Fr. Eric Willet, Christine Bennett, Marilyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Pina di Rienzo, Mel Davies, Dave, Elizabeth Duran, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Mike Halford, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Marie Therese Jerome, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avril McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Danny O’Carroll, Lil O’Hagen, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Colin Richards, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, John Wilkinson, Biddy Williams and Catherine Williams, and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them.

Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533

St. Anne / 19th/20th November / 26th/27th November
Readers / Mike Glennon
Pat Tempest
Martin Kurzik / Bernard Tyson
Ceri Hobbs
Helen Shannon
Communion / Mike Glennon
Pat Tempest / Sr. Visitation
C.L.O.W. / Jean Stanford
James Stanford / Marta Williams
Trevor Williams
Counters / Mary & Hugh Nichol / Gilbert & Nancy Jones
Cleaners / Marta Williams
Trevor Williams / Sr. Visitation

Thank you very much for the hard work you did last week-end. Friday, Saturday,and Sunday morning. It was lovely to see the hall cleared and back to normal. We raised over £1500. Thankyou to all who donated, came and spend their money.

Because of the bazaar we did not have the retiring collection for the retired and sick clergy last week -end. It will take place this Sunday Nov20th. We are asked to be as generous as possible.

The Piety Stall has a good supply. Please pay it a visit before or after Mass for your Christmas and New Year gifts. This year we will make a donation to Cancer research instead of sending cards to each other.

Advanced notice on Dec 18th Mike Roberts is arranging to have a Mass said for Edna Corsi (Valerie's Mother) who will be 100 years on new Year's Eve.

Farewell to Alice who, having looked through the ‘Looking Glass’ for the last time, has taken Christopher Robins’ advice and is marrying one of the Guards from Buckingham Palace. A soldiers life is terribly hard, says Alice and will have to devote full time in support. She wishes to thank all those good people who have supported her fund raising activities over the years. Especially, Pam and the St. David Lewis ladies, Frances McCarthy, Tracy, Brian the Birdman of Maesglas and St. Anne’s very own Nancy, Mike and Hughie. And of course our famous maker of melodious modulations, Richie the Roundhead. May the Good Lord bless you all for your friendship and generosity.

Alice : according to those living next door, was more than pleased with her last charity concert, on 12th inst, when a wonderful attendance and ‘spirit’ ensured the Remember and Victory party dance raised £220 for Fr. Francis Jeyabathi’s Annai House for Orphan Children in Tamilnadu, India. Fr. Edmund’s – Tredegar is the local patron saint ,i.e. others wish to help.

Thanks to Fr John for saying our Remembrance Mass we have received lots of compliments from parishioners who attended. Also a big thank you to Jim and Lillie for all their hard work organising this.

St. Basil &
St. Gwladys / 19th/20th November / 26th/27th November
The Word / Hillary Leadbetter
Julie Oates / Faith Young
Angela Haynes
Communion / Sue Thomas / Mary Cullen
C.L.O.W. / No liturgy / No C.L.o.W.
Counters / June & Margaret Brooks / Margaret Whitfield
Tony Sheehan
Cleaners / The Hogesons / The Quinn Family

This month, we are especially thinking about the people who visit the sick. They visit people in their own homes, in hospital, and in nursing homes as well as keeping in touch by phone, letter and email. They help people whose health is poor to keep in touch with what is going on in the parish. Your kindness and time is greatly appreciated. Thank you Folks.
Bettws Food Bank send their thanks for your continuing support of non-perishable food stuffs, toiletries and financial donations.

New choir members - We urgently need new members to join the choir if you’re interested please contact Chris Pugsley

St. David / 19th/20th November / 26th/27th November
Readers / Ceri, John H
Peter / Alan, Tom
Communion / Sebastian
Gino, Sonia / Sabrina
Angela, Molly

Cleaning Group: 5

PIETY SHOP:Calendars, diaries, books for children and other items suitable for Christmas presents can be bought at the back of the church, near the door.


Wednesday 9thNovember: No. 38 P Higgs

Saturday 12thNovember: No. 08 G Fiera

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 22/11/2016 - 6:30 pm
Community Meeting St David Lewis Hall

Thursday 24/11/2016 -7:30 pm
Quiz Night St David Lewis Hall

Saturday 03/12/2016 -6:30 pm
Birthday Party for Sister Justina St David Lewis Hall

Saturday 10/12/2016 -12:00 – 02:00 pm
Christmas Bazaar St David Lewis Hall

Saturday 17/12/2016 - 6:30 pm
Mince Pie and Mull wine Evening St David Lewis Hall

Thank you: Our gratitude is extended to Father John and all those who attended the Memorial Mass at St. David Lewis' Church on 10th November 2016. It was a very meaningful Eucharistic celebration, appreciated by all present.


We have just had a delivery of additional candles for Christmas. There are a few other Christmas items left in our piety shop which is open before and after mass on Saturday evening.


We will be having a quiz night on Thursday 24th November 2016 at 7:30 pm – venue St David Lewis Church Hall. Please come along and support, it will be a fun night.


Our next Community Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 at 6:30pm – Venue: St David Lewis Church Hall. This will replace the meeting which was to be held in December.

INVITATION: Please join us every Saturday at 5.00 pm in the church to recite the rosary and pray for families and personal intentions.

Please join us every Tuesday at 10:00 am for ‘Divine Mercy Devotions’.

Line Dancing: Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join our LINE DANCERS. Sessions are held on Monday and Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

And Wednesday 07:30 pm- 09:30 pm ALL WELCOME!!!

Tuesday Talent Group: If you have handcraft skills that you would like to share with us or just get involved with the team, come along next Tuesday from 10:00.

The Legion of Mary intention this week is for the victims of the New Zealand earthquake.

Public Meeting on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in St. Mary’s Institute on Monday, November 28th at 7.00 pm. Main Speaker is Bruce Kent. All Welcome.

Roof Restoration Fund: Don’t forget your extra pound for the second collection or other donations at :

Well done! Last week’s collection was £364.00 Total currently stands at £9052.84 Come on Folks lets have that extra push and we CAN crack the £10,000 line before Christmas. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, or knows anyone who would like to sponsor the funding, please let the Parish office know, or one of the Community Council members.

200 club 13.11.16. No. 168 M. Pollock

Parish diaries are on sale at the back of Church, please put £1.50 in the newspapers wall box, or see Tracy in the office in the week.

Can you Cook? Then we are calling YOU.

A BIG BAKE SALE will be held in Saint Mary’s

Institute on Sunday December 11th after the 9.30am Mass, in aid of the Roof Restoration Fund. Donations of Big Cakes, little cakes, plain cakes, fancy cakes or any other size cakes or home made produce will be gratefully received, they can be left at the Parish Office on Friday 9th, or handed in the Institute on the morning of the sale.

There will also be a raffle with various prizes:-watch this space! Tickets on sale from the Parish office, or leave the money in an envelope with your name and contact number in the collection bags on the weekend. Please ensure it is an envelope! Tickets £1 each, available from Monday.

Lunch Bags for the Homeless.

Empty bags will be distributed on Saturday/Sunday November 26th/27th for return on December 3rd/4th. Thank you for your continued support.

Ministering to the Assembly
St. Mary / 19th/20th November / 26th/27th November
Readers / Mary Tilley
Charles Reynolds / Tony Corten
Peter Elliott
9.30 / Suzan Glennon
Allan Fear
Helen Walmsley / Margaret & Ken Grainger
Alison Hard
6.00 / John Haywood
Patsy Groves
James Carney / Tony Turner
Vincent Charmary
Communion / As per separate list / As per separate list
C.L.o.W. / Clelia and Annette / Helen and Beth