City Council Meeting

February 3, 2011

Aldermen present: C.Schaffer, M.Bohannan, L.Walthall, J. Schmitz, J. Hayes, and D. Rice.

Several citizens were present as spectators.

Chris Schaffer made motion to accept the minutes. Jeff Hayes seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

County Lawsuit Update- City Attorney John Verkamp had nothing to report. The meeting had been cancelled due to a death. John will reschedule.

Mr. Verkamp has researched the issue on prayer before a council meeting. This is okay, but can’t pray to any one religion promoting Christianity. There can be a moment of silence. The mayor told council to think on this matter and we’d discuss it further at end of meeting.

David Rice mentioned the Rodeo Committee had met and wanted to know how much money they had to work with. After reimbursing City General,the amount left in the CD will be approximately $ 60,000.00.

Mayor Hiatt read his State of the City Address. (copy)

Ord. 11-01- Revising 2010 City Budget. Chris Schaffer made motion to introduce Ord.11-01. James Schmitz seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Mayor read by title only.

C.Schaffer made motion to dispense second & third readings. James Schmitz seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

C.Schaffer made motion to adopt Ord. 11-01. David Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Bid on Old City Hall Building- Mayor Hiatt opened the bids received. One was from Frank Hug Jr. for 503 and 505 East Main, in the amount of $45,000.00. The other bid was from John P. Verkamp in the amount of $55,000.00 with contingency of four parking spaces in back with Quit Claim Deed. After discussion, Mr. Verkamp dropped the contingency clause with same price. Mr. Hug said he knew it was advertised as building only and he had an interest of parking also and would change his bid. Mary Bohannan asked Mr. Verkamp if this was a conflict of interest with him being the City Attorney. Mary Bohannan made motion to table the matter and consult another attorney. Larry Walthall seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Mayor Hiatt will contact an attorney about this matter.

Vehicle Insurance- 2011 vehicle insurance bill from Municipal League Vehicle Insurance Program is due in the amount of $8,121.59. David Rice made motion to pay this amount. James Schmitz seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

City Council Meeting

February 3, 2011

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Building/Property Insurance- Bid from Angie Young with Arkansas Valley Insurance in the amount of $9,466.00. David Rice made motion to pay this amount. James Schmitz seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

2010 /2011 Water Budget- The council looked at the water budget as per October 2010 meeting,to see if any revision needs to be addressed. It was decided to revise again in 90 days.

Project Coordinator Report-Tracee presented her monthly report. (copy) Chris Schaffer suggested putting the council minutes on the website.

Police Report- Billy Atchley presented his monthly report. He told the council that we received the BAC machine. Larry Walthall said he has a concern about supporting the Police Dept. equipment. Mayor Hiatt asked about the WIFI situation that Roger Martin installed for the police department. Billy tried to contact him and has had no response. John Verkamp will send Mr. Martin a letter concerning the matter of repaying the city for the equipment that did not work.

Superintendent Report-George Talkington was out of town due to a death in his family. Mayor Hiatt gave an update on employee Bobby Kaempfe. He will be employed two years in April and at that time can get his water license.

All invoices for the previous month of City General and Water/Sewer O & M accounts were presented to the council for review and discussion. After review, all paid invoices were approved by Mary Bohannan and seconded by David Rice. Motion carried 6-0.

James Schmitz made motion to approve the bill for the water audit in the amount of $10,244.75 to be transferred from W/S Revenue to W/S O & M account. David Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

James Schmitz made motion to approve the transfer of $75,000.00 from W/S CD to City General to help pay on the new city hall loan. Chris Schaffer seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.

Jeff Hayes reported on the Dog Shelter. He had copies of other city ordinances to control animals and licensing. Mayor Hiatt wants Jeff Hayes, Billy Atchley and John Verkamp to look at this matter and see what would be feasible for our city.

Larry Walthall suggested having an Employee Suggestion Reward and would like for the council to give this some thought.

City Council Meeting

February 3, 2011

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Back to the thoughts on prayer before city council. The mayor asked for thoughts from each councilman: David Rice- a moment of silence, James Schmitz- a moment of silence, Chris Schaffer- a moment of silence, Larry Walthall- a moment of silence, Jeff Hayes- a moment of silence, Mary Bohannan wants to have prayer. The majority rules.

James Schmitz made motion to adjourn. Larry Walthall seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.



  1. From to the Census Bureau website… “Next week, the U.S. Census Bureau anticipates releasing local-level 2010 Census population counts for Arkansas.” YAY!!
  1. Still don’t know anything about the sidewalk grant.
  1. Updating the City’s website and facebook on a regular basis.
  1. The Health/Fitness Fair on January 29 was very successful. I plan on doing it again next year.
  1. There will be a public meeting for Springfest next Thursday, February 10 at 7pm at the Community Center. Springfest will be Saturday, April 30. Right now, Springfest will include the Charleston Cruisers’ Car Show at the Fairgrounds and an arts and crafts fair at the Community Center.
  1. Fishing Derby will be May 21.
  1. I worked with the Fort Smith Chamber to organize a bus ride to Little Rock for the Legislative Gala. Unfortunately, the bus ride was cancelled due to the weather on Tuesday.
  1. The Charleston Chamber Banquet is Saturday, March 5 at 7pm at the Charleston Elementary Cafeteria. It would be great to see all of you there!