Tynedale U3A University of the Third Age
Minutes of committee meeting held on Fri Sept 29th, 2017
Present: Sue Charlton, Wendy Dale, Barbara Herring, Sally Pearson, Alistair Sinclair, Mike Worthington
No: / Activity / Action/Person
1. / Apologies for absence: Sue Loader,
2. / Minutes of 27th July 2017wereapproved and signed accordingly. / SP
3. / Matters arising: Document retention matter in hand.
4b – The Research Group money cannot be returned to the funding source, however there is a new group starting with 6 members, headed up by Janet Grimes; so the money (£183.68) can be ring fenced for this group and kept for now. / SP
4. / Chairs Report:
a)MW and SL have arranged a meeting for Oct 17th with Kathleen Marlerand A.N.O.from Prudhoe U3A.
b)Key roles and succession planning. MW circulated his report prior to the meeting. Main items to be discussed were
- The roles of Membership Secretary and Groups Liaison Secretary – It was agreed that the Membership Secretary’s role should remain as a single person’s role.
- Events Secretary – it was agreed that we did not need one at the present time and events could be organised by individual groups and also on an adhoc basis. However it was agreed that members coffee morning should be held twice a year.
- Non Committee roles – Publicity Co-ordinator and Befriender Volunteer. MW to discuss with people who the committee felt may be interested in these roles.
- Planning to fill the vacancies created by the Treasurer and Groups Liaison Secretary ending their term of office at the AGM in March 2018. MW to promote the roles at every monthly meeting from now until the AGM. SP to keep vacancies on forthcoming committee agenda’s.
5. / Business Secretary’s report:
a)An email received from Allen Valleys Folk Festival informing us of the festival. No action required.
b)Email from EP re: Some of the groups e.g. Art Appreciation, German, Current Affairs pursuing International Links. SL already looking into this.
c)Helpful hints cards received from National for New Committee members – keep on file. / SL
6. / Treasurer’s report:
Balance in current account as at Sept, 2017 is £7694, of which £1905 represents group funds in respect of premises rental. Coif deposit a/c. £5794. Surplus for year to date £3000. This means we have a surplus on this year’s activities to date of £1095.
Projection: Barring any more windfalls we are on target for a surplus of around £1000 by Dec 31st. / AS
7. / Newsletter Editor’s report:
a)The old website has now lapsed.
b)SC highlighted the cost of posting the Newsletter for those who do not have access to email. A 6 page Newsletter x 50 copies can be sent by Royal Mail for £18.66, however anything over this has to be sent by courier which puts the cost up and SC has to be home to take delivery. It was agreed to check again on the members that need printed Newsletters. / SC/SL
8. / Membership Secretary’s report:
a)We now have 337 current members; 2 are Associate members, so we have 335 paid up members; 22% have Third Age Matters; 31% are men, 69% women; 85% are on email.
b)It was agreed that new members joining in January would only have to pay the subscription for March 2018/19. The proposed subscription for the year should be agreed at the November committee meeting and then ratified at the AGM.
c)It was agreed to cover the cost of buying laminating pouches for membership cards and if necessary in the future a laminator.
d)Bar Code Reader–BH has now purchased a bar code reader it will be trialled at the October’s monthly meeting. SC has agreed to test out the bar coder using excel on her laptop prior to the meeting. / BH
9. / Programme Secretary’s report:
a)Attendance at September’s meeting was good with 81 members and 2 visitors attending.
b)The speaker was Mike Colman from Core Music talking about the Community Music Project. Mike has given WD some “Be a Friend of Core Music Leaflets” for members to collect at the next monthly meeting.
c)The speaker for October is Dr Lynne Corner talking about the work of the campus for Ageing and Vitality and the National Innovation Centre for Aging. / WD
10. / Group Liaison Secretary’s report:
a)Queries from the Groups’List of members
There are 30 identifiable lapsed or non-members in groups. All convenors with L/NMs have been informed and Barbara copied in. Seven members have been solved i.e.: we know they have lapsed/been given membership packs/associates etc. Tai Chi and Gentle Exercise need to be visited in person.
b)Groups Update
Three new groups: Canasta, Garden visits and Latin Learners have started and have Convenors in place. One Event ‘The Sky At Night’ is being kindly organised by Lesley T in conjunction with Patrick H on October 16th as a one off with a view to forming a group.
There are 44 Groups. The Literature Groups have been renamed Book Groups. There is potentially a Yoga Group and a Welsh Language Group.
c)Equipment List
Two unused Acer Laptops have been donated to Hexham Kids Coding Dojo who meet in the Abbey. They’ll be used for children without their own laptops. The amplifier/s/ microphones have not been put on Freecycle as yet. The Flip Chart is now being stored by Barbara. Thank you to Alistair and Barbara for helping.
d)International Links
Town Twinning’s: Metzinghen: told unlikely to be a U3A: Noyon: no response as yet. Information on international links in September Newsletter but will contact Convenors individually in October. / SL
11. / Social Events:
a)New members Pop in Hour, Monday Oct 30th, 10-11am at The County Hotel.
b)All members coffee morning Monday Nov 13th, 10-12pm at The County Hotel.
c)Barbara has kindly offered to host a Garden Party on July 11th, 2018 12 – 3pm. Bring a plate of food to share. Bread, tea and coffee provided. Further details to follow. Advertise in January’s Newsletter. / BH/SL
12. / Publicity Matters:
a)BH has produced a Pocket Publicity Card. AS to provide Egger with some for passing on to staff on retirement. / BH/AS
13. / Regional Matters
a)Literary LunchOct 5, 2017, with Mari Hannah, Beaumont Hotel, Hexham – cost 3 course lunch £27. Disappointing response only 41 tickets sold. Of these only 3 from Tynedale U3A. MW to remind people of the event at October’s monthly meeting
b)BH is standing down as Regional Chairman next year. She asked if anyone on the committee would like to be Tyndale’s representative on the Regional Board. AS is happy to do it as long as he finds a replacement for his Treasurer’s role.
c)The Great Exhibition of the North, Region have been looking into how the U3A can be involved, no information as yet.
d)Region will help to fund any research project connected with U3A matters.
e)The next Regional Meetings will be on:
October 25th, 2017 - Stannington.
January 31st, 2018 – Bede Tower, Sunderland
April 25th, 2018 – AGM, Stannington, / BH/MW
14. / Items for Discussion:
a)The role of Group Liaison Secretary
15. / Items for Future Meetings:
a)Finance Review
b)New committee members to take on roles of Treasurer and Group Liaison Secretary / AS
15. / AOB:
a)It was agreed that we wouldn’t have a speaker at the AGM in March.
16. / Date and venue for next meeting:
Thursday Oct 26th, at 21 Hencotes, Hexham
The meeting will start at 2.00pm
Separate Finance Review to be held at 21 Hencotes after the monthly meeting on November 7th.
The meeting closed at 4.05pm